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Free Gossling (baby goose) Any ornathologists or vets out there?

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Basicaly, smashed with a rock by douschebag kids. Despite a loathing for the adult version, I couldn't leave this guy there.

He's got the bummest of bum legs, compound fracture of what would be his tibia, just below the knee. I have it kinda set and wrapped, but its very doubtfull that he'll keep anything below the fracture.

But luckily, he's young enough that you can probably make him like you. He needs a place to live that aint an apartment. You can probably make money off him if you put up a "save toby" style web page. Post his picture, that of his fracture, and his story. Then take money to keep him alive, or both that and money to kill him. Either way, get paid and know you're doing a good thing.


[ 16. May 2005, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> so .... why don't you do the whole "save toby" thing? Seems like a good idea. And geese are cool.

Originally posted by The Stig:

He needs a place to live that aint an apartment.

No way you can even try to raise a goose in an 844 sq ft apartment. tongue.gif


p.s. His name is now Dog

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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

geese are the devil... too bad they are endangered and you can get into serious shit if you kill it.


Federally Protected....not endangered.....if they were endangered, there wouldn't be a hunting season... and places wouldn't contract people to hunt them to keep the numbers down

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Originally posted by Boost Retard:

Does that mean its illegal to run them down when the dumb fuckin things just stand in the road without even attempting to run away from a 2800+ lbs vehicle that comes barreling at them?

Actualy, yea it is. I never slow down, I just get as close as I can and lay on the horn, I've got the geese on my daily commute trained.
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Originally posted by ( . Y . ):

geese are the devil... too bad they are endangered and you can get into serious shit if you kill it.

um, you can kill them, in season, smoked goose is DAMN good!!! Can i take it raise it, then eat it? eric?


I lived on the est side after college, a guy above me and i were talking while walking down the sidewalk, and a goose had made a nest in the flower bed, it hissed and charged us. the BIG black dude niegbor that could easily whoop my ass ran into the parking lot. As the Devil Goose Bitch charge me I took a roundhouse slap to it's head. HOOOOOOOooooooNK!!!! she stumbled around, hoonnk honk! got her bearings and quickly waddled back to her nest. I could not believe that a grown man that is bigger than I am was afraid of a overgrown flying rat. he said, "your fuckin' crazy!"


damn crazy white folk :D

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hell yeah, mama geese are like the Wu Tang Clan, they aint nuthin to fuck with. When this one got clocked, it rollied into the pond behind our apt. The mama wouldn't leave, so pops took the other young'ns off to another pond. I couldn't get within 6ft. I though I could scare off the mom....wrong. Hiss-charge. I waited till night and spot lighted her, and snuck up while she was blinded...crikey! tongue.gif

I'd be tempted to let ya raise it for food, on the grounds that it wont be wasted. YOu'll have to give me instructions on cooking htem, I got no problem axing adults. There's just something wrong with a kid who can bash a baby animal with a rock and not feel bad about it. Make me wana take up the doomsday project where I left off.

Originally posted by Mrs. CentralOhioSubarus:

Take it to the Wildlife rescue on Billingsly.. They will care for it.


(i think its billingsly)

done, thanks graemlins/thumb.gif


STFU to all the Pvt. Piles out there graemlins/finger.gif

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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by 89Z24:

If its a canadian geese ud be doing a favor by shooting it. They're overpopulated in this area and can spread disease through their shit.

Actually, it's Canada geese.


Originally posted by Mrs. CentralOhioSubarus:

Take it to the Wildlife rescue on Billingsly.. They will care for it.


(i think its billingsly)

Yes, that's it. My veterinarian wife volunteered there for a year.
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Guest stevil

I can take it Eric. It will have to stay in our little doggie cage thing (it's 4'x4'x2' or something) and either outside or in the garage... because my cat is a fierce hunter and eats birds, mice and bunnies for breakfast.


Once it is old/big enough to get out of the cage and defend itself from my cat it can run around on 5 acres, and jump in a pond back behind our field. Maybe when fall comes it can meet up and join with other geese on their way to Florida!


I sort of feel compelled to do this, since I bumped off 9 ducks last year. redface.gif

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Not yet. I'm compelled to let evil stevil take it, if it wrent for the fact that the amputation still needs to go down. I best leave that to the pros, since my plan involved beefy tin snips and something very VERY hot.

I am the captain of feild medicine. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Dog the gossling was taken. I actualy got complimented by everyone there for the splint I made. I was actualy offered aposition there....volonteer work of course. I'll benotified when he's fully rehabilitated and released...or is dead, one or the other.
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stupid goose, i'd have killed that little fucker and it's momma, and it's daddy and all it's little goose brothers and sisters in like 3 seconds flat. I fucking hate those things. why the fuck can't they just go the fuck back to canada? why does everything and every one feel the need to make their home in this country, and then expect the general populus to adjust and cater to their needs? damnit it pisses me off!!!!!!!! :mad::mad:graemlins/finger.gif
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Basicaly, smashed with a rock by douschebag kids
that shit is fucked up. someone should smash them with a rock, and see how they like it.


Actually, it's Canada geese.

lol yes. Canada goose, not canadian. they arent citizens of canada. ;)
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