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Originally posted by Jack Pee:

I sure as shit would. Shit, I might go to Canada without a draft.

My point is so elequently made by our board liberal. Liberals don't care about the draft becasue they will dodge it anyway. Thank you Mr. Clinton AKA Jack Pee for getting my point across.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Hopefully their will NOT BE A DRAFT. My father was drafted unwillingly into Vietnam. He went, and served his three years. My family as a whole has been in the military, and I am not interested.


My dad feels that he served so that my brother and I didn't have to unless we wanted too. I agree.


That or your a pussy, cause that my guess tongue.gif .


Id serve anyday they needed me. And if the draft is implmented so what, we will go kick some shit. Like Bush said today " when i say something, i mean it" nothing better could have come out of his mouth. I am tired of this liberal bs about what we should and shouldnt do, and what we talk about doing. Just fucking do it. rant off.

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From my post in the other Draft thread:


Theres a difference between being a coward and being a pawn in a political game that sees your life as expendable.


I dont think any one here, man or woman, would resist defending his/her homeland but to potentially lose it to impose our ideals on 3rd world countries that will never know peace? No thank you, I value my life more than that. I will not sacrifice it for the very small possibility of reform for foreigners.


Call me selfish [or a pussy]


There is a big difference between defending freedom, and imposing "freedom" on foreigners.


If you still think that Iraq is about homeland security...

Its not "liberal bullshit". If you think bringing freedom to a people who wont stand up and demand freedom for themselves, is worth your life... then so be it, who am I to tell you what your life is worth. And who are you to tell me what is or isnt a just cause to lay down my life.


The power worship that you and so many other americans exhibit not only perpetuates a militaristic society, it has the added bonus of suppressing inquisition from those who would dare to oppose.


All of you who lash out at those who have a different perspective should step back and see if you may just be a tool in a system that is dependant on your blind faith in the power structure.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Desperado:

My point is so elequently made by our board liberal. Liberals don't care about the draft becasue they will dodge it anyway. Thank you Mr. Clinton AKA Jack Pee for getting my point across.

I don't like Clinton, but if the shoe fits, I'll wear it. It's the same way I feel about gun control: laws are irrelevant if they're easily circumvented.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

If you think bringing freedom to a people who wont stand up and demand freedom for themselves, is worth your life... then so be it, who am I to tell you what your life is worth. And who are you to tell me what is or isnt a just cause to lay down my life.

New sig quote.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

From my post in the other Draft thread:


Its not "liberal bullshit". If you think bringing freedom to a people who wont stand up and demand freedom for themselves, is worth your life... then so be it, who am I to tell you what your life is worth. And who are you to tell me what is or isnt a just cause to lay down my life.


The power worship that you and so many other americans exhibit not only perpetuates a militaristic society, it has the added bonus of suppressing inquisition from those who would dare to oppose.


All of you who lash out at those who have a different perspective should step back and see if you may just be a tool in a system that is dependant on your blind faith in the power structure.

I think you dont see how it affects the homeland here. Once we give freedom to the middleast, it will relieve tensions, of terror and hatetred towards the US.


I to agree that it may be hard to fight for something you dont believe in but, i think you wrong in the fact of its not about YOU, its about the good of the WHOLE, and what needs to be done needs to be done. As far as being a tool in a chess match, how so, its a democracy yes? Not everyone agrees on topic, but it goes back to the issue of MAJORITY. If you take a step back and look, youll realize you have a voice as equal as the next guys yes, but when they are 30 guys on your side and 5 on the other, those five have to realize what they are doing is for the good of the group and not just them selves.


Inorder to reach peace in the middle east there has to be a free democracy, and it will take time, no doubt, and it will be difficult, but wont it also help improve relations, trade, decrease terror overseas before it has the chance to come here?


As far as Liberal "bull shit" what else is it? The liberals want you to think hey that it will never happen to us, dont worrie, why should we worrie about them, why should we fight for these people? They also are seeking election in the form of a backwords liar of John ( dumbass ) Kerry, so of course they are going to make there points clear against Bush's conservative ideas. Why talk about something then never do anything about that? (clinton). Its something to say your going to do somethign but then it is another to do it. Following though is difficult but why back out now after so much is already invested.


