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Lowlife Scum!!!


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Today I was driving south on Neil Ave. and I was stopped at a red light. Across the intersection from me, a foreign homeless person walks out to the truck stopped at the red light. As the person walks up, they put their hand up looking for a handout. The woman in the truck shakes her head no, as she does this, the homeless person procedes to start spitting on this woman's truck. Then the homeless person walks around the front of the truck and punches it as they walk by. Then the homeless person gets the corner and starts flicking the woman in the truck off, and throwing dirt at her.


Now WTF is wrong with people today. Just because they are an illegal alien peice of shit, why do they think that we have to support them by giving them hand outs, and then they get pissed when we dont! graemlins/nonono.gif

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The ones around like... the Newport aren't bad, the dude that raps is pretty cool. This is the worst one I have seen down there, and I have had them chase me before and stuff
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Originally posted by Venomss:

That's a visual that made me laugh out loud. smile.gif

Man, they will ask you for a quarter or something, and you don't have any change, they just keep following you, I've had them wait outside of stores for me and shit. They had an article in the newspaper last year saying they were cracking down on it, seems like it is worse to me
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I don't understand the whole BUM thing. If there is one job that I think would be horrible is have to stand in one place ALL day, in the cold or rain, looking like an idiot while the whole world looks at you. Wouldn't it be easier to just go across the street to the Walmart, get a job and greet people at the door???
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard 3,000:

I would give him money shit if he enterains me I think he deserves some money.

I know people who have used their meal swipes at the end of a quarter to buy him food
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Originally posted by BC:

I don't understand the whole BUM thing. If there is one job that I think would be horrible is have to stand in one place ALL day, in the cold or rain, looking like an idiot while the whole world looks at you. Wouldn't it be easier to just go across the street to the Walmart, get a job and greet people at the door???

you have to have a place of residence to get a job.... i dont think highstreet counts
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Guest busteryhyman

i live at 4th and high and i come out of my apartment and i always get harassed. i paid one guy 5.00 to dig my car out of the snow, but usually i get guys asking me to go into the ATM of the store below me to get them cash if i tell them i have none.


there is one legit guy who stands on my corner. he sleeps there usually too, nicest guy. i always give him food when i bring some home. when he asks for change and you dont have any he just says "god bless" and goes about his way

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

:D That guy actually earns his money; he comes up with some pretty creative lines on the spot.

I wouldn't have a problem giving a guy like that a couple dollars. There's a guy in downtown Cleveland who can play sax like nobody else, and he stands out in the cold with his suitcase open, never directly asking for anyone's cash.
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some bums suck, but if i really feel they are legit, i'll usually go in the mcdonald's and get them a dollar cheesburger or something, if they want food they got it.


its hard to get a job when ur in a cycle like that, first of all most of the bums have some sort of mental illness, then how are u going to get an interview when u haven't shaved in 5 months and have ratty dirty clothes.


its mean cycle.

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I do loss prevention in the arena district and believe me, they are all over the place. The key is to keep them on property until the police arrive, and watch as they get taken away in the back of the police car to jail. The problem is, no matter how much you may want to confront them, you don't know what they are capable of nor do you know if they are infected with anything. I usually just call CPD and sit back, watch, and laugh my ass of.
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a man without money is like a bee without honey... help is on the way.


got a dollar and a cup and just tryin to get up... help is on the way.



seriously though, anyone remember that midget bum that was around maybe 98-99. he was a total dick. once he came up to me and said "hey man you got some change?" and i was like "no man i aint got no change for you, sorry" and then he said "well FUCK YOU THEN!" and got all pissed.


i think he got hit by a bus and died though.


also, them going to jail is probably a step up from where they are now. i mean at least in county you get 3 meals a day and a bed to sleep in.

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