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Michigan sucks ass


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Wow. This is the flame room. Get the fuck over it. Does anyone have the Britney Spears "My Pussy Hurts!" picture?


... and Jenn, don't send me Instant messages telling me that "reverting to personal attacks is not a good idea" like you're going to start something, or that I'm going to get banned for it. :rolleyes:

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you kow i think its funny that you guys care more about my spelling or punctuation than what im saying its like osu fans have three things in common besides being white trash some fans excluded but after they won a game a fews years ago and then decided to riot thats sooo coooool' . ' and then when there players are passing out handjobs in jail. again wow i wanna play for them. finally when i met your wonderful star everything joey galloway he was giving head behind house of japan and was a total asshole i guess its the school he was pissed that he played for it too now whats he doing in the pros? the funny thing is is that REPUBLICAN i know its cant but if hes a jackass hell saysomething or is that just an ass? whichever go home to your mommmy and get your friends to see what ive writen and then come up with something charming and witty so that i can ignor you fro now on cuz your just getting to heated up overthis "are you hitting your keys EXTRA hard" to show that your mad your the biggest man on my 17"inch monitor you deseve a prize here its called nascar
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I bet Jim Tressell would be pretty dissapointed that you don't want to play for him, because with your size, you'd make a fine offensive lineman.


As for the rest of that blathering bullshit, did I see you say that Joey Galloway was giving someone head behind House of Japan? I know neither where the fuck that came from, nor why you decided to make that up, but damn. That's both sad and disguisting.


You tell all of us that we don't post anything of substance, and you quote riots that happened a few years ago (as if any of us were involved), that our players give hand jobs in jail, and then call us white trash when the english language is obviously out of your feeble grasp? Get the fuck away from the keyboard, put down the cheetos, and go get some exercise. I heard Wal-Mart is having a sale.... Women's Plus-size pants, buy one, get one free.

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

you kow i think its funny that you guys care more about my spelling or punctuation than what im saying its like osu fans have three things in common besides being white trash some fans excluded but after they won a game a fews years ago and then decided to riot thats sooo coooool' . ' and then when there players are passing out handjobs in jail. again wow i wanna play for them. finally when i met your wonderful star everything joey galloway he was giving head behind house of japan and was a total asshole i guess its the school he was pissed that he played for it too now whats he doing in the pros? the funny thing is is that REPUBLICAN i know its cant but if hes a jackass hell saysomething or is that just an ass? whichever go home to your mommmy and get your friends to see what ive writen and then come up with something charming and witty so that i can ignor you fro now on cuz your just getting to heated up overthis "are you hitting your keys EXTRA hard" to show that your mad your the biggest man on my 17"inch monitor you deseve a prize here its called nascar

My brain hurts from scanning through this nonsense.


Therefore: IGNORE!

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Guest Elinar Longsight

Ok, I guess I have to settle something that some UM fans can't grasp. I am a big UM fan, will be until my dying day, but I know when to say "hey, my team lost a game, we sucked that game..." and hope they play better the next game. OSU played an interesting game against Marshall, I enjoyed knowing that a few CR members were probably clutching their chests those last 2 seconds. But I am not going to bash a team who played well, despite a rivalry, when my team lost against someone they should have beat. I like OSU every game except one and can't wait to see what kind of record each team has going into that game.


As for the "all Michigan fans are overweight, unattractive, ignorant, stubborn, pathetic, illiterate, devoid of any creativity or logical thinking skills..." comment, well lets just say that I think it is sad that all you can do is call people hurtful things because of a stupid football rivalry. Grow up. Please remember that there are many OSU fans that fit into those catagories too. It makes me sick to see how some of the UM fans on here act and talk, and makes me ill to know that its because of them, that all Wolverine fans are treated like crap. :(

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and im sure if you knew this wasnt jenn you would say that i would make a fine offensive lineman cuz thats what i was and if your gonna ignore it why do you have to post about it. i was trying to make a point about the quality of players that osu has are you even old enough to know who joey galloway is do you even race are you even in columbus do you have a car hows puberty treating you lets say this you can crack on mich and say that osu is better when they play eachother cuz till then you are living in the past like most osu fans do like in every conversation ive had with you people "they went all the way " yea it was the first time EVER to go undefeated mich has done that before so what get some class and wait till the 20th to talk your trash but this reminds me why ohio is the anus of mich that where the dingelberries hang out
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Guest Elinar Longsight

Who is being sensitive? Not me, I was just pointing out how pathetic (to use a word you called UM fans) it was that such harsh things can be said about people you don't even know. As for the "go make Anthony a pot pie" comment, you are just jealous you don't have a woman who is willing to do that for you, let alone sleep with you. graemlins/slap.gif


But anyways, any comments after this may as well be directed towards other people because I only wanted to post the one reply. I don't like to get involved in these stupid OSU vs UM threads, but felt like I should say how disappointed I was in my fellow UM fans for the way they are acting.

