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I'm going on a diet.


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Seriously. If you reply, try to maintain some civility because I'm dead-on about getting this done.


Before my car accident on November '99 where I broke my neck, I weighed in at 167lbs. Now since the accident, I weigh in around 285lbs and attribute it to a lack of exercise and poor eating habits (I love meat, cheese, and pop). In defense, I haven't felt up to exercising due to the consistant neck problems I've endured over the last few years. However, I've become more active and labor intesive in the last year to allow myself to feel better about myself and I feel ready to start dieting and exercising again.


My goal I've set is to be at 200lbs by January 1st of next year while eating decently, exercising (running and lifting weights), and cutting smoking with a focus on quitting outright.


I've already started by drinking more water and cutting down on how much I eat at meals. Here's my proposal:


Beverages: Water, water, juice (apple and cranberry), and more water. I'm going to spend the extra on the bottled shit because I feel better drinking it.


Food: Not quite sure, some input is needed. I'd like to eat more salads with light dressing of some sort. Broccoli, raw carrots, spinach as vegetables to start. Not sure on how much fruit intake I should have.

Cut the meats down to the occasional chicken and turkey, no red meats. How about fish and/or seafood?


Exercise: Start walking, then eventually start jogging again. I used to cover two miles in just over twelve minutes. Also included would be situps/pushups, weight training, etc. I'd also like to be able to hit my mark of doing repetitions of pullups again.


This is my basic outline of what I'd like to get into, and your input would be appreciated. I'd also like to be able to retain muscle mass while trimming down.


I plan on starting July 1st. Your continued support and input would be much appreciated. I'll keep a log of my progress and leave it up for people to see if there's interest. Remember, I'm really serious about this!


Thanks smile.gif

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youll have to lose on average 14lbs a month, not imposible but not an easy task either.

myself being an ecotmorph i have a harder time gaining wieght then loosing weight, so im not to experianced in loosing weight as many i have been able to drop 5 lbs in three weeks to make weight at a bench comp.


fist sugestion, give up breakfast, alot of people claim this is the most important meal of the day, so if you do not eat it your body is forced to run off the reserves it has stored. no snacks as snacking is one of the main causes of weight gain.

stay actice the more you move around the more youll burn off, if you stay idle you will tend to be more hungry, then if your busy you wont notice it as much.


exercise is important, with your injuries you might have to rehabilate before hitting it hard, even if you dont loose the weight a better shaped body will help, build your torso and legs


eating it come to less intake then output, eating healthy helps, but it comes down to how much.


good luck.

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3500 calories == 1lb

Burn 3500 more calories than you take in and you'll loose 1lb. Weight loss is simple math. However, its not easy.


You could loose weight eating snickers bars. I would not rule out any food. You simply have to controll the portion which inturn affects your caloric intake. Untill you get down to 10% body fat, its all about the number of calories.


You will be hungry. What is the difference between a little hungry and a lot hungry, not much as its still annoying as f*ck. If you really want to loose weight, commit to it. A steady loss of 2-3lbs per week is a realistic goal for some time.


Write down EVERYTHING you eat! Keep a journal and be honest with yourself. Count every calorie and weigh your portions. Go to the bookstore and get one of the green pocket food books with all the nutritional info in it.


You probably won't loose significant muscle mass for some time. However, you will loose fat on top of the muscle which will have an affect on your physical perception of self. You'll have to look in the mirror and decide what physical appearance your happy with. I've never seen someone put on muscle without gaining fat or loosing fat without loosing (some) muscle.


Eating a high-protien diet will help preserve muscle. If you're doing 2000 calories per-day and 100 grams of protien, you'll be eating a lot of lean meats, chicken, and vegetables.


Muscle is 73% water anyways. If you feel bad just have some bread and water, you'll carb up quick.


My friend and training partner did the same thing in the past 10 months. He went from 265 to 188 and stepped on stage at the Mike Francois, finishing in the top half of his class.

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First off, the atkins diet is bullshit. I know you didn't mention it, but don't even consider it. Once you start to get off the diet, you will end up just where you started.


Scott lost a considerable amount of weight in about a 3 month span on a diet he found. You may wish to talk to him about just to help you get started, then once his plan has run it's course you will be at a much better position to actually start working out.


Good luck with this, when I'm done with this training in Georgia, I've been putting some thought into quitting smoking and getting a gym membership. Who knows, this may be a good time for a few of us on here to get into a shape other than round smile.gif

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I'm totally with you. I'm going on a diet as well. I just noticed a few nights ago that I've gained weight and it's not what I want to do. Once I have my financial stuff aside in the next month or two, I'm going to be joining a gym.
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Good Luck Anthony! 85 lbs in 5 months is going to be a difficult task. You need to be careful about losing weight that fast, it can cause all sorts of health problems.


