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Douche bag in a silver SRT neon on 270 - 7/12/05

The Man of Steele

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It's times like that I say to myself - it would be sooo cool for one of our finest grey suited officers to witness one of these nic norks & handle them appropriately!!!! Then they wouldn't have so much time to fool with real machines that don't do stupid moves in heavy traffic - :D
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

lamest flame thread evar

Your attempt to look cool, with all of you one line posts is pathetic. You come into ever thread and act like your the hardest mother fucker around, but its the same old shit..."lamest thing evAr"..."worst kill story evAr"..."worst post on CR evAr"....


Come on Adam I know your not the smartest guy an everything, but please spare my brain from glancing over your posts. Make them worth while.

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Dose he hang out with a kid in a teal Intergra. Anybody know. I hang out in Delaware and if it is the same kid he tried to race my friends 04 cobra. In a 25 then did a blow by at about 65 when my friend would not race (in the middle of downtown Delaware)
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