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He WAS Beheaded!


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Despite your views or thoughts on being in the Middle East or Americans working in these countries...this is tragic and disgusting. No religion promotes this and it is sad that it is bastardized in this region to justify brutal murders.


May God have mercy on them...because I would not!



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i can't believe they did it again


dude why aren't we pulling our people out of there or kicking everyones ass already? stop letting our people get picked off one by one like this it's madness

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I agree... FUCK them..... goddamned barbarians! :mad:

I agree... all non-military personnel should get the fuck out...


But... pulling the military out is going to only make it worse.

They WILL bring the battle to our shores, do not doubt that. graemlins/nonono.gif


So I say... lets bomb THEIR land....

Lets destroy THEIR buildings....

Lets ruin THEIR cherished things....

Lets put THEIR family members in harms way...

Lets bring the fight to THEM... not vice-versa...


For every innocent American beheaded, we should kill 1,000 of our prisoners....


America must put aside our "feel good" attitude about everything and KICK SOME ASS. Who gives a shit if pictures (inappropriate or not) are taken of prisoners...at least they are alive and in one piece.


Let our soldiers DO THEIR JOB and stop making them be the police and peace officers....

Boys...it is TIME to get dirty... If we are going to win this... we need to drop this "nice" crap....



My $0.02

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The only way to win is to make those dumb bastards die for what they believe in, not to make yourself die for what you believe in.


I cannot believe any religion would support such a barbaric act.


It is my firm belief that we are probably doing good in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places in the middle east, I wish the media would find that.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

i can't believe they did it again


dude why aren't we pulling our people out of there or kicking everyones ass already? stop letting our people get picked off one by one like this it's madness

I think what they are talking about is pulling our civilians out of there, not the military. But I may be wrong. We need to catch that guy that keeps doing this. Hunt him down like the dog he is.
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The individual murdered is named Paul Johnson and he worked for Lockheed Martin...he was living in Saudi arabia. He was kidnapped the same day that another US employee of Lockheed was shot and killed in his garage at home...the video was on CBS news and is chilling to watch as he desperately ran and pleaded for his life as they shot him without mercy many times. Look at Lockheed's home page.




The photos make my skin crawl and my blood boil...I feel horrible for his family...and about the whole state of affairs. I often read The Drudge Report and they have the photos...which are awful.


Also...the enemy is al-Qaida and they are scattered throughout the region. I agree...if it could be solved by weapons of mass destruction, like nukes...fine. But...who do you bomb? However...I agree it is time to stop thinking what the rest of the world thinks. As the most powerful country in the world, sometimes you have to show it.


I see this violence spreading here...and what I mean is how innocent US citizens of Middle Eastern ethnic backgrounds were killed immediately after 9-11. I see this happening again...and worse than before. I hope not, but I think it's inevitable.


I pray for a solution and for the men/women serving in the region. As for now, that is all I can do as a person in the US....support them whole-heartedly...and I always have and always will.


Time will tell...

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its time to kill them all. not just the people responsible but thier friends and thier familys till no one who follows or supports ISLAM is left.


We have the power even with conventonal weapons to turn that whole fucking place into a parking lot many times over.


maybe I should run for president as an independent and get the ball rolling in the right direction.....

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in case someone doesnt understand my last post... they are trying to pray and protest that their countryman is innocent of terrorism when he has as much evidence against him as O.J. did
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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by Hoop-D:

No religion promotes this and it is sad that it is bastardized in this region to justify brutal murders.

True, no religion including Islam promotes this type of behavior. Please read below.


Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

[QB]its time to kill them all. not just the people responsible but thier friends and thier familys till no one who follows or supports ISLAM is left.


Just wanted to post these for those of you who are hardcore in believing Islam is an evil religion and it is Islam that causes this horror.


"Let's set the record straight!

Imam Tammam Adi Ph.D of the Islamic Cultural Center, Eugene, Oregon, tackles widespread misconceptions and stereotypes about Muslims and Islam and the sets out the reality.