I know that Paul lost like 80lbs just but cutting out soda out of his diet, so that's deffinately a good place to start. Also, negative calerie foods is a good thing (carrots, celery, etc...) Even walking on the treadmill or elliptical is good, working out period allows your metabolism to raise which will allow you to burn fat even while sitting still...


Again, good luck man!

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Originally posted by copperhead:

First off, the atkins diet is bullshit. I know you didn't mention it, but don't even consider it. Once you start to get off the diet, you will end up just where you started.

No, it's not bullshit. It works if you have dedication after you get off of it. I was up to 250 about 3 yrs ago, started the atkins and got down to about 200 in about 5-6 months. This was with lots of tuna, egg whites, chicken and lean beef. I started to add in multi grains and complex carbs and didn't gain any weight. I stopped losing though but I kept the weight off.. Now I'm down to 185-190 and still use a modified atkins. I eat no white starches and try to eat healthy every day. Booze doesn't count though ;)
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Here are a few tips that may help:


Water for one sugary drink (tea or fruit punch) every day for six months and you'll cut enough calories to lose 13.5 lbs.


Switch from regular soda to diet soda every day and in a year you'll consume about 91,000 fewer calories(26 lbs), depending on how much soda you drink.


Eat more small meals rather than one or two large meals a day and that will help to keep your metablism up and it will also limit what your body puts in storage.


Become a label reader, watch your caloric intake, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you ingest.


Keep a picture diary so you can visually track your body changes, losing weight isn't going to be easy especially when you throw weight training in there with it but you will definitely be making a physical impact on your body that will improve your self perception so rather than watching the scales, watch your body change.

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Also, if you are serious about getting in better shape, consider taking up swimming as a hobby. Swimming is the best workout that I do. It is low impact, great cardio, also great resistance training.
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Originally posted by JEEENKINNNS:

The hardest part about getting in shape is starting. Those first few steps are hard as hell, but once you start seeing improvements, it makes you feel a lot better and working out actually becomes fun..

Yep. I haven't been able to work out for three weeks because of the wreck, and I really miss it. :(
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Anthony, I've made a couple posts in the past weight loss threads that I think you should go back and read. I will go back tonight when I have time and post links to what I'm talking about.


My first suggestion would be going out and buying some fitness and/or diet books. Don't get caught up in the gimmick diets either. The one I have been using is called "Eat to Win for the 21st Century." I highly reccommend the book as it was written by a guy that has his masters degree in nutrition and he's consulted top athletes. He outlines a plan for losing wieght and keeping it off. Others may think it's just another gimmick, but I beleive otherwise and he has clinical studies to prove it.


Running will be hard for you to start doing. Walking is a good start. I would also highly recommend trying swimming. You'll burn more calories per minute then any other exercise, you'll work more muscle groups, and it's non-impact.




[ 28. June 2005, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Mallard ]

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Originally posted by The Stig:

Excersize > diet. If you have to pick one to direct your focus on, pick excersize.

From the data Anthony has provided, I disagree. For sake of argument lets assume person A maintains their current body size at 4500 calories per day.


Dieting would be to cut that in half. I maintain a weight of 178lbs and 14.2% body fat (used calipers last night) at ~2200 calories per day with vigorous strength training for 1 hour per day.


No way would someone be able to maintain 4500 calorie intake and burn 2300 calories per day, thats like running a marathon.




1) Get a log book and book of nutritional info. There is a desktop type book with green cover at most bookstores on this. I forget the title.


2) Write down everything you eat and be honest with yourself.


3) Start by cutting your portions in half (or third) and cut out the extra sugars (candy,pop, soda).


4) Start doing whatever exercise possible to boost your general physical preparedness (GPP).

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Guest GSRchick714

Good Luck!!!


I just got a scale the other day that measures your body fat and even how much is water weight. Obivously its not completely accurate but it at least gives you an idea of where your weight is. Might be good for you...$40-50 (cant remember) at Target smile.gif

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No way would someone be able to maintain 4500 calorie intake and burn 2300 calories per day, thats like running a marathon.


my lunch consists of 3000+ calories let alone dinner and breakfast and i havent gained a pound in years.

The point is a good balance is necessary but exercise is something that is very important. aerobic more so than lifting. If you lift you will lose less weight because you'll be turning it into muscle, I agree with above if you have access to a pool resistance running is very help full. If you dont grab yourself some 2lb hand weights and some sandbags strapped to your ankles and walk that shit'll beat you up untill you're ready to progress on to jogging/running. Due to your size i would stray away from jogging until you are comfortable with your form. else you're knees hips shin and lower back will be way more pissed than you want them to be. (this is what we had our throwers doing during track)

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ant, amber can help you out if you want to do this, and to lose that much weight in that little of time will be hard, i think you need to take a smaller goal at first or extend the date, but if you need to ask some things amber is a registered trainer so she could help out some
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