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People that steal gas (driveoffs) RANT


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I was at the Duke at Williams and Alum Creek today and a guy pulled up in from of me, almost hits the Durango. When his skanky G/F, Wife or what ever starts pumping gas, he crams a rag over the license plate. I went in and told the attendant what was going to happen, (driveoff) so the manager went out and got he plate number. Confronted the woman, who has MONEY IN HER HAND for the fucking gas. Tells the manager that she wants to get some beer so she needs to go get her ID. Jumps in the van and her dirtball husband drives off, not paying for the gas of course.


Fuckers like this need to swing from the gallows. Best of all a fucking Obetz cop was in the back lot of the Duke, taking his lunch break. But do you think he caught em?? Fuck no, didn't bother to even try.


The majority of us work hard, and pay for our shit, why?? So that cocksuckin motherfuckers like this can steal for the places we shop, running the fucking prices up for the honest ones. Screw that shit.


My only regret was I wasn't in my old truck... I would have blocked his ass in with it... but I figure that he would have rammed the Durango, and then I would have been on the news for sure went I set his ass on fire.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I say all pumps should be pre-pay. That would definately solve the drive-off problem.

Dad was forced to adopt that policy last year. 30 years with literally 1 drive-off every few years turned into 1 a month. The worst part about it was upsetting the people that have dealt there for decades because of this ass-lickers.
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Guest Midnight Blue
Originally posted by desperado:

Yeah, you pay MORE at the pump because people steal gas so the gas companies pass on their losses to us.

I don't think that the impact would be significant. The prices we see are more likely a result of the practices of petrol companies
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Originally posted by desperado:

Yeah, you pay MORE at the pump because people steal gas so the gas companies pass on their losses to us.

It was my impression that drive-offs were the store owner's liability, not passed on to the fuel company. I heard that you can make some pretty good money in owning gas stations, but one drive-off per day and you lose money.
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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

It was my impression that drive-offs were the store owner's liability, not passed on to the fuel company. I heard that you can make some pretty good money in owning gas stations, but one drive-off per day and you lose money.
You'd probably lose money on the gas, but that's not where a gas station makes their money from what I've heard. They make their money on everything inside, and for places like Vinces Dads, the service too.
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Guest GSRchick714
I'd say it should always be pre-pay. I always pay at the pump anyways with a card so I could care less! And if you're paying with cash, you gotta go in at some point!! How cheap do you have to be to steal gas? I mean, if you cant afford gas, you cant afford to have a car-duh!!
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Guest Midnight Blue

For the sake of argument, maybe some of these driveoffs are not the slimeballs we make them up to be. Granted there are some sleezy folks out there, it is much easier to point a finger at petty crime than it is to hold business/government accountable. As it was stated before, the frequency of driveoffs has risen dramatically in the last several months/years. So what is different. Economy gone to the crapper, both local and nationally. No Child Left Behind has failed to improve the education - Human Capital - and thus diminishes the value of our country's greatest resource. We have so called conservatives running sky high deficits that has a profound effect on our future economic prospects. Then there is healthcare that is flying through the roof where the greatest nation on the face of this earth cannot afford to maintain the health of its hardworking citizens. So what are we left with?


I'm not even going to get into "liberating" Iraq.


I lost my decent wage job - I can't get educated for a new position - I work part time now with little/no benefits - My kid is sick and I need money for medication - My future is not bright - Nor is my child's - I still need to drive to work for $6.50 an hour at walmart (granted I do love walmart) - What if no body can see my plates.


Does it make it right?




Will I get in trouble for stealing gas?


I'll have to chance it, my pocket is cleaned out.


Will people see the real issues facing America to day - and by that, I do not mean gay marriage, abortion, stemcells or bibles in public spaces? Will people get off their asses and change things?



Not likely.



This is all hypothetical. Or maybe it isn't. I've been lucky enough that I haven't been faced directly with alot of these questions. At least not yet.


Sure it would probably feel good to catch the "driveoff" and have the 5-0 haul their asses to jail. But has it solved the real problem. Not one single bit.


You want to do something, communicate with the people you voted for. If they don't improve things, find their replacement.


Just food for thought.



P.S. I know I am coming off as a tree huger here but I am educated as an economist and I consider myself a conservate and I am a Christian. Go figure.

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Guest Midnight Blue

Read the post again, and your analogy has no legs to stand on. Quite honestly, that sort of shallow thinking is a good part of the problem.


[ 28. January 2005, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: Midnight Blue ]

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Originally posted by Neo:

You'd probably lose money on the gas, but that's not where a gas station makes their money from what I've heard. They make their money on everything inside, and for places like Vinces Dads, the service too.

Yeah, keep in mind that the mark up on fuel is different than the mark up on auto parts, groceries, oil, filters, etc. If you have a water pump installed at a shop, you can expect to pay about a 30% mark up on the parts. So, the garage buys the pump for $30, then charges you $39.


