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Shit talking w/o ground to stand on


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So im at work today and one of the other managers who is rather "financialy challenged" because of creditcards, said somehting to day that really pissed me off.


We were out looking at my car and i was telling him how nice the ride was and how awsome the suspension was comepared to pretty much any GM car short of a Corvette.


He started ranting about how Grand Prix's are like the best handeling car.. this and that, this and that. So finally after all that was over, he basically said that Volvos were cars for people who cant afford a Mercedes-Benz...


WTF! Why would anyone who could probably never afford a new Cavalier let alone a European car, talk shit like that? It really pissed me off. I dont think im better than anyone else because of the car i drive, but damn it im proud of it. I worked hard, and i learned to handel my finances so i could afford nice things and him saying that was like a kick in the nutz.


Question is:


A: Am i over reacting? ... and

B: Should i strait tell him off?


I just dont understand how people can talk shit when they have absolutly no ground to stand on.


[ 03. January 2005, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: MRMEANR ]

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I dunno, I think the new Volvos are all badass cars. I have rented an S40, S60, and S80, and I liked them all. Even better if yours is AWD/Turbo. BUT, did you buy the car for you or him? People tell me they don't like my car, and it doesn't bother me one bit. I don't care what they think, because I bought the car for me. Fuck them. That's my $.02.
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Ask the guy if he's ever driven a Mercedes Benz, then ask if he's ever driven a volvo.


I hate people like this. Every damn little thing is a competition. No matter what they can never just be happy with what someone else has they have to, in some way, tear you down. Bullshit.

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a.) I kinda think you're over reacting.... let people think what they want... what does it hurt you?


b.) why bother? it's just going to get you upset... who gives a shit what he thinks? remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.



that being said, I think my GP handles quite well... stock for stock, I'd like to see how they compare.

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Grand Prix = FWD, therefore it does NOT have the best handling out there, in my opinion. Not knocking it as a car, but I think RWD and 4WD are superior.


Don't tell him off, you still have to work with this person, after all. Instead, have someone with something like a 1983 Audi Quattro Sport (the 4WD turbo version) race against his Prix. The best way for someone to realize that there's always something that's faster/handles better is for them to lose to it.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I dunno, I think the new Volvos are all badass cars. I have rented an S40, S60, and S80, and I liked them all. Even better if yours is AWD/Turbo. BUT, did you buy the car for you or him? People tell me they don't like my car, and it doesn't bother me one bit. I don't care what they think, because I bought the car for me. Fuck them. That's my $.02.

+1. I bought my AE86 for me, and I could care less if someone thinks I bought it just to drift, or that I bought it because I like Initial D. Granted, I have watched the series, and without having done so, I prolly wouldn't have paid any attention to an AE86 (or known what it was), but I don't have delusions of taking my SR5 on the touge and talking shit to Evo and RX-7 drivers. I drive it pretty fast for what it is (Finally got it up to 110MPH on the way up to Cleveland on New Years Eve, which is impressive for a 4A with 256k miles on it, especially with 2 passengers in the car and a whole bunch of shit in the hatch weighing down the car.), but I'd rather not risk drifting my 86 into a guardrail or the side of a mountain, really.


There's always gonna be someone wanting to talk shit no matter what you drive, but if you bought the car for you, and it makes you happy, fuck 'em. The car's doing what it was intended to do.

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Originally posted by MRMEANR:

He started ranting about how Grand Prix's are like the best handeling car..





97-03's GPs suck at handling, even with 900$ Koni struts and a 200$ some odd dollar handling package.


The car is a boat, nothing can change that, I still <3 it though.

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Well think of it this way... I had tons of people look at it. Like 20 members of my family, 7 or 8 of you guys on here, countless friends, and even random people that come into the shop ask about it and say how nice they thought it was, and it made me feal good about buying it. Then this one stupid fuck had to ruin it all because of his cracked out brain.


Its like running a LTD out at autoX and then tagging the very last possible cone. It just eats at you is all. I hate that crap.

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I have plenty of people look at me like I'm a ricer because my car came with a big wing. But I bought the car for me, not anyone else so I don't give a shit. Plus the fact that it can out handle almost anything on the road below $30k...with possible exception to the Cobalt SS, but I'll be modded by the time that hits the road.
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Nick whats up? I personally think you are looking at it too far it is your car you make the payments not them. That is what I think when people ask Y I own a cavalier I personally love them sure they are by far the best car out there but it is what I like if they want to make an opinion they can make a car payment (dont have one) Oh and yes it is purple
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Originally posted by Mallard:

I have plenty of people look at me like I'm a ricer because my car came with a big wing. But I bought the car for me, not anyone else so I don't give a shit. Plus the fact that it can out handle almost anything on the road below $30k...with possible exception to the Cobalt SS, but I'll be modded by the time that hits the road.

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