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need ideas to take care of nieghbor...

kawi kid

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hmmmm im really liking all the ideas but i really am all about the phsycological warfare :lol:

the candle and drain plug thing is perfect for this but im going to wait and see if he raises the stakes.

i dont think that i mentioned this is the second or third time he has done this. and its always jus right after i pick up the stuff so its either just from that morning or its pieces that have broken off of piles i have already rounded up. but ignoring him hasnt worked yet.

tomorrow im going get a scout camera that is motion activated to see who it really is him or his wife. but both of them are retired and werent to happy that a 21 year old bought the house next to them 4 years ago. so maybe they have had enough of my schenanigins :lol:

Send them flowers. Cheap flowers of course, but send em. It will drive them insane. Then bake them cookies..don't spend a lot of money. They won't eat them.

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Send them flowers. Cheap flowers of course, but send em. It will drive them insane. Then bake them cookies..don't spend a lot of money. They won't eat them.

lol good ideas also.....

i was thinking of just putting up a six or seven foot wall just in the between the houses. it will drive them nuts not to be able to see what is going on. what will they have to talk gossip about!!!! :eek:

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I love OR.net :D Even though It gave me pink eye, and I had to go to the doctor. Which in turn made me deathly ill on top of it all, and yesterday I had to take the female to Cleveland Clinic and drive through rush hour traffic, sick as a dog wishing I was dead, I still love the site. BTW Ben(yen soljax) this is all, somehow, your fault.

To sum up this thread, the only people who hate pitts, have never owned one. Sonny is here (imho) to push his own boards, and events. Fonzie is a good guy with a good sense of humor (which is pretty obvious, he drives a Honda), who, is really easy to get along with and I can't believe for one second he'd go after someone unprovoked.

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I love OR.net :D


Even though It gave me pink eye, and I had to go to the doctor. Which in turn made me deathly ill on top of it all, and yesterday I had to take the female to Cleveland Clinic and drive through rush hour traffic, sick as a dog wishing I was dead


I still love the site. BTW Ben(yen soljax) this is all, somehow, your fault.

+1 he farted in your helmet, bare-assed

To sum up this thread, the only people who hate pitts, have never owned one. Sonny is here (imho) to push his own boards, and events. Fonzie is a good guy with a good sense of humor (which is pretty obvious, he drives a Honda), who, is really easy to get along with and I can't believe for one second he'd go after someone unprovoked.


now back to the topic...

magazine subscriptions for your neighbor...guy porn magazines if you're really mean...

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So this is what's going to happen... You stoop to his level and do some childish crap... He gets pissed off and calls the cops. After finding evidence of what you've done, they bring YOU to jail, when he was the one that started this whole mess.


im sure Wes, Seth, and I could keep ya outta here haha ;)

how bout burn outs on his driveway....

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Yeah yeah yeah... Kill him with kindness but when that fails or it just starts eatting at you that you did nothing to this dickhead for him to say anything about you, go to your local sporting goods store. In the hunting section you will find an asortment of scent attractants and scent cover ups.

ie. skunk piss, fox piss, racoon piss, deer piss, doe estrus, buck seman... You get the picture...

Now you can apply your selection in a number of ways just a little bit over time, all at one time (which might just drive you nuts if you're down wind) or my favorite injection into the rubber seals around his car windows.:D

If you know anyone that has to take allergy shots or just has a drug problem get one of their syringes and give his car a dose of piss right in the drivers door. :lol:

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While I still advocate the kill 'em with kindness, I guess the second step (kinda of nochknstrps said) is start buying 'liquids'.

Vaseline on the glass and under all the door handles leaves quite the mess.

And, with enough rolls of saran wrap... you can seal doors closed and it makes the cleanup of the Vaseline even more of a bitch.

And the nice thing about all this... no permanent damage (at least I'm not aware of any), just a huge PITA.

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Those ideas are all great...and funny..and vindictive as hell...but anyone can go by a camera and record you doing this shit. Then it's not funny anymore. The whole purpose of torturing someone is to, well, torture them, but not get caught in the process. What good does all the abuse do when he gets charged with something and then has to spend $$ on legal fees? If you want to piss him off and don't care about the aftermath, then go ahead and throw a brick through his windshield. There. Done. If you are going to leave piss and shit and vaseline all over the place for him to find, don't you think he will figure out real quick who did it? Then what? Now he retaliates...then you do..rinse repeat. If you are going to do something like that, you had better make sure you are long gone before you do it. if you plan on living there for a while, you need to resort to psychological warfare or do things that he will have absolutely NO idea you had anything to do with. This isn't 8 yr old next door neighbor games we are talking about. These are adults who have shit to lose and are able to buy guns and other weapons. All this retaliation talk is funny...and nice...but doesn't make a whole lotta sense if you live right next door to the person. Use your head.

For those who haven't read The Art of War, go pick up a copy. Hell you can probably find it online somewhere free.

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For those who haven't read The Art of War, go pick up a copy. Hell you can probably find it online somewhere free.

And I thought you were on the verge of being a buddhist.

Actually Kawi kid, more than likely you don't have to do anything at all, cause you already made him look like a complete ass in front of his new neighbor when you went over and confronted him.

I would say he is more embarrassed now more than anything and doesn't have the balls to come over and apologize for what he said. I bet he has been asking himself the question, "what all did he hear me say?" while kicking himself in the ass.

I say Fuck 'em he will need something from you one day.

