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law question


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OK.... so a guy at work is telling me that if I was stopped at a red light, it turned green, I started and I was hit in the intersection by a person running a red light, that it would be considered "no fault" and my insurance would have to pay for my own car, and their insurance for thiers


and also.. could someone explain the "no fault" law(if there is such a thing)

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The person running the red light would probably be cited for failure to yield.


No fault means that if I hit you, there is no fault from the insurance company standpoint. My insurance covers my damage, your's covers yours. I can still be ticketed (the state has to fill it's coffers).


Michigan is a no fault state, I believe. Someone rear ends you, then they don't have to pay for your damages. Total bullshit if you ask me, and I would extract my payment in 'other ways'.

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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

I thought Ohio didn't have "no fault" accidents

Then I must have been dreaming when I got hit a couple years ago and no one was at fault. No one was cited. I was turning left into Toys 'R Us on West Broad, two trucks stopped to let me through b/c traffic was backed up, I went through and someone hit me in the on ramp to 270 North. Cop said no one was a fault and I wasn't cited.
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Originally posted by JEEENKINNNS:

My mom was hit by somebody running a red light and it didn't matter.. my mom's insurance had to pay for her (totalled) car, not the dumbfuck who ran into her. Four words kept him from paying, "my light was green" :rolleyes:

makes me wana run a video cam on my dash, but id hate to think what evedince it would come up with thaat could be used against me for other things.
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Guest racinbird

NO witnesses then it becomes your word vs their word = no fault, each takes care of their own. Unless the accident is obvoius whose at fault


If your light turns green, you still CAN NOT proceed through the intersection until it clears. You need to yeild to those already in intersection.


If you are going full speed through a green light and someone comes full spped through a red light, their fault. Still need a witness though unless they confess, or had a drink smile.gif

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Originally posted by 94whitegsr:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... what game is that? and is that you guys? or just some internet video?

gaming geek's have never been funnier...


back to the topic at hand. i was T'boned in my dad's mark8 when i was 18. there were two witness's who were at the corner of the accident and could vouch that it wasn't my fault. after i was dragged out of the car via the passenger window by the officer, the kid's friend had enough nerve to come up to me and tell me it was my fault. asshole's.


also, i was the last car in a 3 car rear end, it was found to be the first guy's fault. but he did say, "sorry officer, its all my fault"

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