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Jane Fonda, the Traitor....


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This is for all the kids born in the 70's who do

not remember, and didn't have to bear the

burden that our fathers, mothers and older

brothers and sisters had to bear.


Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the

"100 Women of the Century."


Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still

countless others have never known how Ms.

Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country,

but specific men who served and sacrificed

during Vietnam.


The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot.


The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat.


In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF

Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison 

the "Hanoi Hilton."


Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell,

cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was

ordered to describe for a visiting American

"Peace Activist" the "lenient and humane

treatment" he'd received.


He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was

dragged away.

During the subsequent beating, he fell forward

on to the camp Commandant's feet, which  

sent that officer berserk.


In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from

double vision (which permanently ended his

flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied

application of a wooden baton.


From 1963-65, Col Larry Carrigan was in the

47FW/DO (F-4E's).  He spent 6 years in the

"Hanoi Hilton",,, the first three of which his

family only knew he was "missing in action".

His wife lived on faith that he was still alive.

His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and

clothed routine in preparation for a           

"peace delegation" visit.

They, however, had time and devised a plan to

get word to the world that they were alive    

and still survived.  Each man secreted a tiny

piece of paper, with his Social Security Number

on it, in the palm of his hand.


When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a

cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each

man's hand and asking little encouraging

snippets like: "Aren't you sorry you bombed

babies?" and "Are you grateful for the humane

treatment from your benevolent captors?"

Believing this HAD to be an act, they each

palmed her their sliver of paper.

She took them all without missing a beat.  At the

end of the line and once the camera stopped

rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,

she turned to the officer in charge and handed

him all the little pieces of paper.


Three men died from the subsequent beatings.

Colonel Carrigan was almost number four    

but he survived, which is the only reason we

know of her actions that day.


I was a civilian economic development advisor

in Vietnam, and was captured by the North

Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in

1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years.


I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one

year in a cage in Cambodia; and one year        

in a "black box" in Hanoi.

My North Vietnamese captors deliberately

poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a

nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South

Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle near the

Cambodian border.

At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs.      

(My normal weight is 170 lbs.)


We were Jane Fonda's "war criminals."


When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by

the camp communist political officer if I would

be willing to meet with her.

I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real

treatment we POWs received... and how

different it was from the treatment purported by

the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as

"humane and lenient."


Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky

floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched

with a large steel weights placed on my hands,

and beaten with a bamboo cane.


I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda

soon after I was released.  I asked her              

if she would be willing to debate me on TV. 

She never did answer me.


These first-hand experiences do not exemplify

someone who should be honored as part        

of "100 Years of Great Women."

Lest we forget..." 100 Years of Great Women"

should never include a traitor whose hands are

covered with the blood of so many patriots.


There are few things I have strong visceral

reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in

blatant treason, is one of them.

Please take the time to forward to as many

people as you possibly can.

It will eventually end up on her computer and

she needs to know that we will never forget.


716 Maintenance Squadron, Chief of


DSN: 875-6431

COMM: 883-6343


[ 01. March 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: C5Doctor ]

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Yeah Mad Malibu! She's just trash that has lived her entire life off of her Dad's reputation. Her Dad was the real deal, HER? Just TRASH. In 1972 as a Military Policeman stationed at Ft Bragg, I & 6 other MP's arrested her because she was on our base with her group of anti-american jerks, & they were picketing our country's involvement in Viet Nam & worse = picking on our OWN men that were only doing what this country asked them to do. We escorted her ass & her entourage off our base. I hate her & always will, & I hate her f--in Atlanta Braves too - :mad:
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Originally posted by Tenzig:

excuse me fells, you have some dead horse on your shoe's..... graemlins/nonono.gif


seriously, though, this has been being discussed in many circles, all over, for a long time, even here on CR at least once.

I am curious, is this the really round about way of agreeing with her? And of what she did? You know better than to agree, the flaming would never end, so you talk about how this has already been addressed. It KILLS me that you don't even have the courage to say what's on your mind but to just try to down play how this inrages many of us here and feel that the woman should be getting jail time for treason in stead of being recognized as one of the most influential females of the last 100 years.


Now I suppose that she was a big influence, but so was Stalin and Hitler. They both had the blood of millions on inoccents on their hands, to say that they weren't influential, even in this country would be a lie, sure they had infulence, Americans wanted to kill the bastards with their bare hands. Being recognized for having influence is not necessarily a good thing, but of course it will be in this specific case because we are all politically correct, and can't disagree with their opinion.

You know, the first amendment protects us from the government denying us free speech, it does NOT however protect us from saying silly, inflamitory and degrading bullshit at the wrong time and the backlash that goes with it.


Some people don't seem to get that.

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Originally posted by desperado:

I am curious, is this the really round about way of agreeing with her? And of what she did? You know better than to agree, the flaming would never end, so you talk about how this has already been addressed. It KILLS me that you don't even have the courage to say what's on your mind but to just try to down play how this inrages many of us here and feel that the woman should be getting jail time for treason in stead of being recognized as one of the most influential females of the last 100 years.