And finally dont listen to the media they are backed by liberals, they suck end of story. Sorry to those of you liberals out there, just not me.

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Originally posted by B Dubs-b13:

That or your a pussy, cause that my guess tongue.gif .


Id serve anyday they needed me. And if the draft is implmented so what, we will go kick some shit. Like Bush said today " when i say something, i mean it" nothing better could have come out of his mouth. I am tired of this liberal bs about what we should and shouldnt do, and what we talk about doing. Just fucking do it. rant off.

Let me first say that if the draft was reinstated I would just sign up and forget the stress.


To go in and say "we'll just go in and kick the shit out of people," is just ignorant (you will have to forgive me, Im not saying that you are ignorant. For some reason when people say this it really gets to me). Who are we kicking the shit out of? Why are we kicking the shit out of them? People don't like Americans for this reason... because we are cocky.


Now, we do have a lot of reason to be PROUD of our Military might but being cocky is just retarded. There will always be a weak point somewhere in either our government or our military. Time will tell whether we can handle that threat or not.


Does anybody have faith in our government anymore? The reason I ask is that I personally do not. Clinton kinda messed that up for me first and now we have Bush in there. I am seriously worried about the fate of the USA. In my lifetime, I wouldn't doubt if I saw the collapse of our great and wonderful nation (no im not being sarcastic).


Brute force only goes so far...


Edit: Whats Bush's GREAT plan for the middle east? I got a 100 bucks says he doesn't have a fucking clue whats going to happen over there. Can you say WWIII? How many other countries have Nukes?


The Human Race is going to get fucked in the ass and its because of men like Clinton, Bush, and any other person that thinks a country can just go in and push people around in this present day.

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Originally posted by Black Sabbath:

Let me first say that if the draft was reinstated I would just sign up and forget the stress.


To go in and say "we'll just go in and kick the shit out of people," is just ignorant (you will have to forgive me, Im not saying that you are ignorant. For some reason when people say this it really gets to me). Who are we kicking the shit out of? Why are we kicking the shit out of them? People don't like Americans for this reason... because we are cocky.


Now, we do have a lot of reason to be PROUD of our Military might but being cocky is just retarded. There will always be a weak point somewhere in either our government or our military. Time will tell whether we can handle that threat or not.


Does anybody have faith in our government anymore? The reason I ask is that I personally do not. Clinton kinda messed that up for me first and now we have Bush in there. I am seriously worried about the fate of the USA. In my lifetime, I wouldn't doubt if I saw the collapse of our great and wonderful nation (no im not being sarcastic).


Brute force only goes so far...

Why else reinstate the draft? To kick ass, in a swift millitaristic (sp) movement, granted that did not happen in vietnam, but learn from vietnam.


As far as being cocky, why the hell not. Should we sit back and say yea we have an ok army, we could goto battle, we coulda shoulda woulda. Going into a war with an attitude that your not going to win, already spells defeat. But going in cocky so to speak, shows you confident and ready to wreak chaos on the disputing nation.


And people dont like Americans becasue they are jelous of what we have, who we are, and how we are goverened. Cut an dry, they all have penis envy.


edit: so your saying we sit back and let them hit us first? i dont understand, its all about prevention. Just like wearing a condom hopefully wont get the chic you just banged pregant, it is equal but differnt as going into Iraq and giving them freedom and democracy. As far as WWIII, if it happens its with the koreans, not the middle east.

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Wow, another draft thread? :rolleyes:


There will be no draft.


Presidents may be elected every four years, but Congress gets elected every two. Those clowns are smart enough not to vote for one. I worked in politics, trust me. ;)


Also, I know of no serious military analyst or leader who thinks that forced conscription is useful for the modern American military. We are entering an era of lighter force footprints with well-trained soliders using high technology equipment. All that a large standing drafted army would do is eat up cash.


Jeez, people. Just talk to some people in the military about what they're trained to do. Ask Josh (Boost Retard), who is heading off to Kosovo to repair helicopters. Do you really think that you're just going to go off and get drafted, then get trained to do that in 90 days? Give me a break. Or maybe talk to Anthony, who did fire control for cruise missles in the Navy. Do you really think that they're going to throw your noob ass out there to fire off a few thousand pounds of high explosives based on YOUR targeting? Let's talk about the years and hundreds of thousands of dollars that the Navy spent training some of my friends out in California who were pilots at Miramar NAS. Playing videogames doesn't get you ready to land an FA-18 on a carrier deck in the middle of the night.


