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Pit Bull's illegal?


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Originally posted by Jooomer:

I thought about a mixed breed, but I think I want a pure-breed. I think it would be cool to find a retired service dog. Looking at retired service dobermans. smile.gif

How long do they keep them in service for?


Also the places where we have goten our dogs are great deals. Something like 50 or 75 bucks and you get all of their shots there for something like the first six months for free or cheap and get it spade or nutered when the time is right for very cheap (like 50 or 75 bucks I think).

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Originally posted by Neo:

How long do they keep them in service for?


Also the places where we have goten our dogs are great deals. Something like 50 or 75 bucks and you get all of their shots there for something like the first six months for free or cheap and get it spade or nutered when the time is right for very cheap (like 50 or 75 bucks I think).

From what I have seen anywhere from 5-8 years old.
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chris, dogs always get loose no matter what, and pitbulls shed too i always thought, if you brush them daily it will keep the hair down on a short haired dog, and that shouldn't bug you too much since you are never out anyways tongue.gif
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dobermans=the shit. i've had 3 personally with 2 litters also. my grandma had one and now has a raughtweiler (sp?) those are my 2 fav dogs. the raught is just a huge puppy, but he scares everyone do to what he is, as long as u dont touch his bone, he'll only lick ya to death. plus i grew up since i was about 4 or 5 with a dobey, he just passed away about a year ago, 16 year old dobey, and he was obedient to his last day.
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Originally posted by KBOND99:

Hey man, why don't you just screw the dog idea and buy a gun!!

I already have several guns. tongue.gif


I want a dog, they are cool. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I just can't understand people wanting vicious dogs. I want a dog I can always trust, and don't have to worry about when other people come over, or if he/she gets loose.

Dog's are only viscious if you raise them that way. Another reason why I will not get a rescued or stray dog...
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Actually, we have 2 rescued dogs, best dogs we could've asked for. They are from a program my sister helps out with. The rescued dog is given to a prisoner in the prison out there in London, Ohio. The dog goes through a long training process with the prisoner as it's trainer. The program is very good.




That is basically the same program. I don't think the one my sister volunteer's with has any "vicious" dog breeds. They do have a Mastiff, I know that for sure because she was telling me about it today. If you, or anyone else wants more info, I can ask my sister about it tomorrow and get back to everyone.


Oh yeah, I found out today that my homeowners insurance won't cover Rott's, Pitt Bulls.

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Guest Rane
You know how all these people talk about there cars getting broken into? Wanna know the main reason no one tries to fuck with alot of houses around here. Big scary "Vicious" dogs. Now, with that being said. As long as you train your dog to be loyal and do what you say, understand when you say "Its ok." to leave someone alone then there not altogether Vicious. My friend has a pit, I've seen what it COULD do however, when he doesn't want it to get mean its just a normal incredibly loyal dog. Same with the dobermans we used to have, great dogs(Played fine when I was a kid.) but if you put it "On watch." it would pace around the house for HOURS untill you told it to stop, ready to kill anyone who came near the door/windows.
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You don't really need a big, nasty dog for a guard dog. A barking dog attracts unwanted attention. It really doesn't matter how big or small the dog, if someone is breaking into your house, he/she will let you know... smile.gif
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Originally posted by Wease:

You don't really need a big, nasty dog for a guard dog. A barking dog attracts unwanted attention. It really doesn't matter how big or small the dog, if someone is breaking into your house, he/she will let you know... smile.gif

I know that a toy poodle is ok for YOU, you big sissy, but no. I want a dog that when it barks, it shakes the windows. :D
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Originally posted by GonneVille:

Irish Wolfhound, dumb as a rock, but they're as big as a fucking pony! (biggest breed in the world!)





Guiness record is presently held by an English Mastiff. But probably the breed that's the biggest on average would have to be Newfoundlands and Landseers One day I'll have one of each





Irish Wolfhound's are the tall'est


English Mastiff's #lbs the most on average


I have had both Had a very big male I/W #180 female #125 but she could run down deer.

Male E/M that we have know kind of (had to move him to dad's farm)#160 average size but you could show him.

I have seen a fat #260 I/W in Holmes co 10 years ago or so.

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Pit Bulls are great dogs if you bring them up right, any dog can be viscious if you bring them up wrong. The only Pit Bulls I have ever known are big babys. Just be careful with it train it right and I dont see a problem at all.
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I have a golden retriever and normally he is just a big lazy loving dog that would give anything to be near people 24/7. However there was one time when some stranger was walking through our yard and the dog heard/saw him and he let out the most vicious sounding growl/bark i've ever heard... it sent chills up my spine.
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Yeah, Goldens are VERY good family protection dogs. A Golden would give their life in a heartbeat to protect their family. We had one for 14 years who died just a few weeks ago
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Before i moved to columbus i had an American Bulldog. Its a breed between a pitbull and a bull mastiff. She weighed about 115 lbs, solid as an fn rock. When she walked you could see her muscles bulge out, it was pretty cool. The face and jaw structure is primarily pit, but the size of the dog is all mastiff. She was the most friendly dog i've ever seen, she was just big and mean looking. The only problem we had was she was so strong that sometimes she'd get excited and knock people down from trying to get some lovin. I miss that dog and will own another some day. Any dog can be mean, you have to set its temperment at a very early stage. To be honest some of the meanest dogs i've ever seen are fn poodles. Those little furry bastards are MEAN.
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Originally posted by Keyword:

Hey Chris....




go there, scroll down almost to the bottom, and check out the dog "Diesel". My sister volunteers for this organization, if you have any questions, just lemme know.

I appreciate the link! I have a cat so I need a kitty-friendly dog. :(


I'll bookmark it and check back often. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Jooomer:

I appreciate the link! I have a cat so I need a kitty-friendly dog. :(


I'll bookmark it and check back often. smile.gif

Cool man, if you go ahead and fill out an app, you can put in what breed you want, if they find anything that matches you, they will call you.

Right now I am looking at the dogs "Boomer" and "Murray". I don't know if I want a Boxer though, I have been told they have lots of health problems


Also, here is a link to a list of almost all the rescue/adoption agencies in Ohio http://www.columbusdogconnection.com/othersvcs.htm


Goodluck on the the "Big Scary Dog" hunt :D

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