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Greetings From Europe!

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Hey everyone- just thought I'd say hi and give you a little update. I'm in Galoway, Ireland right now (where they filmed "The Quiet Man" with John Wayne). I'm at an internet cafe waiting for the pictures from my camera to be uploaded, so since I had a few minutes...


So far I've just seen the UK and Ireland, but starting next monday I'm heading down to ol' Paris for a 34 day tour around the rest of Europe. It should be a blast, but getting home for a rest and a couple stress-free days would be nice.


Scotland has been the best by far up to this point. If you've seen braveheart, you know what it looks like (no exageration, it's like being in a movie). Everyone here is really friendly, and even in the big cities like Edinburgh you get a small-town attitude from the people. The biggest difference is here, as opposed to America, that everything, everything has historical significance. There are castles everywhere, important monuments made 800 years ago, buildings and stores and bridges are all of some significance. Even the fences are the same fences that were built hundreds of years ago, still functional and in use today. It's awesome.


Now, for the downside- the automotive department here blows. Everyone and their grandmother drives a hatchback, and 7/10 are Focus's. The traffic is horrendous (especially in London- it's unbelievably unorganized; bumper to bumper 24/7). One positive is that here in Ireland I've only seen one cop so far, and that was in Dublin.


Conversely, since everyone has hatchbacks, any car that isn't a hatchback is either a CLK500 or an M-series. I saw one ferrari in London, but that's no bother because I'll be seeing plenty in Italy.


Lastly, there's the drinking. You only need to be 18 here, and dammit if everyone on my tour isn't drunk around the clock. I'm the only sober one in the group, so I get left out at times, but that's better than the alternative. Honestly, every single night we stay out until about 2-4 in the morning (which isn't bad because it gets dark around midnight and the sun rises around 3am) getting hammered, wake up for the tour around 7, buy drinks at a liquor store, drink on the bus until we get off around 6 that night, get cleaned up, go out at 7:30, and get drunk until we hit the sack at 3 again. I don't drink, so maybe I'm not getting the whole point, but that seems a bit excessive. *shrug*


For now that's about it. Hope everything's goin well state-side, and I look forward to getting to possibly see a few of you at a meet when I get back. This is it until I get a chance to hit another cafe, so take it easy, and 'cheers'.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Raphael:

and just to think I was in Italy this time last year. man, im jealous. :(

Oh yes.


Oh, don't get your hpes up about seeing ferrari's all the time in Italy. We only saw 1 or 2 I think. But the bitches are EVERYWHERE

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Originally posted by recklessOP:

depends where you go. i saw tons of them last time i was there... smile.gif

whereabouts did you go? we were in pretty much every major city but Milan and only saw a few..
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Guest Ponyfreak

I am in Poznon and Wroki, Poland today. I have been here for the last 10 days. I will be flying down to Milan, and then Bologna Italy this weekend. Then back up to Amsterdam the middle of next week.


Poland has to have the largest concentration of beautiful women I have ever seen. There are not many fat ones, or ugly ones. Just a lot of Blondes that are drop dead knockouts. The best thing is that they don't know it.

I am meeting another woman tonight for drinks...

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Dago RcR:


<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/asshole.gif



I'm back in dublin now, and will remain here for the duration of the UK tour... so until thursday. I've taken about 500 pics so far, and when I figure out how to upload them on these computers, I'll share a few.


BTW- Ireland has been slightly dissapointing. I've enjoyed it on a whole, but it just doesn't feel "Irish"-- basically it doesn't live up to the myth people around the world have of it, and of the degree of "irishness" it embodies. The accents are very subtle, and the culture really just revolves around the pubs, so there's nothing very distinct in and around the cities. In the country, it's just a bunch of farms with stone walls. *shrug* nothing special. Oh well. On to Paris! :D


There are a TON of 'cute' Irish girls here, which is a plus, but it doesn't make up for the lack of irishness I was expecting (I imagined most of the country would be as heritage conscious as the blokes from Boondock Saints).


Alright, I probably won't be on again for a little while so take it easy. And joel don't be a jealous bitch just because I'm nailin european gals and you're not tongue.gif






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