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GPD bites (is that better?)

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

I was recently pulled over (front plate) and my suspended liscence(i paid the ticket, but they neglected to tell me that i needed to pay $15 to the BMV to reinstate my liscence) apparently warranted a search of my person and car without my consent. A pipe and a little but of pot was found (yeah, it was mine) but the cop pulled from BEHIND the BACK seat (where the driver spends all his time of course) a single psylocybin(sp) mushroom in a baggie, aka felony 5, that i have NEVER EVER USED IN MY LIFE, nor have i known of anyone possessing them in my car. i asked that the bag be fingerprinted and they said they wouldn't do it. there is a rumor of a crooked cop(s) on the force, and i may have got him. I got a lawyer that I am going to talk to monday.


Anyone else had a situation like this?


Is it true I may be able to plead this down to a misdemeanor?


[ 11. June 2005, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Just Another F-body ]

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I very much doubt that a plastic bag even COULD be fingerprinted. The suspended license gave the cop grounds to search the car. And when he found the pot, (near the drivers area I assume) that definitely gave him grounds to search the rest of the car. You should be able to plead down fairly easily. Don't argue on the suspension, and offer a guilty on the pot if they'll drop the shroom. DA should go for the sure misdemeanor over a possible F5.
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Honestly, even if it was planted you're going to be better off if you try and plead it down. It was just one mushroom, make with the "I'm a stupid kid please don't send me to jail" stuff to the prosecutor and see what happens. Whatever you do don't even think about mentioning that you think it was planted in front of a judge. If you go into court with a conspiracy theory for a defense you are going to get fucked right in the ass.
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Guest lilchaz16
Originally posted by O'Rourke:

Honestly, even if it was planted you're going to be better off if you try and plead it down. It was just one mushroom, make with the "I'm a stupid kid please don't send me to jail" stuff to the prosecutor and see what happens. Whatever you do don't even think about mentioning that you think it was planted in front of a judge. If you go into court with a conspiracy theory for a defense you are going to get fucked right in the ass.

agreed....plus it had to be the crooked cop that didn't put on your front plate, failed to pay to reinstate your license and gave you the pot and pipe. so i could see why you'd be pissed at him.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Maybe next time, make sure your shit is in order before driving around, and quit being a pot head.


The schroom may not have been yours, but I'm going to bet it wasn't planted.

No shit. This "blame it on everything else but my own lack of intelligence" is getting really fucking old.
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Guest infamous me 235

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Originally posted by MJ:

No shit. This "blame it on everything else but my own lack of intelligence" is getting really fucking old.

Yep, "lack of intelligence". Summed it up right there.


Can someone please tell me why anyone would post a "story" like this?? graemlins/doh.gif

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Guest FBody Addict

edit:i had quoted mj thinking it would include NB's quote too, so imagine that is




Originally posted by MJ:

No shit. This "blame it on everything else but my own lack of intelligence" is getting really fucking old.

no, probably not planted, but i was upset at the time, i mean i am being charged with felony drug possesion


i am offended at being called a pothead though, because i drink more beer than i smoke pot, and i only really drink on payday, so would that make me an alcoholic? i just had the misfortune of having my pipe on me, and also a small bag that had fallen to the floorboard and gotten lost under my hundreds of empty pepsi bottles


suspended liscence i can probably get worked out, i was given a form when i paid the ticket that said suspension lifted, so, guess what i thought? the date on the letter from the bmv was from two days before this happened, so i think i may be able to get rid of that, if not, i'll pay for that and the front plate, my fault for not having the form on me, maybe he'd have let me go with a warning or at least let me know what was going on and hauled my ass to the bmv and made cough up the $15 so i was legal(which we were in sight of)


i started this thread for advice, not to get picked on


sorry nitrousbird, i thought i had my shit in order


clean record, so pleading it down shouldn't too much of a problem, do you think they may let me meet with the prosicutor and talk to him about what my options are?


rotarted, i gotta ask why is story in quotation marks like i made it up or something? you think i am proud of this? this shit fucking sucks

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Guest FBody Addict

in short, should i pretty much let the lawyer handle it?


Originally posted by Coke:

Gahanna Police WILL FUCK YOU.

Lived here all my life, this I know. They even fuck each other. Remember a few years back when an officer was accused of beating his son? they got into a fight and the neighbors called the cops because they were yelling at each other in the front yard. when the cops got there they saw that his son had bruises on his face.


