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hey whats up with this 2600+barton


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i have a msi kt4 mobo thats pretty good at telling what the proc is


but this time i am confused alittle friend bought me a 2600+barton for a trade that we did

got it from newegg and yes i am sure that its a barton


installed everything and turn the system on first it told me that it wa a 1100 amd athlon ok so i reset bios and turn the multiplier up a lot restarted and then it told me i have a 1800+ athlon xp so again go into bios turn the multiplier up more and then it took it to a moblie athlon 4 2400+ is what it is reporting now and i cant go any farther or else the system hangs


the weird and messed up part is my mulitplier is set a 15 and my fsb is at 167 and the cpu is at 1.92 ghz


what is the normal specs for this thing and why i am at these settings and when the mobo is set at default settings it is reading it as a 1100 athlon

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Supports Socket A (Socket 462) for AMD

Athlon XP Athlon/Duron processor

Supports 800MHz up to 1.8GHz

(Athlon XP 2200+) processor


I think that is probably why there is a problem. My guess is that the BIOS will have to be flashed so that you can get the correct multiplier for the chip.

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someone just brought somehig up t me in another fourm they said something about it being a new 55watt barton chip and the bios is just relly confused with it cause the other 2 bartons that i droped in that board it identfiyed them correctly
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ok now i set the multiplier back to 11.5x 183@2.113ghz 1.488volts but i still cant get the dang thing to go to 2600+ now its a 2400+ amd athlon xp

and these readings are confermed through





everything is still reading te same in all programs


with temps at 37cel underload

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Did you flash the BIOS like I suggested??? You're at the highest configuration that is allowed by the BIOS, at least based on the specs that I showed you. Just download a BIOS for the MOBO from somewhere like honeyX and set as needed. I believe however, that you will probably not notice much difference in the settings as is. The temp looks okay to me too so you should be okay to run it like it stands.
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i am visiting with my mom till i leave for the army and she wont let me put it on the net or dl anything on her comp so i cant flash it so i think that i am just going to leave it alone for now its just really weird that the board could idneifiy a 2500+ barton then couldnt identifiy a 2600+
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