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need ideas to take care of nieghbor...

kawi kid

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pretty much what the title says. me and this one neighbor have been:bitchfight: back and forth. well not really me. he keeps pullin shit just to fuck with me and i think he is just trying to get a rise ouf of me but i keep ignoring him but im pretty fed up.


it all started about two weeks ago when im sitting at my kitchen table surfing O.R. and i have the windows open and i hear my name said. so i kinda start listening a little closer and this asshole is out there talking about me.

Now me and this guy have got along for along time. i have owned this house going on 4 years now, and not once have me and him had a single problem. Me and him have sat and drank beer together in my garage!!! we have always been on good terms.

so i started listening harder and i hear him talking and realize he is talking to the new guy that just moved in on the other side of him. he procedes to tell this guy i am an asshole, prick, mother fucker, worthless bastard, pretty much everything but a black man (thats not a racist remark). and im sitting there listening to all this and i know he has no idea i can hear any of this. so my gf walks into the room and i say listen to this shit.

he goes on to tell this guy my parents own an oil company and bought me everything i have. this is when i lose it!:mad::mad::mad::mad: i look at my gf and she has this look on her face:eek:. she knows im gonna kill him.

I have been working for our family buisness since i have been 14 years old and started recieving a paycheck hourly based. nothing has ever been given to me. i have had to work and im proud that my parents have instilled that quality in me. i bought this house my cars and my bike all myself. the only thing in my house i didnt buy was my furniture and it was a graduation gift from my parents from 6 years ago. and my mother and gf completely re-decorated my whole house while i was in bristol last year over a weekend as a surprise and some of the paint and draperys my mother bought. other than that i was all out of my pocket.

me still being:mad::mad::mad: i ask my gf do you think i should go over and ask him what the deal is? she says "yes but please dont kill him i dont have the money to bail you out tonight plus i have to work tomorrow!!" :lol: so i agree and i walk over and he is still running me in the ground when i walk around the corner of his garage.

the look on his face was priceless. that was truly worth the walk over itself. my first words were "whats up _____ nice night! what you doing? heard my name thought i would see what the problem was." his reply was to start threatening me cuz ,in his version of the story, i knocked on his door to accuse him of unclipping my dog from her chain. the real version was i asked if he had seen my dog one night cuz she somehow was loose and she dont have the thumbs to operate the dog clip. he actually told me he was gonna kick my ass. "23 to 33 ill knock you on your ass!" i just laughed in his face and told him to start swinging. (but in a nice way)

i explaned to him i ask i never accused but when he realized i wasnt the least bit scared of his threats he actually tried to be nice me. he introduced me to the new guy and i politely said hi and that

if he needed anything he could always ask. then i stated the fact "o by the way, everything located on that lot over there has been bought by me no matter what this guy says" then i walked away.

From that night on my neighbor hasnt even looked at me let alone talk to me.:D im happy figuring i have made my point but two times now i have come home from work and found that he has taken dog shit and thrown in on my sidewalk leading into my back door.

in the mornings when i wake up i let my pit out my back door and she does her buisness and comes back in for her breakfast. now every other or three days i take the time to pick it up. evidently i have missed a few pieces here or there, so twice he has taken what he could find and thrown it on my sidewalk right out side my back door. :mad::mad::mad: i understand if i would leave it for weeks on end but maybe a day or two is not so bad seeing that in the evening she is put out back of my property on a running cable and thats where she does the rest of her stuff. so its maybe two piles at most cleaned up every other day.:rolleyes:

now i feel i have let it go long enough and let him get a good head start but its war now. what can i do to get back at him with out getting myself thrown in jail. i have thought about putting some stuff in his fish pond he has out back to kinda make the fish swim belly up, or put him online as a male seeking male parnter kind of thing. but i cant decide. help me out here please. :confused::confused::confused:

thanks. sorry about the grammar and spelling im tired and its been a long day so be easy on that stuff.

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This would totally piss me off!! This will get a whole lot worse if you get back at him at his level. Find a way to mess his little world up without having anything to do with it. Watch King's "Needfull Things".

My point is if you only had someone else you didn't like you could "borrow" something and "loan" something else, without actually "doing" it.

This guy sounds like a neighbor from hell.

Shit like that is why I moved out to the country.

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Is this guy even worth it? Don't escalate things unless one of you plans on moving soon. It's not worth it because eventually someone will crack (even if it's not you) and end up doing something drastic.

Just let this guy be a dick...eventually he'll get sick of scraping up dog shit just to mess with you once he realizes he's not getting a rise out of you.

