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It has finally come to a end.


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Originally posted by Inspeckta:

That could have been a little more tactful.

sorry didnt come out right

I meant that the country and gov can get on with thier lives. The husband can finally morn the lose of his wife. The parents can morn her lose as well but i don't believe they will be able to let go. At least not for awhile.

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Originally posted by David Putty:

That could have been a little more tactful.

so could the families and the gobs of idiot protestors. So could the state, local, and federal agencies invovled. There is but one person to pitty here, and she's now dead.


When there is a real bill that needs passed, one that effect the lives of americans across the nation, one pertinent to improving the quality of our lives, it takes 4 years to get though D.C. before it can be made law. But with this Shaivo/Schindler shit, Congress scribbled on up and sped it trhough in a week, and the President himself flew in from wherever he was jeking off to sign and pass it. What a fucking joke this country is.

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Lawsuit from the parents to the husband about wrongfull death.


If I had brain damage, just cut me off right then and there. I would NOT want my wife/family/kids mourn over me because I'm a vegetable. Move on with your lives.

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Originally posted by Slowica No More:

Actually the fight isn't over. Now they're going to squabble about the funeral and where she is burried.

Unforantely the parents have no say in tha matter that is entirely up to the husband. If it were me would at least try to work with them on that to give them some help with closure but i don't think it will happen.
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Had a twisted thought about this. Since there was no living will, and the judiciary had only the word of her husband to go on, and depending upon the level of brain damage she actually had. This case, could easily turn into a legal nightmare for at least the State of Florida with reguards to people that have killed another person claiming that the person wanted to be killed. More over, the idea of assisted sucide in the state being illegal goes right out the window.


Also, the Surpreme court's job is not to enforce law, nor create it. Only to interpret the Constitution of the state or the country, depending on which surpreme count you are in front of. What I am getting at is this. Homoscide is basically defined as the act of taking of anothers life, be it manslaughter, murder or what ever level it's still homoscide. Back to the fact that the judicary is not to ENFORCE law nor create law. There are already plenty of laws on the books saying we can't kill our wives. Micheal Schivo could still be charged with his direct hand in the death of his wife. Also, wrongful death suit's are NOT a criminal case, it falls under civil law. Terri's parents could and SHOULD bring a wrongful death case against her husband and suit him till he's broke. I feel that as a civil matter there is a better than good chance that it's a winnable case. And one of the few cases that I feel that sueing someone for everything they have is completely in order.

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How can he be charged with killing her. The feeding tube was removed. She couldnt feed herself or drink any water herself and she passed away.

If removing something sustaining someones life is killing them what about parents who have had the plug pulled on there kids. The parents are the gaurdians, there kids have no living will, they are unable to survive without the aid of life support equipment, and there injuries are servere enough that there is no hope of recovery. Parents pull the plug and the kid dies. So from what you are saying those parents should be classified as murderers. I doubt it.

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Originally posted by desperado:

Terri's parents could and SHOULD bring a wrongful death case against her husband and suit him till he's broke.

He didnt make the decision to pull the tube. He left it in the courts hands and they pulled it.


It would suck to be faced with the decision that he was presented with but why keep her body alive if shes brain dead? You going to sit around and pray that she pulls through and after a few weeks she be right back to cooking and cleaning for you? If she had pulled through what kind of life would she have? The only tradegy in the situation was the asshat parents who wanted to keep her alive.

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Her husband was her lawful guardian. End of debate.


If you do not want your lawful guardian making life and death decisions for you... get your preferences in writing. Now. I have made my wishes BEYOND crystal clear to everyone in my family. Living as a vegetable is not living.


Funny how this exact same scenario plays out thousands of times each year in the U.S., yet this one case blows the media's mind.

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I couldn't tell you what brave souls died over in Iraq during fighting over the past two weeks, but I can tell you Terri's weight, blood type, and dress size. There is something fundamentally wrong with this sort of media bias.


I'm sorry, Shindler family, but you wasted a nation's time. I never thought much of your daughter before and I sure as hell won't shed a tear for her now that she's gone.

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Guest lilchaz16
^^^Thank you. For every Terri there are 4 to 500 people that have died that we've never heard of. Those 4 to 500 people are the ones making it possible for us to get on here and bitch about whats wrong with our country.
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Two more cents???

1) Ya think the mourning parents et al will PAY the medical bills? NOT

2) She had no chance living a normal life, yeah it's sad, but the reality is, LET HER GO

3) No way would I personally live like this

4) Living will, verbage in it to YES do NOT keep someone on life support that has no chance

We all move on - :mad:

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Originally posted by Kohones:

Two more cents???

1) Ya think the mourning parents et al will PAY the medical bills? NOT

2) She had no chance living a normal life, yeah it's sad, but the reality is, LET HER GO

3) No way would I personally live like this

4) Living will, verbage in it to YES do NOT keep someone on life support that has no chance

We all move on - :mad:

Dont say anything about the Z06, I wanna see Marc and Rick fight for it.



Luckily I'm still in my mid 20s and am therefore invincible, this is not an issue for me.

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