That's why we have a National Guard and Reserves. So that there will be a body of trained people available that can be put into service if they are needed. Guys like Scott and Andrew (who are both in Iraq right now) are a hell of a lot more ready to be over there than some kid they dragged away from his Xbox kicking and screaming.


Just an opinion from someone who is too old to even volunteer anymore.

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History repeats itself. Every "Great" nation fell because they got cocky or they ate from led pots and pans or drank from led pipes, but I digress.


I can honestly say that I am grateful that I was born a US citizen, however, to think that everyone is jealous of the USA is naive. Im just going to insinuate that 911 happened because we where cocky. "That could never happen to us" etc...


Im not saying that we should wait for someone to strike us, thats just retarded. I DO NOT think that we should police the world, like we are.

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Originally posted by B Dubs-b13:

[QB] That or your a pussy, cause that my guess tongue.gif .


Id serve anyday they needed me.

Are you retarded or ignorant?


I even said that if I were drafted, I would go and fight my hardest. If you are such a hard ass, why havent you enlisted yet Brandon??


Look at Vietnam. One of the biggest problems with that war was that the vast majority of soldiers didn't want to be their. They didnt care if they won or lost as long as they made it home alive. That is exactly what would happen if a draft were to be put into place.


Sure, their would be a handful of dedicated men and women that were drafted that would put their heart into what they were doing, just like their was back in the late 60's.


1000's of 18-25 year olds would be ripped away from their MTV and video games to go and actually do something with their time. You and I included.


And I also think that right now, all this talk about bringing the draft back is just talk, but I am worried that their is a chance it could happen.


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Originally posted by B Dubs-b13:

gruff gruff AMERICA ROX

As respectfully as one can say this: You are very ignorant to the real world. For future reference: when in political discussion you rant about what the damn liberals are doing and what the damn liberal media is saying, you kind of label yourself as uninformed and even misled. Like I said, as respectfully as possible.


Do you honestly think you, in terms of a draft [which would never happen] are equal say to the son of a congressman. Or to someone with any kind of political affluence? That was naive.




The world is not jealous of America. Much of the world is afraid of America as they perceive a nation who is imposing its will on a volatile territory, and doing so quite haphazardly. This is, of course, a generalization, but a much more accurate one than your "penis envy" one. Its your attitude that contributes to the worlds hatred of the over-fed, under-educated, obnoxious, Americans.




You cannot forcefully impose democracy. It just doesn’t work. The people who democracy aims to empower must stand up and proclaim that they want the responsibility. Instead, Iraqis are setting aside the differences that have torn them apart for decades and uniting. Shiites and Sunnis, 2 groups always at odds, uniting against what they perceive as foreign invaders. Fuck that, Im not dying to bring freedom to people who do not choose to be free.


You are also naive to think that this magical democratic government is going to materialize and stand as a beacon of strength in the Muslim world. That generations of cultural differences and conflicts are going to be forgotten and peace and harmony will consume the hate and violence. Sometimes I wonder if those calling the shots even look at the motivations of those we are now fighting and whom chose to fight us on 9/11. There is so much history, so much hatred, so many differences... nearly all of which cant be solved with force or diplomacy or even democracy. The US has funded revolutions that killed family members, gave power to ruthless dictators, and generally meddled with situations that ignored the citizens of the nations they fucked with in hopes of disarming the threat of a powerful or anti-US nation. Its those lil guys that became terrorist leaders or operatives, that used the US's prior negative influence to breed hate is distrust. To compel them so strongly that they would rebel against a mighty force thousands of miles away.


The Bullshit about "they hate our lifestyle and our freedoms" is propaganda that makes you believe that we are simply an innocent victim in the villainous plot of people who have no motivations.




You are right though, pulling out now will create leave behind a resentment 1000 times stronger than that lil incident when Sadam gassed his people with the Saran gas that the US provided. An anarchist state, filled with people who’ve lost love ones, jobs, homes, etc and having plenty of inciting leaders who would vow revenge will create bigger terror breeding grounds than any of us can imagine.


