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When was CR created?


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Guest riggs867

In 1968, the Government commissioned a group to develop a reliable means of communications for a "post-nuclear" environment. One of the secret missions of this group was to spin off a super secret society that encouraged the repair and improvement of old American automobiles, and to additionally scorn those with automobiles that have too many stickers, have funny mufflers, and mount barn doors on their trunk.


One day, Anthony received a phone call, and heard only one word . . .




As a former Manchurian Candidate, this kicked off a series of events in his mind which caused him to build a web site. The super secret society is now winning its fight over the evil-doers.

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In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court

for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a

maximum security stockade to the Columbus underground. Today,

still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have rice - if no one else can help - and if you can find

them - maybe you can hire: Columbus Racing smile.gif

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Guest riggs867
Originally posted by copperhead:

Anthony had nothing to do with the conception of CR. We have Al Gore to thank for this :rolleyes:

Al Gore was like 8 years old when the Internet was created. Can you imagine if that crack smoker had become Commander In Chief? There is no way a doofuss like that could know anything about secret societies or giving ricers the smack down.
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Originally posted by MotoMatt:

In 1968, the Government commissioned a group to develop a reliable means of communications for a "post-nuclear" environment. One of the secret missions of this group was to spin off a super secret society that encouraged the repair and improvement of old American automobiles, and to additionally scorn those with automobiles that have too many stickers, have funny mufflers, and mount barn doors on their trunk.


One day, Anthony received a phone call, and heard only one word . . .




As a former Manchurian Candidate, this kicked off a series of events in his mind which caused him to build a web site. The super secret society is now winning its fight over the evil-doers.

One of the funniest things i have read lately...
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Guest riggs867

Secret Method for contacting Secret Society:

1. Find an old TV remote (one of the clicker types).

2. Got to pay phone and click remote into microphone.

3. Dial 867-5309

4. Ask for Agent Smart

5. The Secret Password is: Fried Rice


They will handle the rest.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Neo:

Jews don't believe in Jesus so how could he come to you in the form of a burning bush? tongue.gif

hey retard, who said it was jesus?
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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

Wanted to know when CR was created and who was the first to join?

Look at the member numbers under the screen names to see who joined first. *hint* They are in this thread. You can also see the month and year below, where it says Registered: Nov 2001
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Guest riggs867
Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

Damn, some of you have entirely too much crack in your system :D


November 9th, 2001 was when the board was launched. The site, however, had been up with an HTML maim page since September 23rd, 2001.


That, and a burning bush told me to create it.

"THEY" made him say that. We all know the truth though. :cool: Don't mess with the guys in dark sunglasses.
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