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New Virus going around


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this one is dubbed sober.o. a sure fire sign you have it is constant winsock errors popping up. just had a professor get it yesterday. also, you have to remove it in safe mode. norton has a stand-alone removal tool for it you can download from their website.
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its nice to know that somewhere out there, someone has such a keen intrest in my computer that they spend all of thier lives writing a program for it. ill hafto send them a christmas card. full of anthrax. see how they like a real virus. that is all.
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Originally posted by i like bewbies:

its nice to know that somewhere out there, someone has such a keen intrest in my computer that they spend all of thier lives writing a program for it. ill hafto send them a christmas card. full of anthrax. see how they like a real virus. that is all.

you can wip up a virus within a couple months, hell weeks if you have a certain goal.
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