Its a big fucking mess. Im not willing to die for the ignorance of our prior leaders in thinking they could clean that hell hole up... In addition, im certainly not willing to die for the current quagmire that, just like Vietnam, will resolve nothing.


Did anyone actually read all that?

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Yes, I did Ken.


Basic premis of this whole little post. Don't be stupid. Don't force yourself on someone else, last time i checked in some countries that's called Rape and people don't respond kindly to it. Good intentions or not, if you believe what you believe say so. That's great, don't try to make me believe what you do. Your previous comments proved that said statement Bdubs, hope youre listening to something any of us are saying. Including yourself.


And, Poo.

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Originally posted by Jack Pee:

How the fuck does this relate to politics or the draft? It was funny the first couple of times, but dragging that into every thread is getting annoying.


Shit, if I cured cancer you all would probably still say "that's nice, but he peed on a hoe back in the day." Give it a rest.

It relates to everything becuase it proves you are not right in the head, therefore anything you say is diluted, therefore it holds no weight for me in any arguement. Yes, If you cured cancer, I'd be saying how you peed on people. You pee on people for fun, end arguement. The fact that you see this as no big deal proves my point even more.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Are you retarded or ignorant?


I even said that if I were drafted, I would go and fight my hardest. If you are such a hard ass, why havent you enlisted yet Brandon??


Look at Vietnam. One of the biggest problems with that war was that the vast majority of soldiers didn't want to be their. They didnt care if they won or lost as long as they made it home alive. That is exactly what would happen if a draft were to be put into place.


Sure, their would be a handful of dedicated men and women that were drafted that would put their heart into what they were doing, just like their was back in the late 60's.


1000's of 18-25 year olds would be ripped away from their MTV and video games to go and actually do something with their time. You and I included.


And I also think that right now, all this talk about bringing the draft back is just talk, but I am worried that their is a chance it could happen.


I almost did enlist, i called the recuiter and everything, but then my grandfarther decieded to front the bill for college so i didnt need to. And im not ignorant, i think its bull shit to say, well my dad fought for the US so i shouldnt have to, if shit hits the fan oh well. Dont think about Vietnam, nothing like that will EVER happen again, technology is to far advanced, we are smarter then that now, and although vietnam was a failure in some ways, it also showed us the mistakes of the future. If the draft was instated, we would be fucked, becuase every single over weight videogame lazy ass would cry to mom about why they cant play ps2 and eat the pringles. Well if they want to be able to play there ps2 and eat there pringles then you got to fight to keep them, by not letting the terrorists destory our country, if that meaning drafting men and women into the serivice so be it. Like Mitias said it wont happen, because of the training issue's.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

As respectfully as one can say this: You are very ignorant to the real world. For future reference: when in political discussion you rant about what the damn liberals are doing and what the damn liberal media is saying, you kind of label yourself as uninformed and even misled. Like I said, as respectfully as possible.


Do you honestly think you, in terms of a draft [which would never happen] are equal say to the son of a congressman. Or to someone with any kind of political affluence? That was naive.




The world is not jealous of America. Much of the world is afraid of America as they perceive a nation who is imposing its will on a volatile territory, and doing so quite haphazardly. This is, of course, a generalization, but a much more accurate one than your "penis envy" one. Its your attitude that contributes to the worlds hatred of the over-fed, under-educated, obnoxious, Americans.




You cannot forcefully impose democracy. It just doesn’t work. The people who democracy aims to empower must stand up and proclaim that they want the responsibility. Instead, Iraqis are setting aside the differences that have torn them apart for decades and uniting. Shiites and Sunnis, 2 groups always at odds, uniting against what they perceive as foreign invaders. Fuck that, Im not dying to bring freedom to people who do not choose to be free.


You are also naive to think that this magical democratic government is going to materialize and stand as a beacon of strength in the Muslim world. That generations of cultural differences and conflicts are going to be forgotten and peace and harmony will consume the hate and violence. Sometimes I wonder if those calling the shots even look at the motivations of those we are now fighting and whom chose to fight us on 9/11. There is so much history, so much hatred, so many differences... nearly all of which cant be solved with force or diplomacy or even democracy. The US has funded revolutions that killed family members, gave power to ruthless dictators, and generally meddled with situations that ignored the citizens of the nations they fucked with in hopes of disarming the threat of a powerful or anti-US nation. Its those lil guys that became terrorist leaders or operatives, that used the US's prior negative influence to breed hate is distrust. To compel them so strongly that they would rebel against a mighty force thousands of miles away.