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Those ideas are all great...and funny..and vindictive as hell...but anyone can go by a camera and record you doing this shit. Then it's not funny anymore. The whole purpose of torturing someone is to, well, torture them, but not get caught in the process. What good does all the abuse do when he gets charged with something and then has to spend $$ on legal fees? If you want to piss him off and don't care about the aftermath, then go ahead and throw a brick through his windshield. There. Done. If you are going to leave piss and shit and vaseline all over the place for him to find, don't you think he will figure out real quick who did it? Then what? Now he retaliates...then you do..rinse repeat. If you are going to do something like that, you had better make sure you are long gone before you do it. if you plan on living there for a while, you need to resort to psychological warfare or do things that he will have absolutely NO idea you had anything to do with. This isn't 8 yr old next door neighbor games we are talking about. These are adults who have shit to lose and are able to buy guns and other weapons. All this retaliation talk is funny...and nice...but doesn't make a whole lotta sense if you live right next door to the person. Use your head.

For those who haven't read The Art of War, go pick up a copy. Hell you can probably find it online somewhere free.

:rolleyes: Jeez, calm down. He didn't say he was going to use every idea.

He asked for ideas, people gave him ideas. Its all in good fun. :slap:

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And I thought you were on the verge of being a buddhist.

Actually Kawi kid, more than likely you don't have to do anything at all, cause you already made him look like a complete ass in front of his new neighbor when you went over and confronted him.

I would say he is more embarrassed now more than anything and doesn't have the balls to come over and apologize for what he said. I bet he has been asking himself the question, "what all did he hear me say?" while kicking himself in the ass.

I say Fuck 'em he will need something from you one day.

The Art of War is as much about waging war, as it is about when not to wage war.

I still have a copy of his holiness' 'Engaging Wisdom & Compassion" sitting right in front of me. ;)

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:rolleyes: Jeez, calm down. He didn't say he was going to use every idea.

He asked for ideas, people gave him ideas. Its all in good fun. :slap:

no, he didn't say that..and I didn't insinuate that. I am merely pointing out the fact that a lot of these ideas...however funny and creative I might add..are bad ideas, especially if you live near the person, OR if you've come on a public forum and asked for ideas on how to break the law.

We all know it's jokes..or at least we hope it's jokes. But there is NO way of predicting the intelligence level of every poster on here. Better to be safe than sorry. If something goes wrong, the "it was just a joke" defense ain't gonna work.

Carry on.

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well most of the suggestions were relatively safe...

nobody suggested blowing out a pilot light in his house or anything like that...


true..but you're missing the point. the guy already threatened him. And this was before any sort of escalation. All I'm saying, is it takes one 'silly little joke' to set someone off and then the police are called. If you're a teenager, no big deal. When you have nice shit and a wife or family, big deal.

I'm not saying don't torture the guy..I'm saying be SMART about it and don't make it obvious. A pile of shit smeared under his door handle provides comic relief...but is obvious as hell. You never know..this guy might be setting the OP up. Cameras are a dime a dozen.

If you're gonna go to war, don't make it look like war.

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well its funny that camera's were mentioned :lol: i just got a trail camera that we use on the farm to photo deer and turkey. im putting it in my up stairs window. all it takes is an sd card and i figure i lay it out and leave the poop for a day or two and get the shots of him or his wife pulling thier "pranks". i plan on printing them out and giving it to them or taping it to their door just for fun. that will make them think a little :lol:

the mag. subscriptions i have thought about but i dont wanna spend the money on his dumb ass so thats still up in the air.

he has a fish pond out back with some expensive fish in it. i have thought about killing the fish, but i figure thats going a little to far. but my brother in law gave me a hell of an idea when he asked does it have an aerator pump. put dish soap in it and watch the suds begin :lol:

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well its funny that camera's were mentioned :lol: i just got a trail camera that we use on the farm to photo deer and turkey. im putting it in my up stairs window. all it takes is an sd card and i figure i lay it out and leave the poop for a day or two and get the shots of him or his wife pulling thier "pranks". i plan on printing them out and giving it to them or taping it to their door just for fun. that will make them think a little :lol:

the mag. subscriptions i have thought about but i dont wanna spend the money on his dumb ass so thats still up in the air.

he has a fish pond out back with some expensive fish in it. i have thought about killing the fish, but i figure thats going a little to far. but my brother in law gave me a hell of an idea when he asked does it have an aerator pump. put dish soap in it and watch the suds begin :lol:

LOL the pics would be great. If you kill the fish, your dog is next. Do you know how easy it is to poison some meat and throw it to your dog? You won't be able to stop that.

I think the pics alone would get his attention.

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yeah def. loving nicks idea of soap in the pump. that would be funny as shit. then round up pissy pee pants pete and make him take a bath in it :eek: .....

haha someone from coshocton please post up the pic of pissy pete passed out behind rite aid.


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Who doesn't know an oil plug drain bolt from brake fluid lines? :lol:

Cleaner you're silly. :p;)

Yeah, but what if the car seized up on the middle of the highway and the end result was a multiple car accident with possible fatal injuries. Really not worth that kinda risk especially since innocent people could be involved.

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Yeah, but what if the car seized up on the middle of the highway and the end result was a multiple car accident with possible fatal injuries. Really not worth that kinda risk especially since innocent people could be involved.

it doesn't lock up and screech, it just gradually stops accelerating, then slows down...then stops and never starts again...

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