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what nextel phone should i get

stolen 5.0

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my i90 flip finally broke and i have insurance, but not sure if i want an i530, i710, i830

i know i don't want the camera phone, no need for it. anyone have any of these. wondering bout which one has the best signal mainly. blah blah blah, anything



i don't want to hear either about how nextel sucks.

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I have the i830 and I am a recently new Nextel subscriber. I am very please with the features of the phone as well as it's size.


The signal quality is strong, but there are just some parts of town it cuts out, not normally dropped calls, but breaking up for a few seconds.


The only thing that stinks is how difficult it can be to dial numbers, the buttons are hard to push in, and are very flush with the surface.


The battery on this phone will only last 2 days max without a recharge, with moderate use.

But I am happy with my purchase, as it suits my needs.

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Guest GSRchick714
Sorry to say, but Nextel really does suck. But thats ok because I have it too. I had the i90 and it kinda broke too so now I have the i730. Its not all that great. My screen doesn't really work sometimes...like, I'll open it and its all fuzzy and I have to close it and re-open it to get the screen clear. And then right now my ear piece isn't working so I have to talk on speakerphone ALL the time which can really get irritating. So I'd probably advise against the i730 which would probably mean the i710 too but I'm not sure.
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ive got the i730 and the only problems ive had is sometimes itll shut off and restart on its own, but no biggy. my screen and ear piece work fine and ive dropped it and stepped on it many times...plus i like to get the cool real time ring tones!!


the new pic phone looks neat, ive heard its just the 730 with a camera though and without a new contract its like 400 bucks!! so i can do without it...

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sprint-nextel, or playfully "sextel". the future of nextel is not going to be in iDen technology. i've heard it'll be around till 2007ish, and that motorola is going to make a dual mode handset for CDMA and d-amps.i just don't think that it's going to be anything spectacular. how much r&d could possibly go into a condemned technology.anyway, there's alot of time before your iDen doesn't work. but you may benefit from a CDMA phone on sprints network once that becomes available.
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