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sales tax


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Well actually, this increase went into effect July 1, 2003! The good news is the State Rate is scheduled to decrease on July 1, 2005. Legislation pending in the Ohio General Assembly (HB66, the state budget bill) would make the state rate 5.5% July 1, 2005.
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its 6.75% in good old fairfield county. A couple of months back, Fairfield county had a levy to increase the sales tax to 7%, and of course, it was voted down. The end result=100 county employees were laid off. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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Originally posted by Lustalbert:

i love buying out of state. id rather pay the shipping so the delivery guy earns it then just give 7% to tha man.

Well, Ohio will be taking that away too. Ohio is participating in the Streamlined Sales Tax Project. The SSTP is a multi-state initiative to make sales tax laws, rules, and systems more uniform across states and thus easier for vendors to collect states’ sales taxes. The ultimate goal of the SSTP is to encourage out-of-state vendors – primarily catalog and Internet companies – to collect the sales tax of Ohio and other states.
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It's all a scam. Shouldn't taxes match the rate of inflation? Especially in these times where the economy was or is shit. If people are paying more for everything, then the Gov is already getting more Cheddar and then on top of that they raise taxes?


So the Fed's lower rates so it's more enticing to put your self farther in debt to in return boost economy. So then what happens? The prices of homes and cars go up and everything sells based on a monthly payment. The Fed's are playing the same game. Sad.

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Tax should not go up with inflation. As inflation goes up, they will get thier tax off of the increased price of the goods, as well as off of the income that people will increase (raise, second job)to compensate for the inflation rate. Rasing taxes to "keep with inflation" is a way of disguising "we suck at budgeting"
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it's all about the people in office want their 15% raise every year... how do they get it? raise taxes...


How about they spend that money on something that helps us.... better schools, free health care, anger managment training for law enforcement officers... I mean, something... don't make some fat guy that sits in his leather chair not doing anything richer...

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Will it never end?


Franklin County debates raising sales tax.


Commissioners may diminish benefit of state's planned rate cut

Franklin County commissioners are considering a quarter-percent sales-tax increase to help erase a potential $55 million budget deficit for 2006.

If enacted later this year, it would be the first increase since a half-cent county sales tax began in 1985, and because of a pending cut in the state's sales-tax rate, shoppers still would pay less at the cash register than they do today

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Guest powers
Originally posted by Orion:

if i were in charge, sales tax would be 10%, higher on luxery items. but, thered be no such thing as income tax.

Florida is also this way. No state income tax at all. And their sales tax is only 6.5%. They paid what is called intangable tax on mortgage loans as well as state tax stamps. Usually runs a total of 6.50 per thousand borrowed.
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