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how can you tell when someone is cheating?

Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman

yeah so here's my clues


never lets me touch their cellphone and if i need it to make a quick call they make sure THEY dial the number for me


goes away for a few hours and doenst come back when they say they are. i call continuously b/c im scared that they got into a wreck or some shit and a random person answers then hurries to hang up. afterwards the phone is off.


they tell everyone they are single b/c they are attention hungry and admits it


yeah, so i dont think im paranoid, i think im being cheated on.

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i have had it happen to me. same story.


he would freaking accuse me of screwing my guy friends (95% of my friends are male) and even my brother's roommate.


I worked two jobs, paid for everything, he had no job for the majority of the time we were together. he had no car and then a broke p.o.s. car. I had no time to screw around. i was too busy being the man in the relationship.


He would constantly use the phone in the bathroom.( knowing damn well i would not go in there) and freak out bad if i touched his phone. (claiming i was "tring to find a reason to break up with him" the truth was i was tring to find out if i needed to get tested for a VD) He was a whore and he screwed five different girls that i know of. I did get tested because of him. Thank god i didn't get anything from him.


lied about who he was with or going with and what they were doing.(he always forget the original lie)


dump her and run. she is cheating.


Whore's don't change, they just find a new sucker to believe their lies.

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Guest busteryhyman
yeah, im really 97% sure she's cheating on me. Random numbers keep showing up in her phone and she makes up the most ABSURB stories for them. She accuses me of lying and i really don't, i support her since she doesnt work (well she quit her 2 day a week job today) and well right this second she's at her moms house cuz they are away, when i called someone else answered and now it's off. if i had a car right this second (since mine is in the shop) i would drive my happy ass to powell and get all my shit.
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sorry, i can't be of more help. i say go with your first instinct, it is almost always right. dump her and find another girl. Trust me you don't want to have to wait to get test results for every std known to man. that was the longest week of my life. there are better girls in this world, go find another one.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Turd Ferguson:

never lets me touch their cellphone and if i need it to make a quick call they make sure THEY dial the number for me

I'm like that with everybody, always. Although it sounds like she's cheating on you, that's not always 100% a sign of it.


Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

the truth was i was tring to find out if i needed to get tested for a VD) He was a whore and he screwed five different girls that i know of. I did get tested because of him. Thank god i didn't get anything from him.

You didn't use protection? graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

I don't let anyone look through my phone and I'm a faithful person.... so that's deffinately not a sure sign of anything... but, it does sound like she's cheating... sorry dude. :(

Turd Ferguson is not a dude.
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Guest busteryhyman
Originally posted by Mensan:

I thought you were a lesbian...wouldn't you be able to smell another woman? I swear I can't get that smell off of my hand for days.

hehe. yeah but im not so sure she'd be fucking a chick. i think she's a fence swinger
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sounds like you have good reasons to believe that, and if you do believe it the trust will be diminished so just move on



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