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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen this side of Mowgli.

i knew he had it in him somewhere.


with him looking like "pops teutel" from american chopper, i knew it was just a matter of time.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

God does, according to the bible anyways.....have you ever actualy read the whole thing, man? tongue.gif

actually have. a couple times. and it says repeatedly God created all men equal. however, there is that passage about men being above women, but that's some old testament shit that was probably taken out of context. but supposedly that's why God let adam name eve. anywho...
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Guest FBody Addict

quick question, can anyone honestly say god has ever done anything for them?


and to loosely quote george carlin


you grow up with your parents saying there are no such things as ghosts, goblins, demons, etc..... but then they drag you to church every sunday where they tell you there is a big invisible man in the sky. (end quote)



make sense? cause it sure as hell makes no sense to me

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For some reason I read this thread & all these posts??? I don't know why really? Let me say =


1) I'm saddened the Pope died

2) I'm catholic & not active, haven't been for a long time

3) I think the religion has gone down hill & really is about $$$$ Who belongs to a certain church & how much do they financially contribute yearly

4) I think they should erect drive thru's like McDonalds, ya could drive in with your pre-printed envelope, give your $$$, 10 bucks, 25 bucks whatever, drive off to do whatever you'd planned! Religions that would do this would prosper again, people would have their day of rest to wax the machine, play golf, whatever

5) Yeah I believe there's a God & I'm basically a good person, just not interested in pushing on other folks or wasting my valuable free time on this subject -

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Originally posted by satan:

actually have. a couple times. and it says repeatedly God created all men equal. however, there is that passage about men being above women, but that's some old testament shit that was probably taken out of context. but supposedly that's why God let adam name eve. anywho...

.....tell me about the saved race.....(before any hillbillies chime in, your basic literate idiot would know that is not a color bound deffinition of race)

Originally posted by Just Another F-body:

quick question, can anyone honestly say god has ever done anything for them?

yes, lots of people can and do say that. Its called faith. OneI dont share, but I dont have a hard time understanding why people feel how they do about it.


I'm also not catholic, I dont beleive in any deities, and I'm not happy that John Paul II is dead. However, I cant wait for that Fallwell fucker to meet the boatman. If there's a hell, I'll see him there.


The Pope lived in an apartment and received no real annual salary, Fallwell has properties all over and is worth a shit ton of cash. Discuss.

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Catholics can buy their way into heaven. Protestants can't. Discuss.

Catholics may be able to buy their way into heaven, but muslims kill their way into "their" (made up bullshit) heaven...discuss that!
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Originally posted by B:

Catholics may be able to buy their way into heaven, but muslims kill their way into "their" (made up bullshit) heaven...discuss that!

Untrue. Catholicism/Judaism/Islam are all based on the same ideals, and they all originate in the same household. Just because some nutjob misinterprets the Quran does not mean that is the view of all people in the religion. There aer Jewish nutballs and Christian nutballs as well. Fallwell/Robertson blamed the 9/11 attacks on gays and lesbians, and also unwed mothers. All of the holy books of the 3 religions previously mentioned are the same in their fundamental state. The Quran, Torah, and Old Testament are the same book.
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Before anyone starts quoting scripture, please state your credentials as a biblical scholar and where you got your doctorate in theology. Even the devil will come quoting scripture.


I encourage each one of you to read not only the Bible, but also the historical background surrounding it, as well as writings from important figures in the development of Christianity. Somewhere in all the scripture, history and various interpretations from Tertullian, Marcion, Augustine, Origen, Martin Luther, Athenasius and others, you may find what you truely believe as a Christian.


Beyond the dogma of religion, each individual should develop their own faith. Attacking my beliefs or anyone's is not the idea of theological debate; make your own case to satisfy your soul.

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Originally posted by satan:

look, i'm sorry i have offended you so drastically. i'm not anti-catholic as you keep saying i am. i don't care what you believe, as you don't care what i believe. i feel bad the guy is sick. but he is just a guy. i don't understand the glory and holiness of it. if the pastor of my church was so ill, it wouldn't be on the front of cnn's webpage. why is the pope held so high? no fighting, no banning, etc. religion is no reason to get hot tempered. religion is an opinion. some worship cows. whatever. there is no anti-catholic shit going on. you don't have to be here to educate. however, if you're not willing to correct me if i'm wrong, then how can you bitch about what i say? andrew just stopped by here at my work. he was telling me about in iraq when two young girls were seen walking home with two guys whom they weren't married. those girls were hung with their throats slit. why? because of their religion. does that mean i have to have compassion for those who slit their throats because it is their religion? maybe the catholic religion is the "right" religion and everyone else is going to hell. maybe none of them are right, maybe all of them are right. but no man deserves the attention and worship he gets. period.



When you build bridges that effect 3 decades of people, speak seven differant languages, survive being shot and still have a sense of humor - You deserve all the attention in the world.


Please don't take this as a challenge, just a statement.



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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Before anyone starts quoting scripture, please state your credentials as a biblical scholar and where you got your doctorate in theology.

Let's see yours.


Since when did anyone have to have an education in a specific subject to be able to discuss it?


That's like saying, unless you are an ASE certified mechainic, you can't post on CR.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

Let's see yours.


Since when did anyone have to have an education in a specific subject to be able to discuss it?


That's like saying, unless you are an ASE certified mechainic, you can't post on CR.

Great points. Agreed completely.
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Drunk on a sunday. Booyah. There's something within us all that early peoples tried to explain by using God. Nowadays, Science has revealed a single omniscient deity to be false.... However, I think tht there is still something that affects our decisions and/or luck. (if ou dont understand this, its because berbs and I are ripped right now)
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Originally posted by 151:

Science has revealed a single omniscient deity to be false

Yeah, I'm with DJ on this one - I think your statement is incorrect. Maybe you meant to say this:


"The theory of evolution by natural selection, which has proven to be very viable as a theory, stands in direction opposition to the theory of Creationism, or the notion that a diety (i.e., God), created the world and everything on it in seven days. Thus, if we are to believe that the evolution of natural selection is the "correct" theory - and there's no reason at this point to think that it's not - then we cannot, by definition, accept the theory of Creationism. However, notably, the theory of evolution by natural section does not disprove the existence of an omnipotent being - it simply refutes the notion that an omnipotent being created the world in seven days."

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Originally posted by 151:

Nowadays, Science has revealed a single omniscient deity to be false....

...I'm dying to hear this one...

I feel pretty much the same, but even I dont go as far as to say its been proven or disproven.

The thing about faith is, it can never be disproven, especialy with respect to a god that can control, change, and manipulate everything. "God works in mysterious ways" is sufficient argument for alot of people.


I beleive what I beleive, DJ beleives what he beleives, its in stark contrast, but he loves me, and thats good enough for me. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Science has not proved that dieties are nonexhistant, they have proved that the primordial soup is the most probable and have reacreated various steps of it including the combination of basic chemicals into protein strings and the collection of those strings into various compound molecules necessary for the building blocks of life ie: RNA DNA they have even created simple cellular possiblity. THEY have not created life and cannot combine all of the various steps into creating life. Therefor they have disproved NOTHING and cannot count out other possibilites. They can only rely on the data they have which supports evolution more than any other simple theory.


So Please do us a favor and dont quote facts that you made up in your head.

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