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posting from the airport


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Yeah, what are you picking up and jesus how fast will you be driving? It's thursday, that's 3 days to cross the country....I've heard it takes longer?


Good luck and pray for only a few speeding tickets, lol

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Picking up a friend who is coming home from some Marine training in 29 palms.


We're driving back his blazer Xtreme and are taking route 40 most of the way.


I'm posting from Tucumcari, New Mexico right now. We stayed last nite in Lake Havasu, Arizona (very cool place btw, not temperature-wise, 103*) We've gone like 800 miles so far. Our plan is to make it to the S-10 nationals in Missouri by tomorrow nite. that's around 680 some miles away from our current location (My laptop GPS program kicks ass btw). We'll party there, and then make the other 600+ mile trip back to Columbus by Sunday nite.


The speed limit on I-40 is 75 in most places with nothing but desert to look at. Have hardly seen any cops at all. We've been doing anywhere between 85-100. I sure hope we don't run into any cops though.


Also, BAM. My father claims to have made the trip from L.A to C-bus in 28 hours, straight. He SAYS his longest stop was 8 minutes. I think he did that because my mother was threatening to divorce him or something though, lol.


Also, if you ever wanted to open up your car to see what it would do, this would be the place to do it. There are several good 5+ mile stretches that have nothing around. Oh well, I'll update again tomorrow nite.

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Posting from about 60 miles west of St. Louis. We missed our mark for the day because I hit a fucking coyote at 75mph on I-44. Blazer is fucked up pretty good, but still drivable. Didn't hurt the 20's smile.gif , but the airdam is fucked.


I'm hoping to be home by 3-4pm tomorrow. BTW, I'll never drive cross-country again. There ain't shit to see on these major freeways.

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