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stupiedest shit i have ever seen to date.


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Step 1: ctrl+a

Step 2: ctrl+c

Step 3: Open MS word

Step 4: ctrl+v

Step 5: All red underlined words are suggested corrections for misspelled words. All green underlined words or phrases are ones that have suggested improper grammatical structures. Right clicking on each one, and/or hitting F7 can see suggested corrections.

Step 7: Use ALL suggestions to correct your grammatical and spelling errors.

Step 8: ctrl+c

Step 9: ctrl+v

Step 10: Take a deep breath of fresh air. Congratulations, your head is now out of your ass and you can see, hear, breath, and foremost, smell again.



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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Perfect Enemy:

Actually, I talk smack to everyone.


What, are you fucking this chick or something? graemlins/cry.gif

Damn. I don't even remember typing that. Crown Royal and Jagermeister were contriubuting factors to that post. Sorry about that.
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well girly girl you have successfully started a thread to talk shit about somone else and have owned yourself in the process. Good job.


this reminds me of something i saw posted

Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

why do dumb people breed?

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Originally posted by Perfect Enemy:

I think it's great that you started a thread about someone being stupid, especially since you cannot properly use the English language. Not to mention you drive a Volkswagen.

Originally posted by Perfect Enemy:






OMG CONTEXT OWNS JOO!!!!1!1!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Japanese GTO:

BREATHE not breath

Context owns you as well ;)

See, that's the thing. I can't spell and I know it, that's why I use MS word. It obviously can't correct mistakes though. But, as you can see from the post I made, it could have corrected a lot of what she posted. I don't have excellent grammatical skills or can spell very well. I don't bust people’s balls about missing an e in a word. Not only would that be hypocritical of me, but it's just downright nitpicky and annoying. I bust their balls when they make post like hers.



Do you know how to work on your own car or do you have to go across the street and bug the people at Auto Zone about basic car knowledge too? Just a question. ;)

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Originally posted by Japanese GTO:

haha, no I don't have an autozone across the street, and if I did, they would be the last people I ask about my car. ;) I do everything myself. You must be confusing me with some of stealth guys on here, I drive a 3000GT ;)

No, it's a group of 3si guys from what I’ve heard. So I'm not confused at all. I didn't know if you were really one of 'them' or not. Sure does look like it from your website. There is an AutoZone across the street from where I'm talking about.


No auto parts store, generally speaking, is a good place to ask questions about fixing you car. That's why it's so funny.

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