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I'm going on a diet.


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If you can afford it, get a personal trainer. They can be that extra kick in the ass when you need it. From what I've seen a lot people get discouarged to quickly and they can be great motivation. Maybe not for you, but look into it!


Good luck!

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Originally posted by The Stig:

Excersize > diet. If you have to pick one to direct your focus on, pick excersize.

I agree - dieting SUCKS balls because it's hard to get past that hunger stage and make sudden changes to your diet.


I can eat cookies and other carbs BECAUSE I exercise, and it's one of the reasons I exercise. I like salads and meats, but I have to have something else to break it up and desserts are nice. I can eat pretty much what I want right now, within reason. However, compared to how I used to eat, I am doing much better. I had to slowly change my diet. Some people can go 'cold turkey' and just drop everything that is 'not as good', but I never could.


I lift 5 days a week and run 5-6 miles 3 days a week. That seems to do it for me. When I started running it was all I could do to walk/run like 15 minutes.


I could stand to lose more weight (probably 10-15 lbs), but I'm pretty happy where I'm at (165-170). If I go much lower it would mean a major diet change or MUCH more exercise, and I just don't have the time to exercise that much more.


The big thing you have to do with exercise is just do it. Having a workout partner helps, but it isn't necessary for myself. When I first started (2 1/2 years ago) I didn't want to go the gym, but I 'guilted' myself into going until, now, if I don't go, I actually miss it. The socializing at the gym helps some, too.


I never really used my weight as a barometer; I just used the mirror and the way my clothes fit (or having to buy new clothes) to judge where I was at. What I weigh isn't important to me, but feeling good and looking good (in my own mind at least) are what gets me motivated.

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Good to hear it Anthony. Good luck.


I just had a physical yesterday. My blood pressure is too high. It runs in my family so even though I'm not in horrible shape I need to take steps to fix this.


I have already been running five times a week, but now I need to add a diet to that, and what is especially hard to watch my salt intake.


Maybe we should start a weight support thread, or at least keep this one going to track progress of everyone, for motivation. Just a thought. smile.gif

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Originally posted by drblake:

Here are a few tips that may help:

Switch from regular soda to diet soda every day and in a year you'll consume about 91,000 fewer calories(26 lbs), depending on how much soda you drink.

never drink diet anything, research is showing that diet drinks causing people to gain weight. most diet drinks contain aspartame, which poisons your body by slowing your metabolism and disrupting your bodys natural chemestry that tells your brain when your full. parts of aspartame get stored into your fat cells causeing them to break down slower. it also contains the enzyme phenalalinine which acts like a drug causing your body to release endorphins so when you consume aspartame your body and you get happy wanting more and more, then when you drink more you just further poison your system. just do some research on aspartame and weight loss. aspartame is bad for you. if your planning on exercising surgar is ok in small doses.


Edit: oh yeah, start drinking arizona green tea and/or ripped fuel. green tea cranks up your metabolizim and energy, i lost about 50 pounds in a matter of months just from exercising everyday and drinking alot of green tea.

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just watch waht you eat. no soda or stupid shit all i drink is water, OJ and milk. stop fast food. take ur lunch from home i usually take a backed chicken sandwich with bread and some pasta witha banana. i drink a liter of orange juice a day.


an di bike 20 miles every other day if not more. hoping to do my first 100 mile tour at the end of the summer. probably go back to the weight machines too.


anyone that wants to ride with me can. i hold a 18 mph average speed most the time..sometimes higher.

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Guest MTI Stroker

Water comsumption!! is good

get one of the water company's to rent you a water machine and get the jugs delivered!

5 gallon jug delivered is $4.00!

If i didnt have one i would not be drinking much water!!

and i hate buying bottles of water, so i just fill them up from the machine!

dont like running? get basketball games going 3 times a week!!!!

anyways goodluck!!!!

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Originally posted by 390@165:

fist sugestion, give up breakfast, alot of people claim this is the most important meal of the day, so if you do not eat it your body is forced to run off the reserves it has stored. no snacks as snacking is one of the main causes of weight gain.

not entirely true.