The Bullshit about "they hate our lifestyle and our freedoms" is propaganda that makes you believe that we are simply an innocent victim in the villainous plot of people who have no motivations.




You are right though, pulling out now will create leave behind a resentment 1000 times stronger than that lil incident when Sadam gassed his people with the Saran gas that the US provided. An anarchist state, filled with people who’ve lost love ones, jobs, homes, etc and having plenty of inciting leaders who would vow revenge will create bigger terror breeding grounds than any of us can imagine.


Its a big fucking mess. Im not willing to die for the ignorance of our prior leaders in thinking they could clean that hell hole up... In addition, im certainly not willing to die for the current quagmire that, just like Vietnam, will resolve nothing.


Did anyone actually read all that?

How am i ignorant to the real world? DO you see the news everyday, and if you cant agree that the media is liberal, and slanderous, then what the fuck are they. (and also because your a better writer then me dosent make you smarter by the way).


why do you think people are afriad. I dont think terrorists are afraid, North Koreans are not afraid, they are envious of what we have and what they dont. Your right to a point, but why do the muslims for instance hate americans, we treat out women properly, we have food every day, we have jobs,homes, all things that they most the most part dont have, why else would ou hate us, other then religon????riddle me that.


As far as fighting for the shittes and the sunnis, what happened in WWII, i sapose we should not have gone into germany becasue hilter was killing the jews, beacause the jews couldnt fight back, or Slabadon Milashovich (sp) i sapose we shoud let them just go ahead and rule there counrty with brutal mass graves, and slayings. The same goes for sadamm, all of those dictators did not let theree people have a chance, so outside sources have to help. Like germany how long till the berlin wall came down, many nations had to help the fight to bring it down as well. I understand that holy war is ridicuilous, but its real, and it has been going on since day one, something about the crusades rings a bell. It is hard to enforce a democracy for people who dont UNDERSTAND it, i cant blame the Iraqies but if it means me fighiting for them, inorder to settle homeland threats so be it, i think almost every war the US has gone into, is in some way or another a fight for democracy, WWI, WWII, desert strom, vietnam.


They do have motivation, they believe they need to kill americans and they will do it anyway possible. Its not propaganda, look at there country, its in shambles, even before the war, why would you hate america other then the fact of jelously, and the way we treat are people, and the prodestant beliefs, which is the mian reason. NO single group or person wants to feel inferior.


Its hard to not wan tot fight for something that you dont believe in, but i cant agree that i wouldnt. I fight for the good of the whole, and whats best. Taking every world dicatator threating the US is what is best, Sadamm threaned us, and we took action. I agree with you about prior presisdents, they messed it up well. But how i already think we have resloved a lot of proubems, for one sadamm husain is in custidy, and the threat of terror is down, the middle east needs guidence.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

Yes, I did Ken.


Basic premis of this whole little post. Don't be stupid. Don't force yourself on someone else, last time i checked in some countries that's called Rape and people don't respond kindly to it. Good intentions or not, if you believe what you believe say so. That's great, don't try to make me believe what you do. Your previous comments proved that said statement Bdubs, hope youre listening to something any of us are saying. Including yourself.


And, Poo.

I cant force you to believe anything, i am olny saying if you just sit back and act like nothing is wrong, then you will get fucked in the end, and thats what the liberals want us to do. You dont understand how the media twists things, read actully press releases on the goverment websites and you might understand. I am not liberal, and i am sure some of you are, which is fine.
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Originally posted by B Dubs-b13:

I almost did enlist, i called the recuiter and everything, but then my grandfarther decieded to front the bill for college so i didnt need to. And im not ignorant, i think its bull shit to say, well my dad fought for the US so i shouldnt have to, if shit hits the fan oh well. Dont think about Vietnam, nothing like that will EVER happen again, technology is to far advanced, we are smarter then that now, and although vietnam was a failure in some ways, it also showed us the mistakes of the future. If the draft was instated, we would be fucked, becuase every single over weight videogame lazy ass would cry to mom about why they cant play ps2 and eat the pringles. Well if they want to be able to play there ps2 and eat there pringles then you got to fight to keep them, by not letting the terrorists destory our country, if that meaning drafting men and women into the serivice so be it. Like Mitias said it wont happen, because of the training issue's.

