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Buyer Beware - Updated 5/28

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December 14, 2004, Turd Ferguson said she wanted someone to post some things up on ebay for her, as she didn't have a checking account. I said I would do it, she has to type the description, and what not, and cover fees.


A couple emails later she says to send the payments minus fees to her pay pal address. Stupid me for not thinking about the no checking account story.


Now here is the email for the part I got screwed.


"If you wouldnt mind putting another auction on, here ya go.


i got a bunch of stuff when my uncle died and i dont want it, i just

wnat the cash.



Mens Rolex Presidential Wristwatch


Appears to be pretty new. Comes with original rolex box and

certificate of authenticity. Silver, no scratches, looks to be in

perfect condition. works fine. no reserve.


shipping is 15.00


I will only accept bidpay.com and money orders for this auction.


word it up if you can. "



Here is the picture I was sent for it.



I was told she wanted $800 for it, she knew it was worth more, but just wanted some quick cash.


I found someone who wanted it, and offered $1,000.


Met with her on the 22nd of December to get it, was in a rush, didn't have time to have it checked out before the store to send it closed.


Get a call on the 30th of December, the watch is a fake. A good fake, but still a fake. Not worth $1,000. Here is a picture.




Different bezels, different bands, different roman numerals.


I had also listed a few things on ebay, and when they sold, I was told they were shipped, and forwarded the money. Most of the auctions took until late January to arrive, with a hold on my checking account of around $600 the entire time.


I also had to cover the $1,000 to the guy who bought the watch. (plus shipping)



Now the auctions finally arrived, the holds cancelled. More payments for $300, $50, and $50 on three of the items I was told to keep.


So I was out $600 at that point instead of $1,000. (plus shipping)


So by the end of January I was confident I would get all of the money back shortly.


February 19 I recieve this email:


" think i have someone interested in the watch. is it cool if i give

them your email address in case they want to buy it since you have it

on you


also despite this horrid flu i have, i put together more of a package

today, postage will be metered by post office. it contains a money

order of 50.00 plus a few baseball cards with descriptions. cards have

a value of 1200.00 BV. i would just need you mailing address again, as

when i opened the box on the one that came back to add more, the paper

tore all to hell.


if all goes well and my sickness is gone monday i will be working a

promo and making 150.00-200 that i will send you via a USPS money

order as well."


I was told a package is being sent to me VIA UPS from in town. Still have not recieved.


Here is the email I get on February 19.


i didnt get this til 5pm but ill have it at the post office monday.

I've included descriptions of all the cards written out on paper as

well. I had the chance to do a little research on them while sick.



I read that a post office MONDAY the 21 of FEB.


Never recieved.


This is what I get March 2nd.


hey i wasnt able to send it out til later last week cuz i got that

damn flu virus even worse and was so doped up on meds that the post

office wasnt an option, just letting you know i was skipping out on



I have a pair of oakleys I could send or if you were down this way

could pick up if you wanted to put those on ebay too. come with the

bag and everything. I traded my brother some dvds for them. They are

x-metal juliets. black/black. I checked out ebay and they are going

for 200+ dollars.


Let me know if you want me to mail them.



-Still never recieved.


Friday March 4th, about the glasses above.


its on its way . If you dont receive it today you should get it

tomorrow or monday. if you dont contact me asap.


also, do you want me to send this pair of oakleys with it's bag and

stuff. I'm going to the post office around 430 and i could drop it in

the mail as well. let me know asap if you can.



-Never recieved.


Also March 4th


i'll print out a shipping label and drop it in today. it's a red pair

of Oakley Eye Jacket 2.0. maybe one small scratch on the ear piece but

otherwise flawless.


-Still never recieved anything.


March 7th I asked for tracking numbers, and this is what I was told.


not for the first envelope, it was just sent regular mail. the other

was shipped saturday so it probably started circulation today.



Again, still havent recieved anything.


March 8th I go to meet someone she sent to buy the watch. I get paid $250.

I am out $350 after that.(plus shipping)



After not hearing anything about where the packages that were sent back in FEBRUARY, I send an email asking where they are. No reply.


March 15th I send this email to both email address I have for her.


"Enough is enough. I have the money by Friday May 25 2005, or I call the police and report theft."


Still no contact.


[ 28. May 2005, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Assured Risk ]

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Didn't it seem a little fishy to being with to be selling an expensive item like that for her, without any compensation on your part. It's not hard to get a checking account!

Didnt check the price on it, was just helping out someone on the board, didnt think I would get screwed. :(
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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

There is hope, the Oakleys, and 3 baseball cards to throw on ebay arrived today.


Shipped March 17, A couple weeks after I was told it was shipped (March 4th).

Never mind, the Eye Jackets that came are FAKES.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

i know where she lives, or used to live on campus if you wanna go down there, i don't know the address but i dropped off a bike there if that was even really her place

What would the zip code there be?
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She fucked me too.


I knew she was in need of some cash, and she had a "Gucci" watch for sale. I bought it, and QUICKLY realized it was a fake. I contacted her to get my money back, and she never responded.


I wasnt too worried about it, because it wasnt a lot of money (should have tipped me off in the first place) but now that I see what she's doing to you, she should go down!


Let me know what's going on with all of this.


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