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Phone Call from George Dubbaya


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Originally posted by Republicant:

John Kerry would have prank called you.

.......the fuck? That doesn't even make sense man, you need to refine your polital rhetoric. tongue.gif


Figures he'd call during the day, even he planned on you being unemployed like millions of other americans. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

Figures he'd call during the day, even he planned on you being unemployed like millions of other americans. tongue.gif

Are you employed? Do you make good money? Did you just get a promotion and a raise?



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Originally posted by SpaceGhost:

Hey I came home the other day and the President of the United States was on my answering machine asking for my vote! I don't get too many phone calls from the president. graemlins/nonono.gif Anyone else get a phone call? :rolleyes:

Yeah he called me to looking for his daughters
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Originally posted by satan:

Are you employed? Do you make good money? Did you just get a promotion and a raise?



I work for Democrats graemlins/thumb.gif

Actualy, my boss had his shot in the dispatch when kerry was in town, granted he was in the background. tongue.gif I have a job, I am lucky. If I had remained at Worthington Cylinders (owned by republican soft money contributer, John McConell), I garauntee I would not have a job.


True story; Ohio has lost 250,000 jobs since bush took office, say that number out loud "Two hundred and fifty thousand". thats alot of families without income. The country has lost 2.7 million private secter jobs since he took the riegns of the country. We're supposed to be happy about just short of a million being recently created? YIPPY Bush, you're almost half way to breaking even!!!...well, not realy. Despite recent gains, we're still loosing an average of 43,000 jobs a month. He has lost more jobs then any other president since the depression, and he still advocates benifits to companies that outsource labor overseas. Who here beleives that companies outsource because labor taxes are too high? That BULLSHIT and you're an idiot to belive it. Yeah, taxes, it has nothing to do with the fact that a chinese man will work for 1/8th the wages given to the average american manual laborer.

Yes, I have a job, and I'm glad to have it. But unlike some people, I'm concerned about more then just myself. When things are going good for me, I dont ignore the fact that they're not going so well for my fellow countrymen.

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

I work for Democrats graemlins/thumb.gif

Actualy, my boss had his shot in the dispatch when kerry was in town, granted he was in the background. tongue.gif I have a job, I am lucky. If I had remained at Worthington Cylinders (owned by republican soft money contributer, John McConell), I garauntee I would not have a job.


True story; Ohio has lost 250,000 jobs since bush took office, say that number out loud "Two hundred and fifty thousand". thats alot of families without income. The country has lost 2.7 million private secter jobs since he took the riegns of the country. We're supposed to be happy about just short of a million being recently created? YIPPY Bush, you're almost half way to breaking even!!!...well, not realy. Despite recent gains, we're still loosing an average of 43,000 jobs a month. He has lost more jobs then any other president since the depression, and he still advocates benifits to companies that outsource labor overseas. Who here beleives that companies outsource because labor taxes are too high? That BULLSHIT and you're an idiot to belive it. Yeah, taxes, it has nothing to do with the fact that a chinese man will work for 1/8th the wages given to the average american manual laborer.

Yes, I have a job, and I'm glad to have it. But unlike some people, I'm concerned about more then just myself. When things are going good for me, I dont ignore the fact that they're not going so well for my fellow countrymen.

However, it is quite obvious that you grew up with the majority of a democrats education plan. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Obsequy Empire:

However, it is quite obvious that you grew up with the majority of a democrats education plan. tongue.gif

nope, born under Regan and lived under republicans untill middleschool. I can identify with under funded schools, we didnt get history books that included the Regan presidency untill my sophmore year, true story.
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Kerry makes calls to get votes: It's all good.


Bush makes calls to get votes: People complain because they got the call, people complain because Bush didn't call them and it means he doesn't care about them, Michael Moore twists and edits it somehow to make Bush look bad and airs it on TV, liberal activists sabotage his phone lines, etc. :D


Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

True story; Ohio has lost 250,000 jobs since bush took office, say that number out loud "Two hundred and fifty thousand". thats alot of families without income. The country has lost 2.7 million private secter jobs since he took the riegns of the country. We're supposed to be happy about just short of a million being recently created? YIPPY Bush, you're almost half way to breaking even!!!...well, not realy. Despite recent gains, we're still loosing an average of 43,000 jobs a month. He has lost more jobs then any other president since the depression, and he still advocates benifits to companies that outsource labor overseas. Who here beleives that companies outsource because labor taxes are too high? That BULLSHIT and you're an idiot to belive it. Yeah, taxes, it has nothing to do with the fact that a chinese man will work for 1/8th the wages given to the average american manual laborer.

