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finally got the call...


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I dislke the running allso but I could allways get at least 14.20-14.50 2 mile when i was in before best though was 12.30 right of basic and i had a crazy ass french guy chasing me too screamin go go go go (insert your best french accent)lol I was more scared of him then I was of the DS'S
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umm depends on the age think i am in a new age group that i have to run faster now to get the same points i did before basicly to pass you need at least 60pts

that equated to like 1530-1550 something like that and a perfect 100 was like really low 12 to high 11

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umm well update

1 i leave the 12th apirl

2 i got my job changed to 25f network system


3 have to go to BT for 4weeks ='s annoying


5 i get to choose my next duty station any ideas thing texas or SC

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