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Forza next week


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I'm stoked.


Finally, a decent game with a car I own in it.


So I'm going to pick up an X-Box next week so I can play this thing. Can someone explain to me the deal with X-Box Live? Do I have to pay a subscriber service for it? Can I use my current broadband connection? etc.

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Sweet. I'll pay the $50 to get Live for the year then too, thats nothing. Forza's looking good - especially the car list that makes sense, not a bunch of obscure overseas "RedWagon Flyers" that we're supposed to beleive represent "racing and automotive history". Yeah right.


Finally at least a real car list, which was my biggest beef with GT4 - they passed over a bunch of real, good, fast high performance cars to include a bunch of homemarket trash some old guy from Osaka was overly fond of and which couldn't even hold a candle to their overlooked contemporaries, much less modern machinery...

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While I was at work today (Best Buy), I got ahold of a Forza demo we had hidden away in the back. I played Leguna Seca w/ a Porsche GT3 and I cannot wait to get this game in my possession. It'll be nice playing it on a HD TV w/ Dolby Digital surround (I played it on this shitty little TV in our breakroom which definitely didn't do the game justice one bit)
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Yeah there is the HD AV Pack (I know Best Buy is sells it, dunno where else you can find it) that comes w/ the component hookups along w/ a fiber optic cable hookup connected to it. If you don't have a fiber optic cable, I suggest investing in one. Once you get that, all you do is change the settings through the Xbox itself, then you're set.
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Does xbox do HDTV?


I have GT4 running in 1080i high def on my 65" widescreen at home (thx PS2 and polyphonic, woo hoo!) and if XBox can do HDTV too I will be uber happy.

Like stated above you just have to change the setting on the Xbox itself. I bought the Monster Component cables for HD and Optical cable for Dolby Digital. Defenitely worth the money.
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I just preordered Forza today from EB Games and got the last demo they had in stock. It was nice being able to play it through my 5.1/HD setup instead of the shitty TV in the breakroom at work. Less than a week away..


We'll have to setup a CR race one of these days on XBlive after people on here have made some progress in the game.

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