Well, I think it is bull shit to enlist for the sole reason of getting money for college. In that view, you are not helping the country, you are hurting it by taking money for your own gains.


Show me where I said I wouldn't go if I were drafted? I simply said that I dont want to go, and if I did I would already be enlisted. I even said that IF I WERE DRAFTED, I WOULD DO MY DAMNDEST TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY. it would be my duty.


What's wrong with my dad serving his time in that shit hole that is Vietnam and not wanting his son's to go into the military? Please enlighten me Brandon...


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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by Tire Killer:

Just an opinion from someone who is too old to even volunteer anymore.

Actually Mark, you can enlist up to 90 days before your 35th birthday, so your not to old yet. tongue.gif


Also, before people go on with the "why do muslims hate americans...." thing, I would like to point out that its not The Muslims as a group or religion. Just because the majority of those who are a part of the terroist groups, as of right now, practice Islam, doesn't mean that its the religion or culture that causes them to be this way. Don't blame the religion or culture, blame the economics and society they have been forced to live in. If any of you are familiar with Islam (both religion and culture, which I am very familiar with) then you would understand why the statement of " why do the muslims for instance hate americans, we treat out women properly, we have food every day, we have jobs,homes, all things that they most the most part dont have, why else would ou hate us, other then religon" is degrading and false. Try talking to some Muslim-Americans and see what they say, because I can almost guarenttee that the majority of them would find that statement and stereo-type insulting.


Now with the draft thing. I already said that drafts are stupid and wrong. Nobody(male or female) should be forced to do something they don't want to do.

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Well, I think it is bull shit to enlist for the sole reason of getting money for college. In that view, you are not helping the country, you are hurting it by taking money for your own gains.


Show me where I said I wouldn't go if I were drafted? I simply said that I dont want to go, and if I did I would already be enlisted. I even said that IF I WERE DRAFTED, I WOULD DO MY DAMNDEST TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY. it would be my duty.


What's wrong with my dad serving his time in that shit hole that is Vietnam and not wanting his son's to go into the military? Please enlighten me Brandon...


everything has benefits, why work not to get paid, thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard, and by dumest my brother is smarter and he is semi retarted (no lie). Its for my gain to help the country out and, then for them to help me out. It certainly wont hurt anythign, a lot of people enlist to get a job so to speak, not just to rape the goverment of tax payers money for there benefit..... (rolls eyes)


Theres nothing wrong with your dad not wanting you to go into the service, but to say "since my dad serverd, he inessence servered so i wouldnt have to" is the biggest croc of shit ever. You are your own person, you dad fought to help america, and if asked upon you would to, but to say you dont have to cause my dad served........wtf

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Originally posted by Elinar Longsight:

Actually Mark, you can enlist up to 90 days before your 35th birthday, so your not to old yet. tongue.gif


Also, before people go on with the "why do muslims hate americans...." thing, I would like to point out that its not The Muslims as a group or religion. Just because the majority of those who are a part of the terroist groups, as of right now, practice Islam, doesn't mean that its the religion or culture that causes them to be this way. Don't blame the religion or culture, blame the economics and society they have been forced to live in. If any of you are familiar with Islam (both religion and culture, which I am very familiar with) then you would understand why the statement of " why do the muslims for instance hate americans, we treat out women properly, we have food every day, we have jobs,homes, all things that they most the most part dont have, why else would ou hate us, other then religon" is degrading and false. Try talking to some Muslim-Americans and see what they say, because I can almost guarenttee that the majority of them would find that statement and stereo-type insulting.


Now with the draft thing. I already said that drafts are stupid and wrong. Nobody(male or female) should be forced to do something they don't want to do.

so what is a jihad????????????? and why do they say they are in one? Becasue they dont like the way we treat our women in there religous eyes, the way our country works. Its not very smart to think other wise. And it is sterotyping to some point, but they brought it upon them selves. Not all muslims are bad, no doubt, but the majority do not like american prodestism (sp). Back to the jihad, and refreash me on how long this "holy war" has been going on again, i think you got a little mixed up.
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