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Where to go in C-bus on a first date?

Guest sixpackstang

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Guest sixpackstang

Well I'm new to the dating scene in Columbus. Even though I've been here for almost 3 years now, almost the whole time I was with my high school g/f from PA so I never really took her out around here. But we broke up a couple months ago and I am finally taking a girl out on a date next week.


What do you guys suggest we do? I'd like to do something besides the all to common dinner and a movie, but not sure what kind of cool things there are to do here. Keeping in mind that she is not 21, throw out some ideas for me.

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We had our first date at Mongolian BBQ in the arena district.. (its interactive and take away some of teh awkwardness) and then walked around down by the archway park talking, then ice cream Molly Moos.. we could have seen a movie too since the theatre is right there..
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If she's a classy, intelligent type girl I'd suggest going to a nice restaurant...Thai Orchid if chinese/thai is her thing and you have the cash, or perhaps Aladdin's if she likes ethnic stuff. Afterwards, if you want a place to take it really easy, with an easygoing and placid atmosphere, I'd hit up Zen-Cha or Momo's (tea + bubble tea, respectively).
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Guest sixpackstang
Originally posted by COLD AIR:

Strip Club

I like your style...


Thanks for all the opinions guys. Mongolian BBQ sounds really good, never been there but been to one similar. Maybe I'll have to try that out.

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Guest sixpackstang
Originally posted by The Stig:

The Elevator pub. ;)


Actualy, you should go where ever you're comfortable. If she's not comphortable there, then perhaps it was never ment to be. I highly recomend the Shadow Box Caberet for 2nd dates. graemlins/thumb.gif

I've heard good things about the Elevator Pub, can she get in there if she's not 21?
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Originally posted by sixpackstang:

I've heard good things about the Elevator Pub, can she get in there if she's not 21?

I think that as long as your not going to the bar she wont be carded. Food there was pretty good, if you go there i recomend the stone thing( i dont remeber what its called but it looked neat and is supposed to be pretty good)


Mongolian bbq is fun because you can try and help each other pick out your meals together. it also helps you to see what kinds of food thye like by what you pick to put in, like spices, meats, veggies. IF YOU DO GO!!! tip your griddle guys and bang the bong.. (makes you feel cool)

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Guest sixpackstang
Originally posted by Dirty Old Mopar:

statutory sixpack

Haha, she's 20...im 21. Funny though.


I won a gift certificate to old bag of nails today at my appt complex pool party (it pays to have good belly-flopping skills), so looks like we'll probably go there first and then something after that.

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Woah woah.. Your taking a girl out on a FIRST date with a GIFT CERTIFICATE?!!!


I understand free food is great and all, but dont let her see you pay with that... Its like saying she's not worth spending your money on.


(yeah yeah.. i know.. wapce but its the truth)

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Originally posted by Mrs. CentralOhioSubarus:

Woah woah.. Your taking a girl out on a FIRST date with a GIFT CERTIFICATE?!!!


I understand free food is great and all, but dont let her see you pay with that... Its like saying she's not worth spending your money on.


(yeah yeah.. i know.. wapce but its the truth)

if she's 20 and he's 21 i'm sure she'll understand especially if they are both in school.


even so....i'd wait till the second date.

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Use the gift certificate, and use it PROUDLY. The last thing you need some broad thinking is that you are just another meal ticket. Seriously.


People always diss going to a movie on a first date, but I personally feel it is a good idea. Arrive about an hour before the movie, then dinner afterwords. Why???


- Allows you to talk some and get the initial converstaion stuff out of the way, but not long enough to get too deep into conversation or too personal, etc. Basically, enough time to flirt a little and have fun.


- Movie time is critical. If you can't at least get the hand holding and arm around the chick in the movie, you are done. If it's all going well, at an appropriate movie time (basically, slow part of a movie), slipping a kiss in there is always a nice touch.


- Dinner afterwords. You have the movie to talk about, and now she is still excited about the physical activity....you can let the evening go on from there.


Worked for me; 2 and a half years later I'm still with her, and we had a similar date (and the movie was even a shitty date movie....Femme Fatal).

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Guest sixpackstang

Well first of all she was with me when I won the gift certificate, we were hanging out at the pool party with some other friends.


It was the perfect reason for me to ask her out on a date since we've hung out with friends before but haven't been out just the 2 of us. And since we are both broke college students, I'm pretty sure she'll understand the gift certificate thing.

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