Now I suppose that she was a big influence, but so was Stalin and Hitler. They both had the blood of millions on inoccents on their hands, to say that they weren't influential, even in this country would be a lie, sure they had infulence, Americans wanted to kill the bastards with their bare hands. Being recognized for having influence is not necessarily a good thing, but of course it will be in this specific case because we are all politically correct, and can't disagree with their opinion.

You know, the first amendment protects us from the government denying us free speech, it does NOT however protect us from saying silly, inflamitory and degrading bullshit at the wrong time and the backlash that goes with it.Some people don't seem to get that.

You are a god






He wasn't agreeing, or disagreeing for that fucking matter he was just saying basically the topic has been discussed before let the fuck die. Why the hell did you feel the need to insert your useless slackjawed swagger into this conversation to begin with? Jesus on iceskates, if you were any more blatently stupid you'd forget to fucking breathe.

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Originally posted by desperado:

I am curious, is this the really round about way of agreeing with her? And of what she did?

Dude seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? I never read your posts, they tend to be wastes of time. Luckily some one IMed me and told me that you quoted me and responded. So I come here and find the most ignorant and pitiful attempt at "spinning words" I have ever seen, and I've watched Novak.

Exactly how the fuck did "its been discussed here before, let it go" get interpreted as "I totaly agree with what she did, those baby killers deserved it". Cracker, you are seriously trying way too hard to start a flame war against me. LUCKILY everyone else seems to posses reading comprehension skills and was able to get my point, not the crap you spewed out. Christ man, that was just sad.

So you want whats on my mind?

-You are an idiot, digging through the nets message boards trying to make yourself look smart int he eyes of other idiots. You dream of becoming King Shit, of Turd Mountain..

-We dont need to worry about Hanoi Jane. Who the fuck cares about some silly shit award? I'll tell you who, idiots who dont fucking matter. What possible consequence cold this flaming shit of a magazine award have on the US? It has been discussed, it does not matter in any way, shape, or form. If you dont lke Jane Fonda, i'm sure you have a gun like all hilljacks, go take care of her. I could give two shits and fuck what she does.

Who we need to worry about is another trust fund baby that got through the Vietnam era on daddies coat tails. A spoiled little fucker who has sucked at everything he has ever done, literaly. A drunken draft dodging sum'bitch who would be nowhere if not for his dads money and influence. Some one with no combat experience, and no true respect for what the soldiers and their families endure at his behest. A shitcake who's led a sheltered life, yet passes judgement and makes descisions without experience or earned knowlege. Some one who's interactions overseas has done more then result in the torture and executions of a few of our boys on POW camps, but has cost the U.S. close to 2000 lives, those of our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, our Soldiers. Not to mention th 100,000+ he's burned as "acceptable losses" since 2000. A man willing to burn our money and our lives to forward his political adgenda. A man detatched from the real world consequences of his immature and impulsive descisions.


Fuck Jane Fonda, I don't give a rats ass if she burns in hell or gets the fucking Nobel Peace Prize. This kind of stupid shit IS NOT OUR PROBLEM! Jingoistic rantings trying to distract us for a very real and current problem. A clear and presnt danger to the very well being of you, me, and the future lives of our children, and its not the ramblings of some ignorant bitch 30 years ago. If you want to talk bad about some one with the blood of innocents on their hands, pick some one with more then half a dozen.



For fuck sake people, get with the times and stop this fucking pointless bitching! Whether you think Bush is the problem or you think its something else, FOCUS ON THE PRESENT! If all you're going to do is focus on propaganda, political partisan games, and past incedents that have no bearing on our lives or our future, do us all a favor and throw your useless asses from the nearest freeway overpass. And fucking film it, I know there's alot of you, it'll be like human lemmings, fucking hilarious.

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Originally posted by Veritas:

You are a god






He wasn't agreeing, or disagreeing for that fucking matter he was just saying basically the topic has been discussed before let the fuck die. Why the hell did you feel the need to insert your useless slackjawed swagger into this conversation to begin with? Jesus on iceskates, if you were any more blatently stupid you'd forget to fucking breathe.[/QB]

Were you born on another planet? Lets see, Tenzig = Liberal Democrat, dyed in wool left winger, in the middle of a large group of ranting people makes comment that we should just let it go. So VairyToes, another self proclaimed liberal, to damn young to really have an opinion that matters any fucking way chimes in and trys to defend te other liberal that was trying to defend a worthless fucking treasonous bitch who NO ONE with any fucking sense at all would stand behind. Did you miss something in the original post? The bitch SOLD OUT American soldiers to the enemy, that's treason fuckstick. There is no other way to describe it. Do you really believe that she didn't know what she was doing??? After the anti-war retoric she was blabbing over here. You somehow believe that over there she would have a different opinion? I suppose that you are going to be saying next that there is some sort of a conspiracy against Jane Fonda, that it was a look alike that was in Vietnam? It wasn't real, it was all created by the conservative controlled media right? Dude, do me a favor and bring me some of the seeds from the shit YOU been smokin, it's obviously really good stuff.


I swear some of the shit that gets spewwed on this board makes my head want to explode.

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