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Son of a bitch.


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what i wanna know is why they push for the emission stuff so hard. Its not like you can take away the deadly gases coming from a car. The only way to do that is to change the fuel it runs on.

The catalytic converter changes one dangerous gas into another dangerous gas, you go from a smog gas, to a greenhouse gas. Either way its bad for the environment.

Plus its bad for the car, it builds up so much restriction in the exhaust that it makes the engine run much hotter. You ever seen a cat get clogged? the pipes turn bright red...in a bad way tongue.gif

The EPA needs to get the dick out of its ass and go after real problems.

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Cock Sucker! Seven years ago they banned R-12 and R-22 Freon because it was eating away at the ozone layer, they did all this work and reduced anything that would deplete ozone. Now we have to much of the shit, or that's what they claim at least, and they are going to fuck us around some more and cost everyone more fucking money to reduce something that we didn't have enough of before, or that's what they claimed. God damn I am sick of these fucking idiots that claim one thing, then claim something else 7 years later.
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I want to hear more about these collectors plates. My car has no chance in hell of passing e-check....not by a long shot. I'd either have to:


- Bribe the e-check person (trust me, I'm not above slipping a $50 handshake to a guy testing my car)


- Find some way to register my car in another county


- Collectors tags if that gets me out of E-check.


The last one seems to be my best way out, if it works.

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Ya the emission standards from the clean air act that pretty much brought on cats and all the testing...1970.

US and other countries had an agreement in 1990 to lower greenhouse gases, which is what cats give out, within the next 10 to 15 years. Still hasnt been touched by congress tongue.gif sounds more like they care more about their e-check paychecks than whats actually good for the environment

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This is from the BMV's website on collectors plates. more info here


In an effort to ensure that all vehicles registered as collector vehicles are truly collectible, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles references the National Automobile Dealers Association, Classic, Collectible, and Special Interest Car Appraisal Guide or the 4th Edition Standard Catalog of American Cars 1946-1975 (Krause Publications) or The Complete Book of Collectible Cars 1930-1990 (Consumer Guide) to determine vehicles that are true collector vehicles. Although we recognize that a vehicle may be unique because of time, energy and investment expended by the owner, these publications are used in determining eligibility for collector’s license plates. Due to a administrative ruling, vehicle models not listed in the above publications may be considered collector vehicles if the applicant obtains documentation from the manufacturer that the vehicle was in limited production, is in demand as a collectible vehicle at the time of application or a sizable investment can be proven.

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I believe if you get collector tags POST echeck, you still have to get tested once time, although I don't think it matters pass or fail. Your best bet is either register it in another county or add cats and let it fail. There's only a $350 cap on repairs and after you spend that much you'll get a waiver.


The sizeable investment for collectors plates is $5000 I believe, and you must have recipts, photo's, etc. Plus, anything they deem uneccesary will not be counted. I've read into this MUCH since we already have echeck over here. It's just about time they get you slackers over there!


Joe (Nitrousbird), if you want more info on E-check, send me a PM or give me a ring. Ant or Bill should have my #, or I can PM it to ya.

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Originally posted by Hwilli:

Supras qualify for collectors plates :D


neener neener neeeener



I think a NASCAR has a better chance at passing than I do redface.gif





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