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why street racing is a good thing

Guest donny21

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Guest donny21
ok im a college student at columbus state. in english im doing a report and i need some help. in my report i have to try and convince parents that street racing is a good thing and serious suggestions. plz help thx graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by The Vette:

you can win money that you bet on the races if you win them...

Not if your car is slow.. ;) . I bet if I had NAWS I'd be able to win some good races.. ya know? Anyone know where I can get two bottles..BIG ones.. by tonight??
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Guest donny21
lol ok i know realisticlly that street racing is bad i only race on track myself i race at trials and norwalk i was just wondering your guys take looks like ill be switching my paper thaks for the input anywayz and it nitrous oxide im not some honda kid that is retarded and thinks his car is fast but my car ran 14.42 @ 106 mph but if you know anything about me you know that it was totalled new years eve by a drunk driver so dont judge plz but thanks again for the input.
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Originally posted by tweedle:

lol ok i know realisticlly that street racing is bad i only race on track myself i race at trials and norwalk i was just wondering your guys take looks like ill be switching my paper thaks for the input anywayz and it nitrous oxide im not some honda kid that is retarded and thinks his car is fast but my car ran 14.42 @ 106 mph but if you know anything about me you know that it was totalled new years eve by a drunk driver so dont judge plz but thanks again for the input.

:eek: 14.4@106mph you suxors at te</r>h drivering.


and street racing, there is really no defence for it. I would just hope that more people were smart enough to do it were there is no traffic, so that if something does happen no unsuspecting motorist is involved.

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by smokinhawk:

and pay for your own dang college! graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

I AM! But it just kinda sucks :( Its hard to get classes scheduled in the evening because you have to work 8-5 and your job gives you NO flexibility!
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Originally posted by tweedle:

lol ok i know realisticlly that street racing is bad i only race on track myself i race at trials and norwalk i was just wondering your guys take looks like ill be switching my paper thaks for the input anywayz and it nitrous oxide im not some honda kid that is retarded and thinks his car is fast but my car ran 14.42 @ 106 mph but if you know anything about me you know that it was totalled new years eve by a drunk driver so dont judge plz but thanks again for the input.

Originally posted by 10xworse:

punctuation is good.

On another note, the self-righteousness of the majority of responses in this thread is nauseating. Street racing may be stupid, but I'd be willing to bet you've all done some form of it. Pandering to the crowd by bashing stereotypical street racers is as bad as being a stereotypical street racer.
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

I AM! But it just kinda sucks :( Its hard to get classes scheduled in the evening because you have to work 8-5 and your job gives you NO flexibility!

try working 45+ hours, taking 10 credit hours and drivng 45 minutes to work (one way) then 1hr to school, and an 1:15hr back home


life for me starts at 4:30 and ends at 11:30



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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by smokinhawk:

try working 45+ hours, taking 10 credit hours and drivng 45 minutes to work (one way) then 1hr to school, and an 1:15hr back home


life for me starts at 4:30 and ends at 11:30



...don't worry I used to work that much but I found a better paying job for just 40 hrs....and thats your choice to live that far from work and school. At least we're going to school!! !
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