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ECU tuning questions


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i might be looking at doing some major engine mods this winter. it's up in the air right now, but i'm looking at turbocharging, head work, new cams, and things of that nature... anyways, i'm worried about how the ECU is going to handle this, especially something as extreme as turbocharging or new cams. i decided it would be smarter to look into this before rather than after i've reworked the top half of the engine...


does anyone on here have any suggestions as to what i should do about the ECU, and does anyone on here have experience with tuning like this, and maybe be willing to help me out? anybody know someone or a shop that specializes in this? any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated... i'm certainly not asking for any free help, but any project this winter is going to strain my wallet.



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I'll give you the same advice that was given me when I started talking to a local tuner about building up a super engine for my Camaro. Switch in an aftermarket stand-alone computer. FAST (http://www.fuelairspark.com) was recommended to me. Good stand-alones are not cheap, but if you going forced induction, it’s almost a necessity. With a new car like yours, you’ll probably need to piggyback the stand-alone with the factory computer. Using the stand-alone to run the fuel and spark and letting the factory computer control everything else.
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i've considered something like that... i would love to switch to an aftermarket ECU, but how much are we talking price wise? and can i just switch out the ECU and rewire the engine, instead of buying a whole new engine harness and sensor package? anybody out there have experience with aftermarket computers? piggyback computer perhaps...


i know a ton of mustang owner supercharge their cars on factory computers, so i'm still considering a new program for the factory ECU. if i can pull off an aftermarket ECU or piggyback computer though for somewhat cheap, i'd be more than happy to make the switch. anyone price this stuff? and anyone know how to tune an aftermarket ECU?


i'm looking for a decent boost in power without blowing up the motor, nothing crazy...


HELP!!! :confused:

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Originally posted by recklessOP:

i've considered something like that... i would love to switch to an aftermarket ECU, but how much are we talking price wise? and can i just switch out the ECU and rewire the engine, instead of buying a whole new engine harness and sensor package? anybody out there have experience with aftermarket computers? piggyback computer perhaps...

Holley sells the Commander 950 for around $500-600, but FAST and Accel start around $1100-1300. The FAST system that I was looking at was was $2200, but included an intergrated wide-band O2 sensor.


You can create or buy adaptors that will plug the stand-alone into the factory harness. The only guy I know that KNOWS this stuff is Lee Howie in Grove Port

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There are lots of options available. I looked at almost everyone of them when we chose the setup for our car so here are some links. smile.gif


Electromotive (tec 2 and tec 3) - http://www.electromotive-inc.com


Lots of people use this with great results.


Autronic - http://www.autronic.com


Has some nice auto tune features and other things. This was my first choice originally but I decided it had way more features than I really needed.


SDS - http://www.sdsefi.com


I chose this one. Very simple setup with no as many options as the others but it still gets the job done and is a bit cheaper as well.


DTA - http://www.dtafast.co.uk


Good stuff here as well.


There are plenty of other ones these are just the ones I looked at when I was trying to decide since they were ones people had already used on my application. Also check out haltech and the holley and accel options they are very good as well.



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I am probably one of the only ones on the board who has expierence in tuning and installing stand alone systems. There are many out there, and for ease of installation/use, go with the FAST system. Very easy to use and tune. If you are gonna go all out and spend all kinds of crazy money on the car, Might as well use a stand alone. It will get rid of your speed limiter, and you can set your rev limiter to whatever you like.


Now, since you are building a modular car, there are lots of things you can do to make more power. I'm personal friends with the tyminskis, Tyminskis Thats a good start.

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probably not going to attempt anything too crazy in the near future, but thanks for the help regardless. at this point, a custom chip is what i'm looking at. still looking at a stand alone or something for my corvette though...


as far as the mustang goes, i have no desire, nor the money, to completely replace the original shortblock right now, as well as the transmission and rear end... right now i'm going to keep my plans around the 450 hp level to insure i don't have to make any MAJOR shortblock or fuel system changes, and with some work, the tranny and rear end should at least survive for a while...


i do happen to have a friend or two that could help me out with this motor though, so we'll see what i can cook up by next spring. perhaps doritos will be on the menu after all... ;)


thanks for all your help guys! :D

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Originally posted by Turbo Prick:

I'm personal friends with the tyminskis, Tyminskis Thats a good start.

You know Mike?! From where? I met him a few times back in the days of the Scary Canary. See if he rembers the little people at the TCCoA. tongue.gif


And mat, the chip will get rid of your speed limiter and play with oyur timing and AFR a bit to optimize hp. A custome EEC reflash can change just about every perameter set by your computer, including the nasty limiter you'll hit at about 4500-5000 driveshaft RPM. Contact them and see what they can do. You can have a flashed EEC for drivign around, and have a "flip chip" tied into you boost controler, neat shit.

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I just bought the complete exhaust off his new car. Hes got kooks as a vendor now, and they are making him some custom shit.


Oh, the tune in his car came from me. Was worth .25 over his tune. Hes running a TEC-3 as well. We were both some of the first people to get the TEC-3 las summer.I have #62 and #81 of the first 100 that were produced. Yeah, they were free......

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FAST has been pretty popular w/ the LT1 guys, and the new Accell DFI 7 seems to be pretty promising too.


Mototec is another system a couple of REALLY quick street LT1 guys are running, though it is big $$.


Is there any software out there for the 4.6 guys to burn their own chips themselves?? I'd HATE to have to spend god knows what kinda of money to have people send me chip after chip to get it right.

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Originally posted by Turbo Prick:

I am probably one of the only ones on the board who has expierence in tuning and installing stand alone systems.

LOL, uh, not the only one. ;)


I like the Electromotive TEC3 system, mostly because of the flexibility in ignition timing it gives you with it's crank fire distributorless system. If your car wasn't originally a distributorless system (which yours is), then this can be a big advantage over other systems. If you really want to break your wallet, try playing around with one of these: www.efitechnology.com

The 2.1 ECU is the system used in this car:



It’s badass, but probably a bit more then you would need. ;)

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