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I'm in college, but nice try.


Again, in the very same run on sentence, you said : "you are living in the past like most osu fans", followed closely by "Yea it was the first time ever to go undefeated, but Michigan has done that before". You obviously didn't go to college.


Then, you told me to "get some class", asked me if I "even live in Columbus", and "do I have a car?"


1. You couldn't find class in an elementary school.

2. My home is in Columbus, but I am in Athens, at Ohio University. Why does that matter? Are you in Ann Arbor?

3. I have two vehicles, a daily driver and a motorcycle. The motorcycle is down at the moment, due to a bum starter and it being a 2 hour drive away from me. I guess you have shit to talk about that now, though. :rolleyes:


Seriously, dude. Stop posting, you're losing face with each monstrosity your thick fingers thump into the keyboard.

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you know what we will see the 20th. you must be a freshman and thats kinda cute but i do see that you do live on this bored lord in heaven please dont let the 18yr old miss a post his whole life will be throw into a downward spiral but seriously i do think its awsome that you and me now that i think about it cuz i normally woudnt give you the time of day let alone argue with you the we are keeping up on this thread god you have at it you maruder of the mouse pad dont let anyone get by you you are the MAN and dont be jealous cuz your small you dont even know me how do you know that im not 6'8" 300 lbs this obviously isnt jenn but thats all i gotta say about that
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Oh, shit. You're a fatass. I'm scared. Sorry if I'm on here on my laundry day, talking shit to a bunch of people who can't read or write.


I'm also not small, and even if I were, why would I be jealous of a fat kid? You still haven't made any sense at all in any of your posts. I did like the part where you used a line from a Budwieser commercial (remember the whole "get some class thing?) :rolleyes:


New points made by The Fat Lonely Michigan fan:


-I'm 18


-I'm not as fat as he is


-Periods don't exist


- He/she/it thinks I'm cute... graemlins/puke.gif

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oh shoot your from dublin too do you have boy band hair come on you can tell me and i said how do you know . that. im . not that tall and big you know 6'8" 300 lbs is bigger than any osu player so your funny 300 lbs on a 6'8" frame isnt fat your so SMRT i wanna be like you when i grow up wait till you get some real world experiance and yu might be doing laundry but your still posting way more than anyone should be 7 per day thats insane you check it everyday dont you awwww you want to be a moderator dont you oh thats cute let me know how your application goes . you the pivot man and you get to eat the buscuit
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Originally posted by Elinar Longsight:

Who is being sensitive? Not me, I was just pointing out how pathetic (to use a word you called UM fans) it was that such harsh things can be said about people you don't even know. As for the "go make Anthony a pot pie" comment, you are just jealous you don't have a woman who is willing to do that for you, let alone sleep with you. graemlins/slap.gif


But anyways, any comments after this may as well be directed towards other people because I only wanted to post the one reply. I don't like to get involved in these stupid OSU vs UM threads, but felt like I should say how disappointed I was in my fellow UM fans for the way they are acting.

Score for Tina!


Ne whoo... someone write this down... I agree 100% with Tina's two posts! graemlins/eek2.gif *cheer* you go girl *cheer*



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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

Score for Tina!


Ne whoo... someone write this down... I agree 100% with Tina's two posts! graemlins/eek2.gif *cheer* you go girl *cheer*



Thought you said it wasn't you that was posting? BUSTED!


You are called a band-wagon debater! You need the assurance of another to prove your point, knowing that your points hold no worth.

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it's not me that was posting. look at the difference in the posts. :eyeroll: I was in school till just recently. Would you like my professors number to confirm that? Dr. Torello at Capital Univ.


So you, c5doc, busted no one but yourself.


I'm done with this nonsense.


"Never argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level and overwhelm you with their experience!"

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

it's not me that was posting. look at the difference in the posts. :eyeroll: I was in school till just recently. Would you like my professors number to confirm that? Dr. Torello at Capital Univ.


So you, c5doc, busted no one but yourself.


