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Norwalk cops.. no radar???? got picked up

RX-7 Addict

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Last weekend I was driving through Norwalk on RT 20 going home... I had my Valetine one in my window. IT NEVER WENT OFF. Not even 'it being too late'. So I was wondering, is it even possible for the officer to clock me with radar and the detector never even picking it up? It seems physically impossible for him to get a reading off my car without the V1 picking something up.


In order for him to clock me, he would have to bounce his radar off my car, and have it record my speed. Even if too late, my valentine one would have to pick it up.


This is the first ticket I've gotten with my valentine one in my car at the time. The other times I was stupid not to bring it with me.


He 'clocked' me at 80 in a 55. Anyone who says it was unsafe, dont even bother posting. It was late and no one was on the road.


PERSONALLY, I think I got ripped off. I think he never even shot his gun at me and just guessed my speed. Even if the V1 picked it up when it was too late, it would have at least beeped like crazy. but nothing went off.



I would just pay the ticket.. but I can barely afford insurance on this car as it is... please help

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Originally posted by RX-7 Addict:

I can barely afford insurance on this car as it is... please help

One thing you might want to look into is getting a second car if the RX-7 is your only car. Even if its a 10 year-old whatever, you can list that as your primary driver and the RX-7 as your second car. Some insurance companies give you a break if you do this. Mine does, and I'm with Allstate.


And regarding the ticket, your radar detector should have gone off, especially if it's a Valentine. Was he in front of you or behind you? If he was in front of you when he claimed to have tagged you, then there is no way that he used the radar.

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thats what i was saying. make sure you take in literature and testimonials of the Valentine to court, as well as testimonials from police departments who have done testing on valentine products. These are easily found via google. Also, don't try to get out of the ticket completely, just say you were barely speeding, and you just want to be treated fairly is all.
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Originally posted by RX-7 Addict:



I asked to see the radar gun after I got the ticket. He said "the gun resets itself after 15 minutes" .. can anyone verify this? I think he knew he didnt clock me and that was his lame excuse. damn cops..

How in the hell was there 15 minutes between him clocking you, and you wanting to look at the gun?


How fast were you actually going? Was what he accused you of accurate?


Could he have used Laser?


Doesn't Valentine offer some deal where if you get a ticket when using their radar detector they pay it for you?

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The "gun resets every 15 mins" is BS. You have the right for him to show you the speed on the gun. Do some looking into how radar/laser guns work and see if they do reset. I don't think they do. Unless you were detected by plane, I'd take that shit to court. If you ask to see the gun, he has to show it to you.
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