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Indemnity Insurance Sucks!

Trouble Maker

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So I was a pretty bad driver for the first few years I had my license. I had three wrecks and four or five tickets through part of my freshman year in college. I completely understand why I was put on this in the first place. I realized that I needed to quit doing that so I started driving much more responsible. So in the last five years I've had one ticket and zero accidents. Since that one ticket was within the last three years I can't get off of the Indemnity insurance, it will be more than three years when my next renewal comes up so I will be able to get regular insurance. Then the renewal after that I will be 25. My rates should drop significantly, I can't wait. smile.gif


I just don’t know why it’s so hard to get back off of Indemnity insurance! redface.gif

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I had three wrecks and four or five tickets through part of my freshman year in college.


I just don’t know why it’s so hard to get back off of Indemnity insurance!
not talkin shit, but i think you answered your own question, homie.
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Originally posted by Orion:

not talkin shit, but i think you answered your own question, homie.

Reading comprehension is not your friend. I changed the way I drove and I have had one ticket and no accidents in the last five years. I don't know why I should still be punished for something I did that's so far back no insurance company would even look at it. I'm not on indemnity insurance at this point because of what I did then. I'm on it because of one ticket from memorial day weekend in 2002. I'm sure plenty of people on this board have had more than one ticket in the last three years (let alone five years) and aren't on indemnity insurance, just because they weren’t on it before. I had two fairly small claims on my insurance, one about $1k and one about $2k's worth. One was in my junior year in High School and one was in my freshman year in College. That's all I've ever cost the insurance company, and once again, that stuff was from over five years ago.


Logically explain that to me why I should still be on it. Like I said, I understand why I was on it in the first place. I just don't think I should still be on in when my record is almost spot free for the last five years.


[ 27. April 2005, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: Trouble Maker ]

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Trust me, I had one huge blemish on my driving record from a few years ago, and most if not all insurance companies tell you that they are cutting you a break, when they aren't. Hell, I was told my blemish wasn't even on my record anymore by one insurance company, while I was shopping around, and I came to find out later that it actually was. Insurance companies/prices are just like gas companies/prices a huge bunch of bs. Insurance companies also don't care if you've made a mistake and how long ago it was. It's the sad part about this world. People and companies will take advantage of anyone if they can, period.
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Reading compression is not your friend.
thats so funny, that im not even gonna whup your ass for trying to talk shit to me.


being honest, id start looking for a different company. be sure you DONT tell them that youre on indemnity currently. as a former insurance guy (granted, not auto insurance) i can tell you that once youre a risk in a certain companys eyes, your ALWAYS a risk.

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Originally posted by Orion:

thats so funny, that im not even gonna whup your ass for trying to talk shit to me.


Yeah, I do shit too quick on the computer and sometimes when I'm spell checking via word I acidentally tell it to use the wrong word. I just glance at it to quick sometimes.


Originally posted by Orion:

being honest, id start looking for a different company. be sure you DONT tell them that youre on indemnity currently. as a former insurance guy (granted, not auto insurance) i can tell you that once youre a risk in a certain companys eyes, your ALWAYS a risk.


I get where you’re coming from. We've, including my parents, been with our guy for as long as I can remember. Being honest, he is hooking me up and on regular insurance I might be worse off with anyone else. I really don't have too much to bitch about, except for it would be even cheaper if it were not indemnity insurance with him. It would be a waste now to look around anyways because I will be off of it in November. Then when it renews again in a year I will be 25. My insurance will be dirt cheap then, if it’s not, then I will be shopping around. Maybe if I would have realized this two years ago (three years after my reign of destruction via cars stopped) it might have made sense.


Originally posted by RoadRage:

Trust me, I had one huge blemish on my driving record from a few years ago, and most if not all insurance companies tell you that they are cutting you a break, when they aren't.


I guess that's just it, I've never had anything huge on my driving record. Three accidents, two were claims totaling $3k at most. I hit some old truck and messed up his metal bumper, <$1k claim. I also backed into an old Escort destroying the quarter panel to the point where they couldn’t open the door, probably totaled due to worth of vehicle, ~$2k max. A few tickets, all 10-19 over if speeding, one of them was for one of the accidents. No DUI’s, no reckless ops, all claims were dirt cheap. Despite that, like I said, I understand why I was on it in the past. I was young and on a fairly good consistent streak. I just don't understand why I'm still on it because of one ticket from almost three years ago.


