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More Cops that Suck Dick...


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jesus jack you are a retard, you have watched too many bad cop movies


and to actually call one of the cops on our board a bitch makes me sick that i have talked to you, i am going to refrain from going through your old posts and finding the hipocrosy that you perpetuate.


Sawbinder, take notice that there are people out there like me that deeply respect your line of work, that understand you have to deal with the lowest of society on a daily basisl. I unlike the immature jack know there are bad cops, but does not let the extremely small minority of cops somehow lessen the contribution you give to us

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

[QB]Third, you can be arrested for not following the lawful orders of a police officer.




The law is what's on the books. Nothing more, nothing less. The reason that so many people don't have respect for law enforcement is that good cops refuse to disown the bad apples. You seem like the type of guy to drag a person out of the dashcam's view and beat them to a pulp. I really hope that impression is wrong.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

Obviosly you are biased towards cops that much is evident. I am sorry that your friend lost his life, I can't comment on the case because I know nothing of it. But I can say that your friend was not killed simply for shits and giggles, as you stated above.


There are officers who are not as friendly as others but thats just the personality of the person.


ODB 3,000 never said all cops are saints! There is always a bad apple in every bunch no matter what line of work your in.


I think you need to seek some professional help to deal with your anger, you might find that you might have a lot less stress in your life.


Just friendly advice from a Columbus Police Officer!!!!!

Folks, I'm sorry for flying off the handle like that. I cried like a bitch when I typed that post, and I shouldn't have gone that nuts.


Here's my less angry, more productive post:


I think what needs to happen is that when bad cops do terrible things, the law enforcement community needs to say something to the effect of "this rogue cop does not represent us." What's frustrating is when even good cops who are disgusted by the violence stay silent and don't speak up. Jopek in 6th district has shot two unarmed men in the back, and the county prosecuter hasn't even given us an appointment to talk about filing charges.


The good cops have to stop turning a blind eye to what the bad cops do.

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Thanks to all who stood up for me I appreciate it.


Jack for a person who has never met me and who has only had a couple of post exchanges you sure do jump to conclusions about a person. Your quote "You seem like the type of guy to drag a person out of the dashcam's view and beat them to a pulp". You are the problem with America one person does something bad and all of those people are bad. People like you are why we have Racism, Feminism, and any other isms there are.


If Im that bad of a cop then I should hate all people who drink and drive because a drunk driver killed Officer Melissa Foster on Dec. 4th. Never mind the fact that the drunk lived and that her two little children will never see their mommy again. I should hate all black people because this one person chose to rob a bank and kill my fellow officer Brian Hurst, but I don't. By the way he will never see his 6 month daughter grow up. I could hate the mechanic who screwed me over on my car because he charged me to much. The list could go on and on forever and we would never get anywhere. Hell I should hate you for being a DICK to me but I figure it's just your personality.


I enjoy my job every night it is something different and exciting. I like to catch the bad guy who hurt someone. I caught a guy who had child porn, hes faceing up 60 felony counts for possesion of some really sick photos. Now that made me feel real good to arrest him.


I see so much bad out there that I should hate everybody. Everyone has a story of why they did what they did, and that its never their fault.

People lie to me on a daily basis, its up to me to sort through the bullshit and get to the bottom of story. Its like a game to me sometimes they win and sometimes I do.


Ant. I work just north of campus.


Thanks to all for the support!!!!!!

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