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question for our local police people

Guest racinbird

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Guest racinbird
Had a discussion while at Bw3's tonight. Can you get a speeding tic or a running a stop sign tic in a private parking lot? Since this is not on city streets can a city cop do anything? Im talking about a stop sign in say, a mall parking lot, a 4 way or something. Not a stop sign from a mall lot to a city street. what do you think?
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Originally posted by NECO:

i'd think so, it's still illegal and dangerous. if not, you should.

I was told by the Deleware Co Sherrif dept that you can not. I was hit by a semi running a stop sign on the wrong side of the intersection. Teh Po said they could only ticket for DUI and reckless op. I asked "Isn't running a stop sign in a marked intersection reckless". I got no responce.
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Originally posted by Tenzig:

I was told by the Deleware Co Sherrif dept that you can not. I was hit by a semi running a stop sign on the wrong side of the intersection. Teh Po said they could only ticket for DUI and reckless op. I asked "Isn't running a stop sign in a marked intersection reckless". I got no responce.

I was caught doing 60mph thru a parking lot with a limit of 10... i was givin a ticket for parking outside the lines




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Here is what I have heard. I can't say that it's carved in stone truth but it's what I have always gone by.

Private property can be at the owners request have local laws enforced, this includes speeding. Mobile home parks, apartment complexes are both good examples of this. I have heard of at least one case where this backfired on the owner due to the fact the park manager's lazy ass didn't want to walk the park so he rode around on a golf cart. By requesting police to patrol and inforce traffic laws the manager was ticketed for operating a non licensed vehicle on public roads. He was also issued a citation for not having brake lights and a host of other things. When it was all said and done the owner requested that the police not come on to his property any more and inforce the traffic laws. This was at teh park that my dad lives in so I can say this is truth.


Reckless op, can be inforced ANYWHERE. Even your own driveway. So doing burnouts on your driveway can get you a ticket. Yes, it would take a pretty anal cop to do this but they can. Drag racing, is another thing that can be inforced ANYWHERE. I have been told that race tracks need a special permit to do business, I have no idea if it's true, but I have been told this more than once. And put someone in the passenger seat, or close to the car and it's reckless endangerment and that will really get you familiar the COTA bus drivers.


I have heard claims that people were ticketed for reckless op for doing burn outs in private parking lots and then arrested for vandalism of private property because they left tire marks. Again, a bit anal to go that far but if the law says any defacement, tire marks technically are defacement.

The other thing with this is that I believe that you can be charged with criminal trespassing due to the fact that you are breaking the law on private property, if the owner wants to press charges. Typically they don't but don't be surprized if they do.


Again, I'm not a police officer, I don't know the Ohio revisted code that well. I am only repeating what I have been told, but if you go by what I have said, then you will not have problems, but what's the fun in that???

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

I was caught doing 60mph thru a parking lot with a limit of 10... i was givin a ticket for parking outside the lines




some how all this reminds me of its the ricers at the thriftstore lot. :(
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OK, I talked to my Athens County Deputy buddy today. All above is right, short the criminal trespass. Criminal trespass can only be charged if you were previously detained for trespassing on that properity and informed that you were trespassing and needed to leave. Aslo the vanadlism thing would probably go as a distruction of private preperty, and not vandalism, although it could be either.
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Originally posted by lilchaz16:

^^^^True stories. If its private property then the owners are the ones that have to ENFORCE the laws, aka Renta Cops.

Someone needs to tell the rent-a-cops in the shopping centers we used to street ride (BMX bikes) this. This one old crazy fucker used to pull wrist rockets and knives out on us to threaten us to leave. I somehow don't think he should be allowed to do that. He never did anything other than call the police and lie to them, telling them we had guns we pulled on him so a helicopter would be there 5-10 minutes after we left. All for riding bikes. redface.gif Most of the people that worked the lots we went to were cool though, they would usually just come back and watch for a bit, then go about their business. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by lilchaz16:

^^^^True stories. If its private property then the owners are the ones that have to ENFORCE the laws, aka Renta Cops.

NO, it is NOT the property owners responsibility to enforce laws. It is the properity owners responsibility to contact law enforcement if a law is being broken on their property. Rent a cops have only LIMITED enforcement abilities, and can only arrest you with a citizens arrest. They can not detain you with force unless you have acted in a phyically threatening manner. Even gaurds in the shopping mall are bound by this on shop lifters, it's pretty gray as far as the laws actually read but this is the reason that the occational guard that goes over the line typically gets the store sued for being overly agressive.
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you can also have no license or insurance and hit someone elses car with no legal repurcussion.you can in grove city anyway, the asshat officer on the scene of that incident didn't even make a report, wich pretty much shot down civil repurcussion as well.
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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

you can also have no license or insurance and hit someone elses car with no legal repurcussion.you can in grove city anyway, the asshat officer on the scene of that incident didn't even make a report, wich pretty much shot down civil repurcussion as well.

Yep, if it's on private property that's pretty much the case. Typically even in a parking lot, at a store or something, the police typically will NOT issue citations to people that back into you or out in front of you. You typically have to file a claim with YOUR insurance company as well. It gets dicey about fault when ther are no citations issues and you typically have to have your insurance comapny fix your car, and the other guy has to file with his insurance company as well if there is damage to his/her vehicle. It's another one of those obscure law type of things.
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You cannot be charged with reckless op on your own property.


In fact you can drive around cars, tractors, semi-trucks, TANKs, whatever the fuck you want. Smash em into each other. Have your unlicensed immigrant maid drive a few into trees.


Just wanted to point out there's a difference between my own property and say a mall parking lot -which is considered "offstreet parking facilities" - and upon which a chunk of the vehicle code can be enforced, owner's request or no.


But I'd like to see any police officer or other municipality official come onto my property and hand me a reckless op citation. I'd enjoy that.


[ 22. April 2005, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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