P.S. I fucking hate UBB. redface.gif


[ 27. April 2005, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Trouble Maker ]

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You know what's funny? My insurance used to be a fortune, even though I've never had an accident. My MVR shows one ticket, (Even though I've been cited over 40 times in the last five years.. Friendly prosecutors > Tickets) My wife has never had an accident, no tickets, and is quite possibly the worst driver in existance; but she's golden to the insurance company. My premiums went from over $3000 a year to under $1200, and we've purchased more expensive vehicles in that time period. Unbelievable.
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it will be more than three years when my next renewal comes
renewal on a car in the state of Ohio is every 6 months.


sounds like you are in a nonstandard company.

I never have heard of Indemnity insurance, maybe its what your Insurance company calls there nonstandard company.


now there are a couple questions for ya.

are you on your own policy or on your parents policy? how old are you currently? Are you married?

If your on your own poicy and under 25 your are considered a youthful driver, but if your married your not.


anyone under 25 on there own policy is considered a youthful driver and will be in a nonstandard company.


with one ticket you still qualify for a standard company.

also as long has you have prior coverage for a continuous 6 months there should not be a problem

unless your current limits are low.


Now I'm using Nationwides Guidlines your your insurance company may be a little different.

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To answer your questions Shawn, indemnity insurance is just what they call 'high risk' insurance. I got put on it because of all of the tickets and accidents when I was younger, not because of my age.


I'm with All State. Afaik they don't have different insurance for different ages. They just classify you on the policy. They have one bracket for under 21, one for 21-25, and one for over 25. They also say whether you are single or not. This is how they clarify it on the policy, and charge different rates. I am less than 25, single, on my own insurance. So my policy says "21-25, single".


I got the ticket on Memorial Day weekend of 02'. So Memorial Day weekend of this year it will be three years. My policy just got renewed. It starts in May and I actually get the policy sometime early in April, so it hasn't been three years yet. It will be renewed again in November, six months. At that point it will have been more than three years from my past ticket.


Theoretically I could get another ticket before my policy renews, and still be on indemnity insurance for ANOTHER three years. At which point I would have only had two tickets in eight years, and would still be on high risk insurance. I would be 27, but would just then be getting off of indemnity insurance for things I did when I was in high school, early college. If this happens I will first call my insurance guy and see if it can be 'taken care of'. If it can't be, I will be switching to a different company. There's no reason I should get a moving violation ticket before then though.


A bunch of bullshit.

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ok that makes sence. it sucks, but makes sence.


Different company different guidlines


you might want to give Nationwide or another company a call. one warning I know with Nationwide they WILL NOT insure modified vehicles

and by modified it reffers to anything that increases the preformance of the car.

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Originally posted by Great Googley Moogley:

one warning I know with Nationwide they WILL NOT insure modified vehicles

and by modified it reffers to anything that increases the preformance of the car.

So what happens if I get in an accident and it's modified? If they find out, will they deny a claim?


It would be pointless to go with them. The Talon is already modified and they S4 will get a few things eventually, probably including a chip. If the Talon gets to where I plan it to be, I will probably just go with agreed coverage if I can.

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Assured Risk is right, start looking at different companies after Memorial Day. Most companies go back 35 months. They all make it easier by saying 3 yrs. You never said what you are paying for your six month premium and do you require an SR-22 bond?


One thing about modified vehicles is that some companies don't want to insure them and all companies will only pay the actual cash value of the vehicle no matter what mods you have on it. Some companies will allow you to add coverage for mods or will allow you to set a value for your car and then you are insuring that value (including mods) instead of the cash value of the car. People who have classic cars usually purchase those type of policies.

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Originally posted by gaewsky1:

You never said what you are paying for your six month premium and do you require an SR-22 bond?

No SR22 bond. $1k every six months for liability on the Talon and full Coverage on the S4.
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Trouble Maker,


I sell insurance and that is not a bad price at all. I don't know where you live but for a single male in the Columbus area that is pretty cheap. You are only paying approx 167.00 per month. The S4 is considered a luxury + sporty vehicle = highly rated. And even though you have just liability on the Talon it is still considered a sports car with a turbo and insurance companies rate it high also.


Bottom line don't feel bad at all for what you are paying! Good luck finding something cheaper. I don't think you will.

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Originally posted by gaewsky1:

Bottom line don't feel bad at all for what you are paying! Good luck finding something cheaper. I don't think you will.

Completely Agree! graemlins/thumb.gif


Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Being honest, he is hooking me up and on regular insurance I might be worse off with anyone else. I really don't have too much to bitch about, except for it would be even cheaper if it were not indemnity insurance with him.

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