I'm done with this nonsense.


"Never argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level and overwhelm you with their experience!"

Oh another whom I shall prove wrong. How ironic! Dr. Michael Torello was my psych 101 professor fall quarter during my freshman year of college at Ohio State back in 1990. I used him as a reference when I did my graduate school thesis back in 1998 while he was at Capital. I still have his contact info.


I hardly doubt you are in the honors program, however.


I went back and looked at the verbage, someone else supposedly used, and it matches what you are currently using. IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG!

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You are dumber than hell. Call Dr. T. He teaches more than just honors classes. To top it all off, he has nothing to do with the honors program at Capital University any more. Since you are so current with his information... he has not taught a Psych 100 course in YEARS. Call him... he can tell you that I was in class. I also have taken more than one of his classes, and am taking more than one this semester. But... I have nothing to prove to you, espically since you have no clue as to what you are talking about. You have no idea who I am, nor have I ever met you or talked to you in person.


BTW... there are two people posting on my name. BTW... if you want to talk to Dr. T, his office has changed to Renner Hall, # 134 or something of that nature... so I believe his extension changed as well. If it is so important to you that I couldn't possibly be an honors student... please give him a call :eyeroll:

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Tina posted that the Michigan fans in this thread are being dumb jackasses. Good thing that you agreed with her.


... On a side note, not to be a dick, but I'm nowhere NEAR jealous of someone who has a wife. Sorry, Ant.


Calling someone with a PH.D dumber than hell is absolutely hysterical. Good Job.

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

you know 6'8" 300 lbs is bigger than any osu player

That's incorrect. Freshman tackle Steve Rehring is listed at 6'8", 315 lbs.


I am curious as to whether or not any of the scUM fans in this thread have ever set foot on campus at scUM, never mind actually taken a class. graemlins/popcorn.gif

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

yea it was the first time EVER to go undefeated mich has done that before

Ohio State was undefeated and untied in 1968, and 1954 under Woody Hayes (both were national title years). There was also a shorter season during WWII where OSU went 9-0 (the coach before Paul Brown, maybe Widdowes). The 1973 team (Hayes again) was undefeated with one tie.


Michigan's 1997 season was their first unbeaten and untied since 1948, and their first national title since 1948. They also had to SHARE it, while OSU's three titles since WWII were not shared.


Michigan also was undefeated with one tie in 1973.


Now, Michigan had many undefeated seasons before WWI (that's right World War ONE), but if you want to talk about that, then WHO IS LIVING IN THE PAST?

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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

you kow i think its funny that you guys care more about my spelling or punctuation than what im saying its like osu fans have three things in common besides being white trash some fans excluded but after they won a game a fews years ago and then decided to riot thats sooo coooool' . ' and then when there players are passing out handjobs in jail. again wow i wanna play for them. finally when i met your wonderful star everything joey galloway he was giving head behind house of japan and was a total asshole i guess its the school he was pissed that he played for it too now whats he doing in the pros? the funny thing is is that REPUBLICAN i know its cant but if hes a jackass hell saysomething or is that just an ass? whichever go home to your mommmy and get your friends to see what ive writen and then come up with something charming and witty so that i can ignor you fro now on cuz your just getting to heated up overthis "are you hitting your keys EXTRA hard" to show that your mad your the biggest man on my 17"inch monitor you deseve a prize here its called nascar

ill bet there are a few million people that have gone to OSU, and make a shit to more money then you, but then again osu, alum, students, fans, are all white trash... you suck, and FUCK MICHIGAN


Jon is my new hero, and i think its time his words get qouted in my sig



Mark also brings up an important point, how many of you have ever steped foot on scUM campus for classes or the like....

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Guest Elinar Longsight
Originally posted by B DUBS:


Mark also brings up an important point, how many of you have ever steped foot on scUM campus for classes or the like....

I attended their Medical School's Summer Science Academy Program during my junior/senior summer.(The summer before I started my junior/senior combination year.)

Its a program that gives highschool students a chance to experience campus and medical school life. I spent two weeks in a dormitory and attended a few classes. I have also gone to several home games while I lived in MI. I had a scholarship to attend after hs but it was revoked when I graduated with a 3.8 instead of a 4.0, so yes, I have been to the campus and attended classes, and would have gone after hs except I couldn't afford it. So not all of the UM fans on here are just bandwagon fans. I liked UM even while I lived in Texas for 16yrs. tongue.gif

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