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New guy in columbus, At OSU


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Hey everyone I just wanted to introduce myself. benyen is my next door neighbor and told me about this forum. Anytime anyone wants to ride in columbus let me know, If the weathers nice and im not in class im down for riding.

A Little About me:

Full time student, Ride a CBR 954, RM 125, s-10 4x4, do my fair share of partying, dirt bikes, quads, jet skis, power boats, fishing, big boats, 4x4 trucks!! all good, dont care much for import cars or bling, lowered cars with shinny rims are a waste of money along with old ugly cars with 28inch rims on them, be man, get a truck and a bike. from dayton down there often, also in wooster often, Ezra Brooks is my girl, along with Busch heavy or Keyston light, im getting bored talking about myself.

Hope to meet some people around here!



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Thanks for the quick welcomes! Didnt even have time to edit my post

Wolfman, I take it you know benyen haha, I just met him but he seems like a good guy

Redbarron, sorry dont need a house, still 15 months left on this lease, could use a garage though.... want to rent it out?

schmuckingham, hah i typically get along with everyone i meet so it should all be well!

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sounds like plan wolfman, Unfortunately its supposed to rain for the next week straight, but when the weather clears ill be out.

You know some good areas to ride around here? I have not been able to get out and explore much so far. Hopefully you can show me around.

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Sounds good...what kind of riding are you looking to do? If you want twisties we'll have to ride about 40mins outside of Columbus but its worth it. My girlfriend is new to the site and bikes so I might have her along if we are just hanging around Columbus.

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awesome, Im new also, been riding for about 9 months so i want to start hittin twisties but going to take it slow until i get real comfortable with the 954, im still a little intimidated by it. So for now just hanging around Columbus, maybe finding some back roads out of the city a little would be fine with me and that way your girl can get some more practice and experience too.

Thanks WhoDey, bike is semi clean, really needs a good washing and some touch up paint on the right fairing though, I dropped it about a month ago :cry: and chipped up the right side a little. The pipe is a Yana Shiki, less popular pipe but i love it!

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Welcome to the boards! Just take it slow and learn as you go and invest in some decent gear (Helmet, Jacket and Gloves). I have some great places down near Lancaster, but thats 35-min south of campus. I typically ride in the afternoon/evening since I work nights at OSU. I'll keep an eye for your bike when school starts up.

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Im sure ill be seeing you all around campus, I will be here all summer taking classes so if your near by feel free to hit me up for a ride.

sjc600rr i got the helmet before i bought a bike to make sure i didnt do anything stupid and i just bought a jacket and gloves that i like, like you said just taking it slow and keeping myself alive.

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