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Columbus racing

Guest powers

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I have felt for a while now that CR has become more of a off topic board than an automotive board. I was looking tonight and there are 1100 topics in the passing lane and 2000 in the parking lot.


I find more and more there are less worth while topics to read and reply to.


Just wondering if I am the only one who feels like there is too much off topic stuff here?

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Your keyboard must be acting up, I edited your post as you intended it:

Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

[QB]I have felt a slight burning in my vagina for awhile now, and recently I also developed an itchy rash. I consulted a well reputed medical oproffessional about the matter and he informed me that The gods of Internet Message boards had cursed me for my ignorance. He went on to inform me that making a post that complains unnecessarily on a message board where everyone has fun is considered unforgivable by these gods, and that The burning, itchy vaginal rash is incurable. I guess I'm fucked. :(QB]

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You are correct. CR has become more of a community for people who share the passion for participating in the automotive hobby.


This does not mean CR should be strictly based on automotive topics. I feel that we have a good group of people that represent all genre of the automotive enthusiast, off topics aside.


Example. Look below, there's a topic started about what type of PC you own. There's replies. Are we to assume that everyone on here likes vehicles, only vehicles, and nothing else? Not so. Myself included, there's other people who have a hobby of building PCs. So that brings us one step closer together as friends and locals.


Another example. I've seen a few topics about mortgages and financing. Nothing near automotive related. However, you have been a huge asset in that field and assisted many people on here or better yet, in person.


I mean, when someone goes to a car club meeting (like COFBA, for instance). Do all we talk about concern the club? No, we also come together as friends, that although we all have a basic interest that brings us together (F-Bodies), we also share many other types of experiences/topics that don't concern an F-Body club, strictly speaking.


This is what I'm trying to point out. Yeah, CR is an automotive enthusiast site. But come on, we're not all on one track and narrow our fun, friendships, and experiences to just automobiles. We like to do other things to, and share that.


I like the off topic shit, personally. It brings more of an expanse to the commonality of just vehicles. There is a peaceful co-existance available to those with the automotive hobby, and CR is it smile.gif

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I agree with what your saying but unlike alot of forums I visit on a daily basis this board has alot of people who actually hangout together and use this as a way of talking 2 each other(unlike most boards were noone knows each other) and my .02 is that is why you see the off topic stuff on here but I maybe wrong thou.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

I have felt a slight burning in my vagina for awhile now, and recently I also developed an itchy rash. I consulted a well reputed medical oproffessional about the matter and he informed me that The gods of Internet Message boards had cursed me for my ignorance. He went on to inform me that making a post that complains unnecessarily on a message board where everyone has fun is considered unforgivable by these gods, and that The burning, itchy vaginal rash is incurable. I guess I'm fucked.

did you get ahold of some bad shit down there in OU?
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Couldn't have said it better Anthony. CR is for the automotive enthusiasts, not exaclty automotive topics. All of us have our respective boards that we go to for information about our cars. (Mustang, F-body, Honda, etc Forums) But on those type of boards the number of people local to you is usually small. CR is a place where people with different cars can get together, share the hobby and appreciate what each other has done to their rides. BS-ing is just a part of that.
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Guest LexIS300
I think most message boards are turning to the off topic, and everyone just being friends. I agree though, it can be bad in a way if it gets out of hand, but the off topic is fun and a good way to get to know people personally.
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Guest StealthECOtec
We had this problem on Columbus Tuning (back before we crashed and had to restart the board, uggh)... We actually deleted the Offtopic forum for a while to see what would happen, and while we had some members start posting more significant auto-related topics, some members simple stopped posted. As much as the offtopic section can be annoying for some auto enthusists, its necessary in order to maintain a certain level of interest in the forums. Plus, like Stolen 5.0 mentioned, auto forums tend to be weaker in the car-related discussion during the winter because many people have put the cars away for the winter around here and dont have their ride on the top of their minds.
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There is a peaceful co-existance available to those with the automotive hobby, and CR is it [smile]
um, did i miss something? no one said anything about peace to me...



seriously, i agree, most of this has more to do with that fact that a. were not a club, were a forum, and b. were all local. well, all of us that matter.

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