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Watch out for the new AOL IM virus.


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I got this like 4 times today.


Here's what it says :


thats life day for you and the rest of days on you hehe h**p://KillingTime.dynu.net/Images.php?pic=00174&sec=(this part taken out so no dumbasses will click on the link) smile.gif


Not sure what virus it is, but don't open the damn thing!


[ 20. July 2005, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Buck531 ]

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For some reason I never seem to get any of these major e-mail virii sent to me, bombarded with AIM pornspam, or get anyone trying to get me to open AIM related virii either, and I've been online since 1996... I guess I'm just lucky as hell.
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Originally posted by Kuruma:

For some reason I never seem to get any of these major e-mail virii sent to me, bombarded with AIM pornspam, or get anyone trying to get me to open AIM related virii either, and I've been online since 1996... I guess I'm just lucky as hell.

I guess you probably don't have 100+ people in your buddy list ;) .
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Originally posted by King Ralph:

I got the link the other day from Kevin (360 IROC) on here.


BTW, virus programs will not catch the virus in the file if you make the mistake of downloading it smile.gif

If you set the program to check a file every time it is crated or modified, it will. Norton hasnt failed me yet with those settings.
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