No matter what the current price of fuel is, the mark up per gallon is only ~$.05. Station pays $1.50, you pay $1.55. Station pays $2.05, you pay $2.10. "But, we buy 20 gallons at a time!!!" people say. Great, the station just made $1.00 off of you.


If a smaller station pumps 10,000 gallons a week, that's $500 in profits. Sounds great, but that same station pays at least 2 people's wages to work the store, clean, etc. The real profits (at least today), are in 'C' stores. Those 12 packs of beer, bags of chips, cigs, and such add up very quickly.


The next problem? If you force people to prepay, they don't come inside to pay a cashier. The fewer customers you have enter the store, the fewer groceries you'll sell. That's the catch 22 with pay at the pump. Fewer inside customers.


It's interesting that after most stations started selling convenience groceries, and taking profits away from grocery stores, the large grocery stores said, "Fuck that", and began selling gas. That, in turn, starting sucking fuel profits away from gas stations.


Places like Meijers and Krogers selling gas, along with places like Wal-Mart acting like they can service cars, drove a stake through most of the small, full-service station's hearts.


As far as drive-offs affecting what you pay for gas... independent station owners eat every penny lost by a drive-off. It's not just $.05 per gallon, it's the entire price the owner paid. Company operated stations turn the losses into the company. It's a big loss.

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Originally posted by Midnight Blue:

I lost my decent wage job - I can't get educated for a new position - I work part time now with little/no benefits - My kid is sick and I need money for medication - My future is not bright - Nor is my child's - I still need to drive to work for $6.50 an hour at walmart (granted I do love walmart) - What if no body can see my plates.

Whaaaaa.....get a better job. It isn't hard at all to get a job that pays better than freaking $6.50/hr. Hell, Calltech pays $9 an hour and offers benefits, and they will pretty much hire anyone who can operate a PC.


Because you can't afford gas doesn't give you the right to steal it.


Before you give me any more "pitty stories" I spent a year unemployed, losing a job that paid very well, and racked up quite a bit of debt because of it. But I never stole ANYTHING.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Whaaaaa.....get a better job. It isn't hard at all to get a job that pays better than freaking $6.50/hr.

No shit. You could always join the military. But oh wait, you could get shot and die in Iraq fighting for the freedom of innocent, less fortunate people. Did everyone catch the sarcasm in that statement? Good. I'm tired of hearing people bitch about how there's no jobs available. Bullshit motherfuckers. My recruiter (as well as all the other recruiters from every branch), have to work their asses off each month in order to meet their quota. What's that mean? It means that people are lazy hypocrits that are constantly complaining about the problems in our world but aren't willing to make a difference themselves. Plus, i can't think of any other job that carries a 100% job security title like the military. As long as you aren't a fat, disgusting lard ass, i see no reason why you shouldn't be considering the military if you are currently out of a job. Believe me, the military is desperate. Shit the Army just increased their yearly quota by 30,000 and the Marine Corps increased theirs by 3,000. Each branch is practically fighting the others to get people to join their branch...
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Midnight Blue:

Does it make it right?



Does anyone else have the reading comprehension skills I do? I hope so.


The vast majority of people view crime as an absolute last resort. It makes sense to keep as many people from getting to that point as possible.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Yeah, keep in mind that the mark up on fuel is different than the mark up on auto parts, groceries, oil, filters, etc. If you have a water pump installed at a shop, you can expect to pay about a 30% mark up on the parts. So, the garage buys the pump for $30, then charges you $39.


No matter what the current price of fuel is, the mark up per gallon is only ~$.05. Station pays $1.50, you pay $1.55. Station pays $2.05, you pay $2.10. "But, we buy 20 gallons at a time!!!" people say. Great, the station just made $1.00 off of you.


If a smaller station pumps 10,000 gallons a week, that's $500 in profits. Sounds great, but that same station pays at least 2 people's wages to work the store, clean, etc. The real profits (at least today), are in 'C' stores. Those 12 packs of beer, bags of chips, cigs, and such add up very quickly.


The next problem? If you force people to prepay, they don't come inside to pay a cashier. The fewer customers you have enter the store, the fewer groceries you'll sell. That's the catch 22 with pay at the pump. Fewer inside customers.


It's interesting that after most stations started selling convenience groceries, and taking profits away from grocery stores, the large grocery stores said, "Fuck that", and began selling gas. That, in turn, starting sucking fuel profits away from gas stations.


Places like Meijers and Krogers selling gas, along with places like Wal-Mart acting like they can service cars, drove a stake through most of the small, full-service station's hearts.


As far as drive-offs affecting what you pay for gas... independent station owners eat every penny lost by a drive-off. It's not just $.05 per gallon, it's the entire price the owner paid. Company operated stations turn the losses into the company. It's a big loss.

your also pay for the 44 cent tax a gallon
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Originally posted by More Empty Threats than CR:

Does anyone else have the reading comprehension skills I do? I hope so.


The vast majority of people view crime as an absolute last resort. It makes sense to keep as many people from getting to that point as possible.

good i thought i was the only one actually reading.
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