Yes, I have a job, and I'm glad to have it. But unlike some people, I'm concerned about more then just myself. When things are going good for me, I dont ignore the fact that they're not going so well for my fellow countrymen.

And the unemployment, that's all Bush's fault. I bet he fired or layed them all off himself! It's so easy to blame the guy at the top for all the problems. How about those terrosists and a huge economic slump since 9/11, six months after Bush came into office? Nah, just blame Bush.


Don't be an economic girlie man! [/arnold]


[ 02. September 2004, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

How about those terrosists and a huge economic slump since 9/11, six months after Bush came into office? [/arnold]

A. 6 months is not a long time

B. we did not loose jobs because of 9/11. Exlpain that to me, please. The drop coincided with the aftermath of the attacks, but make no mistake, the jobs would have been lost anyways. "Terrorism" is Bush's cold war, it is what everything is to be blamed on, Regan did it with the commies. Everyone hated/feared them, and paid little attention to their own dwindling savings accounts and lost jobs. Yet people were still proud to be Americans and loved Regan, Jingoism at work. No one noticed that he raped the lower/middle class. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

A. 6 months is not a long time

B. we did not loose jobs because of 9/11. Exlpain that to me, please.

A. Exactly. He pretty much started his term dealing with 9/11.


B. After the attacks, the economy was hit hard. There was a stock market panic. People didn't spend their money. It definitely affected the business I work at, sales went down! So, if people aren't buying, then that means less sales, less production, etc which equals less jobs.


If YOU own a business, and sales plummet, what are you going to do to keep things running and make ends meet? Raise prices? Nope, especially if people aren't buying! You reduce your production & employment, they go hand in hand. Not because George Bush forced you, not because you're a corporate asshole, but because of survival. Big business or small business, it happens. And it's not like John Kerry could work some sort of magic and make things all better, and pull jobs out of his ass. If he were president through the past 4 years, same thing would have happened.


WWI was followed by a recession and unemployment, the Great Depression. Same for WWII, but we recovered much quicker. Vietnam era, same thing, oil crisis. Same thing with 9/11. It doesn't matter who the president is. Look at an unemployment chart for the last 100 years, you'll see spikes where there are military conflicts or disasters. The best I can find is this, you'll see clear spikes for Vietnam, Cold War, Gulf War, and 9/11.


Oh, and unemployment is going down... more jobs, it's all Bush's fault! :( Check for yourself here at U.S. Dept. of Labor. It was going down until 2001, around 4% then it jumped up, peaking at 6.3% in the middle of 2003. We are doing better now, 5.5%. We have dropped unemployment almost 1% in the past year! Just think, 4 more years and W's chart could look sort of like Clintons!


As you can see changes take time. Look on the left, and you'll see things were worse in 1994. In the 1980's it was near 10%! Many other countries are much worse off than us.


Remember FDR and the New Deal? He created tons of government jobs, but tripled the federal taxes! Kerry wants to do similar things. No thanks! Our economy is recovering just fine.


[ 03. September 2004, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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People did spend their money, buisness did not. That is FACT. That is why the economy is taking so long to recover.


Buisness tend to look in the short run of things not in the long run. What is the easiest way to make money? Lay off a bunch of workers and bang your revenue increases.


Our ecomony is not really recovering. We are just seeing the aftermath of President Bush's spending habits in regards to "War."


The economy will slump again soon. If it doesn't that means that buisness throughut the US are seeing some sort of means to think in the long run. When companies start seeing the advantages to more production, without war, we will see true gains and not just some blip in the market.


I am a firm believer in bringing jobs back to the US. I don't believe Bush's OR Kerry's plan will be advantagous though. The only way we will ever see *decent* labor jobs back in the US is when the government make a capatolist desicion and works with diffrent compains (IE: Not specific ones that certain people own lots of stock in).

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