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Dirt Bikes, 4x4's, Quads - Important news for ohio!!!


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Check out this email I got from Bill Keapner of the Ohio Multi-use trail Association.








This letter has two purposes, the first is something you already know, you are not a member of OMTA. You are receiving the benefit of all the work OMTA is doing for off pavement recreation free. This letter was sent to all OMTA members today.




OMTA had a meeting Wednesday with Natural resources about the state’s trail plan. We can have what we have been asking for, a state recognized system of off pavement recreation across and around the entire state of Ohio.


Routes suited for 4x4 vehicles, routes for dualsport type motorcycles and routes for ORV’s. They would be published and the DNR will work with us to get the supporting legislation we would need for the ORV routes now allowed by law. We could just say, “We ride every dirt road” but they do not make the map unless we show destination (place-to-place) routes. We can show multiple ways, we can show ways we are going, we can show ways we would like to go, but we have to show systems.


The DNR has some fantastic maps, and they are sending me copies for every Southeast county from Columbus east and Columbus to the River. I can get them for every county in the state. If you have an off (and on) pavement route you use for your recreation in any county in Ohio we need to get it in the system.




This is what OMTA needs:


The name of the county you have a route(s) in so I can get the official county map from the DNR.


A description of the route for example, suitable for (dualsport bikes) (4x4 vehicles)(ORV’s) (any off road capable vehicle). The route is (easy)(has technical sections). The route is (mostly gravel with dirt sections)( mostly paved)( seasonal use only), I am sure you get the idea.


This is the plan I have in mind. In the next 5 days send me the name of the county you have a trail in so I can get the map sent to me.


Write out the description of the route(s).


I would like everyone with a route(s) to come together by the first weekend in January to put their route(s) on the map.


This is statewide, if you have a route you ride out of Cleveland we need it, if it is out of Cincinnati we need it. No matter where you live, no matter where you ride we need your route(s) for the statewide trail system.




There are three types of routes, routes we use now, routes we are working on and proposed routes. Yes we can put a route on the map as a proposed route. Do not miss this opportunity to make what you have said you want, a statewide trail system, a reality. If you are a rider who uses abandoned railroad spurs please include them, rails to trails can include us too.




OMTA has worked very hard to get to this opportunity for off pavement recreation. Please spread the word that we need to know where the routes are, that everyone needs to be involved.




This e-mailing is to members only but we need everyone who has a route they use or are proposing to be involved.




I will be sending a version of this e-mail to non-members too but you are a leader by virtue of your OMTA membership. Using a baseball term, we are in the batters box and for the sake of off pavement recreation and OMTA we need to hit this one out of the park. Remember you are OMTA.


Meeting time and place will be dependent on the membership’s response to this e-mail.




Please respond to this letter even if you are not a paid member of OMTA. You need all the trails recorded!




Over the last year OMTA has accomplished a tremendous amount of benefit for off pavement recreation from HB 299 to GPSing the Wayne trails that the Feds have mandated in order to keep and expand the system. The Wayne had no mandate to do it themselves but it had to be done if more trails are to be added. There are all kinds of great reasons we need all the paid members we can get. Many folks must think the fifteen dollars is too much to bear. OMTA is the only voice off pavement recreation has in Ohio. Do not hope we can continue without your support.




William A. Kaeppner


Have you joined OMTA yet?



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That sounds cool, are they proposing that they are going to make it legal to ride your quads and dirt bikes on regular roads if they are on this map? And if so is the sticker that you have to get now to ride in the trails that are available going to be good enough, or are they going to make you get some other type of sticker or certificate?
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The answer to the first question is yes. Any trail we send them will be included in there trail system.

This is the first time in Ohio history that the ODNR is letting all forms of recreation have trails assigned for there respective purpose.


As for the second question I'd say that they will have a required permit. It may or may not be free, but even at a cost it will still be better than we have now which is no offical ohio 4x4 trails. This permit is used as the ODNR's primary resource gathering material. They use it to track how many people use there trails and campsites and adjust there budget accordingly.



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What sort of things are they looking for? I read the bill that is in the link you have in your first post. Is it just old dirt roads that are public roads now. Or trails that only a 4x4 could make it through as opposed to a family sedan full of sunday drivers. It would be nice to have an actual place to go with my jeep instead of having to worry about being on someones land and tresspassing.
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Well my club currently runs lots of public roads (legal right of ways). The catch is that the public almost never uses them. so we run them and the mud holes and ruts get deep and the hills get worn down to the point that large rocks and ledges are everywhere. The roads also have no bridges so every drop into a creek is a 1 to 4 foot drop off and every climb back out is the same.

So no even a family SUV could never make it on its own and most vehicles with smaller than 33" mud terrain tires couldn't either.


The ODNR is planning to close them as roads and reassign them as offical trails.



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