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LMAO who sucks now?


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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

hey jon why dont you just remove yourself off of this car board until you get your fat ass into one.

STFU geoff and go work on some car or soemthing, cause i thouhgt you were done with cr graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by Rotarded:

4. Rivalry records mean nada on gameday, so shut your pie-hole until late November, when you can join Rane, Stealthmonkey, and the other "I didn't go to Michigan, but they are my favorite team" fags , in a circle jerk and watch the game.

I am sorry but did you say something that is pretty much pointless. How many fucking buckeye fans in this state that live and breathe buckeye football who have never even seen the shoe in person?


dude shut up i grew up in michigan about 30 minutes away from the big house. By what you are saying you can only be a fan if you went there I can count more than 75% of the members on this board have not even enrolled who are die hard bucks fans. Honestly I really dont care. Cause people in this stuckup, ignorant town have not realized this is a fucking sport not a way of life. I wasn't even going to post anything under this thread until my name was mentioned. Look I know that osu has had some losses but I dont agree with kicking people while they are down. So Got Turbo even though we may still root for the same team. Have alittle more respect, and not be a fucking dick. If you want to bash anyone pick a better team to rag on like Purdue. damn they lost to a team placed 13. Go badgers!


Originally posted by Republicant:

Hey geoff... I have a car.... and a motorcycle.... and I'm not fat... and I don't lie about everything.... and you have a tiny penis. Don't you have some floors to sweep at Roby or something? Douchebag.

hey dumbass, one I am not one to start messuring my dick to your iq number. So heres alittle news flash for you. 1) Havent worked for roby in a year and a half. 2) all the mechanics sweept and had the same role as i did. 3) please make more comments like this cause I just laugh and realize that you are an even bigger dumb ass than nitrousbird.
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Guest boostedmx6
yes he lived by a prison and you live in the city that has a horse shoe so they play liek shit due to they play in shit cuz thats what horse shoes are in all day shit you are a real quick guy there dont hurt yourself while eating with a fork or a spoon
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