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are there any lawyers on here? i have a legal question :-)


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i have an apartment with my now ex-g/f, and i want out of the lease....well the office said they can never take a name off the lease, but can always add one....so what i was thinking is adding her friend onto the lease, and making some kind of legal contract or getting something notarized where both she and her friend agree hat i am not liable to pay and they will make the full payments together.


is this possible? any suggestions?

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Originally posted by doggunracing:

You could sublease it to the friend, but I don't know how legal you could make it. Most apartments don't allow subleasing.

Yes they do, if they are getting paid, they will do it. Esp right now, most apartment complex's are struggling, and will do anything to make sure they can get paid. I suggest subleasing to a friend. Your name will still be on the lease, but they will be mostly liable for what happens. Also, if your gf is still on the lease, I don't see why they won't let you out of it. Most places don't care as long as there is still 1 person in the apartment, because once again, the rent is still being paid.
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well i don't think either would screw me, so i don't mind if i have to leave my name on the lease....i just wanna make some kind of legal document where the new girl claims responsibility...i just don't know exactly what can be done along those lines.
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Guest powers

they won;t let you off of the lease becasue they approved it with both of you on it. Once they make changes to an agreeded lease it leaves the door open for other changes thus why they don't allow it.


As far as a document to have them claim responsiblity you can just type up an agreement between the both of you that is agreeable to both parties and have it notarized. That will stand up in any small claims court which is what you would find your self in for this type of situation.


The worst thing that could happen would be that you may end up with a collection on your credit that may take a little doing to get off but that's about it. Most likly though it would never get to that as long as you make sure you appear at any hearings that would be attached to a bad debt form the apartment.

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

they won;t let you off of the lease becasue they approved it with both of you on it. Once they make changes to an agreeded lease it leaves the door open for other changes thus why they don't allow it.


A lot fo complex's will, as long as someone is still on said lease.
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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

A lot fo complex's will, as long as someone is still on said lease.

Yeah a friend mine had the same problem with a roommate issue, and they offered to take her friend off the lease. I guess it depends on the complex.


But you dont wanna let them get evicted while in your name. It'll make it very difficult to get a place in the future or buy a house.

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