Allah: Just means God in Arabic, the same God we all worship.


jihad: Often mistranslated "holy war," especially against the West, the more accurate Arabic meaning is "struggle." Jihad is the struggle to control one's lower instincts. Jihad also means to use a fair war to give a nation freedom of religion if all other means fail. Islam's main proclamation is "No compulsion in religion" Koran 2:255. The Afghani Mujahideen (those who do jihad) fought against the atheist Russians to keep their freedom of religion. Unfortunately, chaos ensued.


suicide "martyrdom": "Do not kill yourselves." (4:29). Self-killers are condemned to hell. Even killing oneself to end extreme pain is unacceptable. Some radical sects, considered non-Muslim by most, view suicide-killing as legitimate.


terrorism: The punishment for those who wreak havoc is extremely harsh (5:33-34). Terrorism has as little to do with Islam as burning a cross to terrorize a black family has to do with Christianity. Terrorism is often done by haters of Islam, peace and justice to sabotage good Muslims causes such as peace settlements, democracy movements and modernization. No Islamic teaching supports terrorism.


on killing innocent people: "And do not kill the soul that God gave sanctity to except by law." (17:33) The Koran tells us that killing one person is like killing all humanity.


Deviations from the Islamic norm are cultural or political biases not based on Islam."


These verses are taken directly from the Koran and the numbers are the chapter, section and verse you can find them. Please understand that Islam itself is not the root of this evil, but militants who are trying to use religion to justify their evil.


That is all. I am sorry that some of you feel the way you do, but I am hoping to spread some light on many misconceptions.

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Originally posted by jmr:


Give me fifty of those fuckers two pigs and a machine gun and I'll do it all by myself.


Tina defending your former religon to me is like talking to a rock you can do it all day but it will never hear you.

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Yep, I posted something similar to this when the cut the head off the last guy. And this IS one way to deal with this shit.


It's time for a can of ol fashion whoop ass to be oepned up on these fuckers. Not a small can but the large Sams Club bulk family size can. The 55 gallon drum of whoop ass. Killing them is not good enough, these fucks need to do some serious suffering before they go.

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Guest Elinar Longsight

Islam was never MY religion, and I am not trying to change your opinion, but just as everyone else does on here, I was stating actual passages from a Holy Scripture.



BTW, while on this topic....Those of you who go to Mr. Geero's and eat, those guys that work there and own it are all Muslims. Maybe we should kill them too because they are followers of Islam. :rolleyes:please note my sarcasm, for I don't want any harm to come to those who are innocents

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Originally posted by Elinar Longsight*:

Islam was never MY religion, and I am not trying to change your opinion, but just as everyone else does on here, I was stating actual passages from a Holy Scripture.



BTW, while on this topic....Those of you who go to Mr. Geero's and eat, those guys that work there and own it are all Muslims. Maybe we should kill them too because they are followers of Islam. :rolleyes: please note my sarcasm, for I don't want any harm to come to those who are innocents

hmmm... wonder why I don't eat there anymore?


they all participate they donate to the mosque and the mosque gives money to the terrorists don't think that shit doesn't happen.

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Guest DagoRcR

I posted the pics of the beheading in pic/vids <MEGAWARNING>


I say the Middle East would make a nice glass factory.


[ 18. June 2004, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Dago RcR ]

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Guest Elinar Longsight

I guess I should be killed then because I support all religions, including Islam. I believe people have the right to practise whatever religion they want and not to be labeled as evil just because some people use their religion as an excuse to do evil things. Every religion I can think of, including Catholics, Protestants, Islam, Judaism, Buddist, Hindu, Wiccan, Mormon, etc have had someone that claims to be following their religious beliefs do something horrendous to others. People should not be labeled by the actions of those extremist.


While we are at it, lets get rid of the whole Middle East as some suggest, including all the Middle Eastern countries. Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel,Palestine, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudia Arabia, Sudan, Syria, UAE, and Yemen(i may be forgetting some, but those are most of them.)and lets kill millions of innocent Christians, Jews and Muslims in the process. this statement is sarcasm


BTW, whatever happened to the rule of no racial slurs, because I know for a fact that "towel-head" "camel jockeys" and the like are racial slurs.


Oh, also, so I don't look like an uncaring person, I am sickened to see what has happened to this man and the others like him, and his family anf friends are in my thoughts. These militant extremistshould be dealt with harshly.

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