If your body has a constant intake, it wont store as much energy. By cutting out meals, your body goes into storage mode for whatever food you ate prior or will eat next.

Snacks, adding snacks to your full three meals, yes will gain weight. But if you cut the meals down slightly, and add a small healthy snack every few hours inbetween meals will actually boost your metabolism and help you to lose weight.


Hey, I lost 10 lbs in two weeks going through air force PT, and another 10 lbs the 3 or 4 weeks afterwards. So it is possible to lose what you want, but I'm sure if you tried to jump right into that kind of excercise we did you'd probably keel over, I almost passed out the first day and I considered myself somewhat fit at that time.

Im at the weight I want now but still have the gut, so I do a LOT of running. With weight training once or twice a week so I dont lose my push up and sit up numbers smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mallard:

Berto, are you riding trails on a mountain bike or on roads/paved paths?


My road bike should be here tomorrow, I'll probably bring it home and get some riding in this weekend.

i'm talking about road biking, i'm going to do ~ 30 miles on saturday or friday at kokosing gap. hit me up on AIM BertoBizkit so we can figure this out.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i'm talking about road biking, i'm going to do ~ 30 miles on saturday or friday at kokosing gap. hit me up on AIM BertoBizkit so we can figure this out.

30 miles aint to bad Berto
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Guest wesxprs

Good Luck Anthony!! I hopped on the scale last night and was disgusted with the amount of weight I have been gaining. Needless to say, the exercise started last night. 45 min on the elliptical and I feel great this morning. Portion control is the biggest thing I need to watch. I never believed in diets either only smaller meals and exercise seem to work the best.


Cardio is your friend! Stay focused and you will be fine.



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If you really want to loose weight you could only drink water and cut your meals down to like 1 a day. Its really not healthy but I lost 30 pounds doing it and you get used to being hungry to the point that eating a lot just kinda makes you feel sick. Once you get used to it being hungry is what is comfortable to you and being full feels just straight up nasty. Good luck with your weigth loss, this isn't a good strategy if being healthy about loosing the weight is what you have in mind, some would probably say anorexia but mehh. I fell I can keep it under control so I'm not worried. :D
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Originally posted by Mac Daddy:

never drink diet anything, research is showing that diet drinks causing people to gain weight. most diet drinks contain aspartame, which poisons your body by slowing your metabolism and disrupting your bodys natural chemestry that tells your brain when your full. parts of aspartame get stored into your fat cells causeing them to break down slower. it also contains the enzyme phenalalinine which acts like a drug causing your body to release endorphins so when you consume aspartame your body and you get happy wanting more and more, then when you drink more you just further poison your system. just do some research on aspartame and weight loss. aspartame is bad for you. if your planning on exercising surgar is ok in small doses.


I don't drink any soda at all because caffeine actually limits the ability of hemoglobin in RBCs to bind to oxygen thus making you more tired when exercising. I was just pulling a few helpful quotes from Runner's World. I personally would suggest not drinking any soda at all, it will do wonders.
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Originally posted by drblake:

Those of you who road bike, anytime you are going to do a competitive ride, give me a hollar. I do triathlons mostly but I'm up for a century ride sometime.

Sweet. I just started training for a Sprint Tri a few months ago. I haven't biked in a while and my new one just came in the mail today. I'll be in Cloumbus this weekend so I'll be out on some trails, maybe with Berto if we can meet up. I'd like to hear any points you may have for me. (I'm doing the Sprint Tri at Antrum Park on July 24th)


EDIT: HOLLER! I just unpacked her. Needs some assembly and I'll have to pick up some pedals on Sat. Hopefully someplace is open.


[ 30. June 2005, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Mallard ]

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Originally posted by 390@165:

fist sugestion, give up breakfast, alot of people claim this is the most important meal of the day, so if you do not eat it your body is forced to run off the reserves it has stored. no snacks as snacking is one of the main causes of weight gain.

stay actice the more you move around the more youll burn off, if you stay idle you will tend to be more hungry, then if your busy you wont notice it as much.