I know it sounds a little:supergay:, but you could always "kill 'em with kindness". Every time you see the guy, smile and wave - you don't have to talk to him or anything, just act friendly. 9 times out of 10, it'll infuriate him even more knowing that his childish antics aren't bothering you in the least. Then he'll get fed up, pissed off, and give up... unless he snaps and does something even more drastic -- in that case, get a camera.

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its not a good thing to have pissed off neighbors. i would just ignore him unless you plan on moving very soon. i mean do you really want to live next door to your enemy?

kill him with kindness. make him think you are his friend. then 10 years from now, when he never expects it, exact your revenge.

keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

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I would NOT stoop to his level and do the stupid junk that he does. I do agree that you don't want your neighbor pissed at you. BUT...

This is what I would do. I would call the local law enforcement. (Not for him talking about you, but for putting crap on your sidewalk and for threatening you) You can really make his life hell.

If you need advice on what you should do on the law enforcement side, send me a PM.

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Dont call the local law. Thats lame. I like the kill him with kindess idea. Then one night have him over for beers, put a little ghb in his beer and when he passes out tie him up naked and chain him to his front porch. :lol::D

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Whats the big friggen deal... DEEDs speak louder than words...

The larger Question is WHY would he say those things ?

Is HE the Prick ?

Do you think his house is going to move 500 yards away from yours....

Man Neighbors dont go no where, the situation isnt going to change... Ignore him ( P.S. it is your dogs poop he is throwing )... Just move on and enjoy your life, why risk anything that would take you away from your wife ( kids ? ) and dog ..

Time will sort out who is a good / bad person

IMO P.S. that is a racist remark ( the BLACK comment ) ... If it isnt what is it ?

Also why is your dog pooping in other peoples yards, ( or is he walking into your yard for the poop ?? ) and why is a PIT just being let out the back door ? ( or is he always on a clip ? ) Does he have kids ?? maybe this makes him nervous.... ..

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Whats the big friggen deal... DEEDs speak louder than words...

The larger Question is WHY would he say those things ?

Is HE the Prick ?

Do you think his house is going to move 500 yards away from yours....

Man Neighbors dont go no where, the situation isnt going to change... Ignore him ( P.S. it is your dogs poop he is throwing )... Just move on and enjoy your life, why risk anything that would take you away from your wife ( kids ? ) and dog ..

Time will sort out who is a good / bad person

IMO P.S. that is a racist remark ( the BLACK comment ) ... If it isnt what is it ?

Also why is your dog pooping in other peoples yards, ( or is he walking into your yard for the poop ?? ) and why is a PIT just being let out the back door ? ( or is he always on a clip ? ) Does he have kids ?? maybe this makes him nervous.... ..

he would say those things cuz he is old retired and gossips more than old bitty. and the comment was an expression nothing more.;) and my pit isnt just pooping in someone elses yard unclipped. the yard is shared between houses. if i notice it is more on his half than mine i pick it up imediately. he has no kids that live with him nor does he have grandkids that come visit him. and dog dont make him nervous he used to come over and pet it, back when we got along.

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and why is a PIT just being let out the back door

What the fuck is the difference if it is a PIT or not? What are you trying to say ass goblin? I bet if he said golden retriever you wouldnt of commented on this. Open you eyes, everyone... not just Sonny. Pit Bulls are not bad dogs. The owners the problem. not the breed

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can you stash a tub of chicken liver in or on his vehicle? that stuff gets real rank when left open for a day or 2.

LOL, we were talking about stuff like this on Saturday night. One guy had some friends live a few dead minnows in his car in a zip lock bag in the summer.

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put the dog shit under his car door handels. when he goes to get in the car he gets is all over his fingers. is this place a duplex? does he have a basement with a sump pump?? expandable foam in the sump pump discharge pipe will really fuck up his world. just a few things for ya

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put the dog shit under his car door handels. when he goes to get in the car he gets is all over his fingers. is this place a duplex? does he have a basement with a sump pump?? expandable foam in the sump pump discharge pipe will really fuck up his world. just a few things for ya

I likey

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Do any cars on his property ever block the sidewalk? Does he ever have any loud gatherings/parties? Police

Does he ever have "campfires" on his property? Are they allowed in your town? Fire Dept

Does he ever do home improvement projects w/o permits? Any bushes hanging over onto the sidewalk, or blocking a view around the corner? Sidewalk in disrepair? Zoning Commission

Anonymous calls that will drive him up a freakin' wall, even if they just come out & talk to him. Better yet if they warn or fine him

We've got some older neighbors who don't like our boys from when they were little & would sometimes cross into their yard while playing. They pull this kind of crap on us all the time. They even tried pumping their basement flood water onto our property last summer, 'til I found it when our yard started flooding & went over & put an end to that!

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