Guess who put the bruises on the boy.


my younger brother did it earlier that day during wrestling practice

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Dude, if you get your GF knocked up now, you should be getting out right about the time your child graduates high school. And start getting use to smearing BenGay all over your ass now. So it's not as much of a shock when you do it in prison. I hear that they will leave you alone that way. DOn't know about a BenGay mustache though, but in a few years I am sure that you will be able to tell us all about it. Psylocybin is serious shit. You would have been better off to have a BALE of weed and a big nut of money than having that in your car in any amount. Was it planted, sure it was, then it grew, was harvested and put in a baggie, and it ended up in your car. How it got there is irrelivant, it's yours, the only thing you can hope for is it's not psylocybin, and only a pizza mushroom from your lunch. I would ask that they prove it's psylocybin and not a mushroom from a pizza though, otherwize it's the BenGay enema for you dude.
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The bottom line is, they are not going to care how it got there. You do drugs. You put the pot/pipe in the car. Because of that, even if the shroom isn't yours, you have no arguement.


They might have some sympathy if they just found the shroom at that was it. At least you'd have a case. Add driving with a suspended license, and you have zero credibility.


It's also not the Clerks reponsibility to inform you that you had to pay the $15 release on your license. I had that happen to me too. Luckily the cop was cool enough that he drove me downtown to pay the $15 and get everything straightened out so I didn't have to spend the night in jail.


Hopefully you will get a break and just end up with some community service and probation. If you are lucky enough to have that happen, GET YOUT SHIT TOGETHER. Stop smoking, pay more attention to your business, stop hanging out with people who are stupid enough to leave drugs in your car.


If you are going to break the law, be smart about it. If you are going to smoke, do it in the privacy of your own home. And particularly, don't come on here and ask for advice. It sounds like you are bitching (especially when you believe stuff may have been planted, which it wasn't,) and you'll just get flamed on here.


Grow up, take it like a fucking man, and learn from it. Like I said, hopefully you'll get lucky and not have to spend some time as Desperado so elegantly put it, giving yourself a Bengay enema.

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Originally posted by MJ:

The bottom line is, they are not going to care how it got there. You do drugs. You put the pot/pipe in the car. Because of that, even if the shroom isn't yours, you have no arguement.


They might have some sympathy if they just found the shroom at that was it. At least you'd have a case. Add driving with a suspended license, and you have zero credibility.


It's also not the Clerks reponsibility to inform you that you had to pay the $15 release on your license. I had that happen to me too. Luckily the cop was cool enough that he drove me downtown to pay the $15 and get everything straightened out so I didn't have to spend the night in jail.


Hopefully you will get a break and just end up with some community service and probation. If you are lucky enough to have that happen, GET YOUT SHIT TOGETHER. Stop smoking, pay more attention to your business, stop hanging out with people who are stupid enough to leave drugs in your car.


If you are going to break the law, be smart about it. If you are going to smoke, do it in the privacy of your own home. And particularly, don't come on here and ask for advice. It sounds like you are bitching (especially when you believe stuff may have been planted, which it wasn't,) and you'll just get flamed on here.


Grow up, take it like a fucking man, and learn from it. Like I said, hopefully you'll get lucky and not have to spend some time as Desperado so elegantly put it, giving yourself a Bengay enema.

I agree.... you smoke weed (illegal narcontic) you were driving on a suspended (illegal) and they found shrooms in your car (illegal).... 2 of these things, for sure you admitted... the 3rd one is going to be a given then... pot is an illegal drug regardless if you like it or not... police are going to look at it as you're a drug abuser. End of Story... good luck, but don't look for sympathy from me. smile.gif
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Guest FBody Addict

felony dropped, case, plate, suspension dropped, just have to pay the paraphanelia and possesion fines


kinda figured a lawyer was a good idea


went and paid reinstatement fee yesterday, and the lawyer went and told the prosocutor that finding the shroom behind the back seat was a weak case, so he dropped it

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Originally posted by Just Another F-body:

A pipe and a little but of pot was found (yeah, it was mine)

Your argument ends here.



Simple equation: Don't do drugs = don't get pressed with drug charges. Hell, I didn't even need to take pre-calc to know that one.

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