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Wide Open West


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they are really good, at least here to me. I haven't had any problems with them. They let me know when a outage or rather scheduled maintenance is going to be occuring. Which is cool i like the heads up. It's just nice to know the speeds and what not are good and you get 3 ips that are static which is cool too, all around i like em. www.wideopenwest.com if you're looking for info on pricing and what not. Peace.
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yeah im gonna order the basic package but add hbo and stuff to the cable and I will let you guys know how it goes, my sister has it and she likes it I never tried out the internet but over the holidays I watched the tv and liked the cable
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I work for WOW, so I probably know more than anyone about it (I'm a service tech; I used to be an installer until I was promoted).


Don't waste your time with the "Value" bundle, the 112k package. It just isn't fast enough. It does pull a true 112k up/down, but 112k just isn't enough. The $5/month extra for 500k package (approx 500k down / 280k up) is a far better package.


The 2Mbps package is probably the best bang for the buck. Normally 2-2.2 Mbps down / 280 up. The 4 meg package is overkill for most people, and normally 4-4.4 down / 520k up.


All the speed numbers are approximates of course, and depends on speed tests, your area, etc. but I've done a LOT of installs, and even more high speed data service work, so I've seen enough speed tests around town to know these numbers are pretty accurate.


We also have DVR's now (digital video recorders), which are VERY sweet.


At home, since I get it free, I have the full 4 meg package w/ our digital service and all the premiums. Once we get our full shipments of DVR's in, I'll have that too. smile.gif

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for 50.99 IM getting

75 Channels including Local brodcast channels

Free Cable Box

500kbps Internet Conection

5 e-mail addresses

3IP Adresses

10 MB of web space


but I was told it was just 10bucks more a month for all the HBOS and 10 More bucks for all the Showtimes (hell thats a little over 70 bucks, and thats cheaper than what I pay for my rehgular cable and my aol is like 26.95 a month)

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For analog cable the channel selection is better but the guide isn't as good for wow as compared to Time Warner. I notice no difference in speed, but more reliability with wow.


The guys who came out didn't even use the old wiring that Time Warner had put in because they said it was so shitty. The install they did was much, much better and they were much more professional. The 'bad' wiring is one of the main things I contribute the increased reliability of the cable modem to.


It was also much less expensive, I think to the tune of ~$100 for Time Warner and ~$70 for wow. So overall a better service for much less. I've been very pleased since my parents switched. It's what I'll be getting, if it's available, when I move out in October.

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Guest h23it
I've had Road Runner and WOW in White Hall. I had the 4 meg package and it was still cheaper than Road Runner and at least twice as fast. Much more reliable too... and the customer service was incredible compaired to Road Runner. Of course I had Insight Road Runner which I've heard Time Warner is a better company to deal with, but still. The only reason I had the 4 meg package was because there were 4 download hungry/gaming college students in the household, probably severe overkill if theres only going to be one computer connecting, but fun to say that you are pulling serious numbers. I ran speed tests in the middle of the day where I was getting 3.8 meg's down.
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Originally posted by h23it:

I ran speed tests in the middle of the day where I was getting 3.8 meg's down.

Sounds like you are either testing w/ a machine pulling other bandwidth at the same time, or using a slow speed test site.


I work through the day and do speed tests at almost every HSD (high-speed data) call I go to. If I find a 3.8Mbps speed, I normally look into signal problems, poor S/N ratio, and packet loss.


I highly suggest using Speakeasy's speed test: chi.speakeasy.net It seems to be one of the most accurate tests I've ran across.


WOW's speed test speed.col.wideopenwest.com, sadly, isn't the most reliable; it won't give accurate readings on the 112k package, normally reads a bit low on the 500k package, and is usually accurate about 90% of the time w/ the 2 and 4Mbps packages.


I use bandwidthplace.com/speedtest for PC's w/ Java problems. It doesn't give upload speeds, and doesn't give accurate readings for the 2 and 4Mbps speeds, as the files it has you d/l aren't big enough. It is great for the 112k and 500k setups.


Of course, there will be times that the network is a bit slow due to maintance at a headend, speed servers being hit too much, etc. Today seems to be that way for me, as I'm only pulling 3.9 vs. my normal 4.2 down.

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Guest h23it
3.8 was with 4 computers pulling a connection, and who knows what the roomates were doing when I was testing. Not sure how accurate the site was either, can't remember which one I was using, I believe it was 2wire's speed test. Thats the test I used to have to use to test customers speed for Verizon DSL tech support, so I got in the habit of just using it. Either way, pulling a 3.8 made me happy coming from a town that is limited to dial up, thankfully its now at 56k, much better than the 28.8 I used to deal with.
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