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Michigan sucks ass


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Yup, knew it. Losing team bitching about the winning team. Do they breed you guys to be ignorant jackasses? I think we've been through this. Marshall is not a scrub MAC team. When was the last time you guys won a national championship (not a co-championship)? Thats what I thought. Wait, did you guys win this weekend? Nope, didn't do that either. I guess you can still talk shit, though.... :confused:
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Originally posted by Bracketracer13:

BARELY beating a MAC team is something for OSU to brag about...w00t :rolleyes:

you said it yourself beating, and to credit osu, marsh lost to troy by 2, and troy whipped on missouri who is number 16. so marshall doesnt suck. Oh and if i remember right osu barely beat cinncinatti when they went on to win a National championship, so all that really matters is the W, which scUM didnt get, cause they suck, and lyodd carr is a whinny bitch, like a girl during PMS.
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It must have been a Michigan grad. who created and titled that photo. They didn't use a comma after oops, a question mark at the end of an interrogative, a comma after "seriously guys", an apostrophe in the congugation of I am (I'm), nor could they spell DUMB correctly!


That's right fellas, O fucking H........

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Hey geoff, I thought you were leaving?.... and did Michigan win?

I did leave. I will not hangout with cr anymore. That is what I said in the thread. but I said I will still be browsing the board.



Originally posted by Rotarded:



It must have been a Michigan grad. who created and titled that photo. They didn't use a comma after oops, a question mark at the end of an interrogative, a comma after "seriously guys", an apostrophe in the congugation of I am (I'm), nor could they spell DUMB correctly!


That's right fellas, O fucking H........

thats the point! its saying how dumb the character really is. I misspelled it for a reason.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

I did leave. I will not hangout with cr anymore. That is what I said in the thread. but I said I will still be browsing the board.



thats the point! its saying how dumb the character really is. I misspelled it for a reason.

The point you actually made was that the creator cannot punctuate, or spell!
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Are you guys out of your mind michigan sucks wtf yall almost lost to marshall who the fuck are they not ranked never ranked and not good took you guys till the last 9 seconds to beat them yall are garbage we just had like 3 mistakes by the same guy and got scored on but we will still ALWAYS be better then ohio state besides over all record is like michigan 59- Ohio state 32 :-D
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does anyone in ohio know what a real lake looks like or not brown water mich might have lost the game but it was to ND come on they have a good team this year. and what was the kick goes down in history its just a feild goal wup di do

if all you arm chair qb think michigan sucks say it to the front line not one is under 300 lbs and they are quick too suck that the qb is new. and osu the whole team is small sept 3 of them and osu is too dependant on personel talent clarrette thats all i have to say

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We had three mistakes by the same guy, too, and we still won. Notre Dame is not ranked, either. Even if they were, you guys were supposed to beat them by two touchdowns. You lost the game. Marshall has been a consistantly good team year after year for a long time, and they are getting better. Marshall played a great game, and OSU played better. That = a win.



Did I just hear you say, Jen, That Ohio State (again, the team that DID win this weekend) relies too much on the talent of their players? I don't even want to disect this statement, but I will for the sake of everyone else who thinks this is an absolutely pathetic attempt at shmack talking about the Bucks.


.... I guess it's because I (and all of the college coaches, too) don't possess the infinite football wisdom that you do, but what's so bad about having players that are good? If I were a coach, I would try my best to recruit as many good players as possible (Hasn't OSU had one of the top five recruiting classes the last 5 years running or something?) every year. I guess Michigan should try your system, because they bring in pretty good players every year, and still can't seem to win a National Championship (all to themselves).

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

Are you guys out of your mind? Michigan sucks? Wtf? Y'all almost lost to Marshall. Who the fuck are they? They are not ranked, were never ranked, and they are not good. It took you guys 'til the last 9 seconds to beat them. Y'all are garbage. We just had like 3 mistakes, by the same guy, and got scored on. We will still ALWAYS be better than Ohio State. Besides, the over all record is like Michigan 59- Ohio State 32 :-D

Fixed that for you.


Might wanna change your name to Got English, or Got Punctuation. "Y'all" givin the rest of your trailer park neighbors a bad name! tongue.gif

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