If you believe not eating meals is atheright way to dothis then you are wrong. You should never cut any meals out. You should be eating at least 5-6 meals aday. All high in protien, moderate coplex carbs. Any dont think fat is your enenmy. The #1 enenmy is sugar. Stay away from sugar as much as possible. Drink water all the time, no pop, diet pop or whatever. If you need a flavored drink, go with gatorade or some form of a juice or something.

Working out is hard to do, unless you are totally serious. Get a partner to push you. I always worked out with someone that is usually in better shape and stronger then myself that way he can push me to catch up to him.

If you need any help, let me know, I have competed in different body building competitions and know alot about how to eat and diet.

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Jesus Christ The misinformation in this thread it half deadly.


Giving up Breakfast: You’ve got to be kidding me. That is the worst idea ever. Eating breakfast initializes your metabolism after your long fast. You will also be LESS hungry throughout the day as a result.


Exercise > Diet: Again, where the hell do you people get this from. Exercise is helpful and will certainly speed up the process, but unless you are currently caloric intake is near maintenance Exercise alone wont cut it. You could lose weight sitting on your couch as long as you ate below a certain calorie amount.


Losing/Gaining weight is physiologically one of the easiest things you can do. It's your brain that gets in the way. It is the simple matter of burning more calories than you consume. (The cholo that said 2400 was a lot to burn in a day made me chuckle. Your basal metabolic processes are responsible for burning a majority of your calories per day. Usually this is much more than 2400 per day. ;) )


Cutting calories from your diet is the best way to do so, the extent of the cut determines how rapid you lose the weight (all things being equal. There is something called a leptin response that slows weight loss over time with sever cutting). However, if you starve your body from protein, you will scavenge muscle mass in the process. In other words: Cut the fat (Except Essential fatty acids), cut the sugar, double the protein.


My following post will have easy formulas for you to determine your caloric intake.

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Go to a body fat calculator and figure up you body fat percentage.


[RMR (Resting metabolic rate) X Activity Factor] + Thermic Effect of Food= Maintenance Calorie Intake

{[10 x (LBM in lbs) + 500] X Activity Factor} + (TEF)


Where RMR = 10 x (LBM in lbs) + 500


And Activity Factors =

1.2-1.3 for Very Light (bed rest)

1.5-1.6 for Light (office work/watching TV)

1.6-1.7 for Moderate (some activity during day)

1.9-2.1 for Heavy (labor type work)


TEF (thermic effect of food)= 10-15% X RMR



so 150 lbs of lean body mass for a moderately active person = [10 x 150 + 500] X 1.6 + .10(10 x 150 + 500) = 3400 calories


If you are cutting you should intake about .85 X your maintence calories or 2890 in the example above.


Your protien intake should be around 1.5 grams per lb of lean body mass. For the above example this would be 225g per day.


You protien and calories for the day should be split into 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Each meal should have some protein.


Use www.Fitday.com to track EVERY SINGLE THING you eat, at least for a few weeks so you know how to stay within the acceptable caloric intake.


If you are going to lose that amount of weight it is going to take DAILY dedication and self control. Rationalizing even one off scheduled "cheat meal" will start the slippery slide back to your old habits.


DO schedule a cheat meal every 2 weeks. Be a little free that day (dont go overboard).


DO lift heavy weights. The EPOC (Effect Post Oxygen Consumption) is 7 times greater in terms of calories burned than cardio.


DO Consistantly do the walking you plan to do.


DO take 5-6 Fish oil caps per day. It will help in the breaking up of the Cortisol aka organ fat in you belly.


DO avoid sugary foods, immediate glycemic spikes cause an insulun response that WILL make you hungry fast.


DO NOT get discouraged if it takes a few weeks to start losing. It is perfectly normal.

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Hey Ken i've been wondering this for quite some time but are you a health or fitness expert? If not why aren't you? I've noticed you seem to be quite knowledable about the subject whenever things of these natures pop up.


And thanks for the above mentioned as well.



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