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LMAO who sucks now?


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No, but the important thing is that I saw you, and got a first impression of you. That first impression is very low. I (and most likely many others on here) now think even lower of you.


If you learned some proper english, and stopped trying to dress and act like you are something that you are not, then you may get a shred of respect on here. Until then, please stop polluting this board with your ignorance.

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Ok jackass lets get some knowledge here and define the word ignorant. Ignorant means not knowing, one who is unaware or uninformed... now that we cleared that up first impressions dont mean shit dickhead. I am who i became growing up aroung the people who i grew up with.. and so are you. i lived where i lived, hung out with those i hung out with. Therefore i became me... if you didnt talk to me and see what i was really about then dont say shit. I already told you that. I see alot of people, but that doesnt make them a lesser person by the way they dress,act, ect... And let me inform you of something, my english is how ever it comes out of my mouth or how i type it. So unless you want to come to my house and give me english lessons i suggest you stop wasting your breath!
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Oh and just to add, why the fuck would i care about what any of you think of me. Im not losing sleep staying up at night wondering if you think highly of me. Quite frankly i just am one of those people that just dont give a fuck, and that doesn't judge people by the way they dress. So i think you should grow up a little bit and stop acting like im any less of a man then you because i wear the clothing i wear!
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Yo don't worry about that guy, he is one of those insane clown couch loving faggots. Anyways, of course your impression is going to be low when more urban people roll up.


On the other hand, you could be a bigger man then me and or Turbo and not judge how for how we look or spell. THEN maybe you can realize that we both are easy to get along with, I am easier to get along with because I don't ALWAYS resort to violence >=D.


Not only that either or both of us are eager to learn more about cars and what not without all the bullshitting, this is an MICH>OSU thread not an OMG I h8 u lets get personall thread. If you want to comment on my personality do it in person you fucking pansies. Otherwise bullshit with me whatever but don't let it get so serious. I'll be out plenty more rather you like me or not so you mideaswell unpaint your face and get used to it. If were so ignorant lend us some intellect, maybe you can teach me some about cars. If not said before I'm a free hand if anyone needs help fixing anything on there car, I don't have all the knowledge or tools but I'm ready to learn and help. On the upside I do have a 2 1/2 car garage O.o!

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As do i have the same exact house as Rane :-p including garage. Why are you guys so quick to get personal and judge. But im not gonna quote everythign he said you can read it in his post. But maybe if you guys calmed down with the smart ass come backs everything would just be dicking around about OSU/MU :-x And Ross i dont always resort to violence. Only when i feel threatened
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Let;s break this kid's life down.


1) Has no car.

2) Has no license.

3) Lives with his "overprotective grandma"

4) Has the spelling prowess of a slightly retarded 6 year-old.

5) His friends are also more of the same, and generallly looked down upon by those that matter.

6) He has deemed it acceptable to talk shit that no one can understand, on a board where virtually nobody knows him, to people that both don't give a shit about him that will also forget he exists once he's banned.


I know you have to be 18 to buy guns... But seriously, I'll loan you mine plus however many bullets it takes to penetrate that thick cranium as yours, just as a favor to the community.

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1) Somehow you always think you dictate who is better then who or who "Matters."


2) No one likes you anymore then they like turbo as far as I can tell.


3) Whatever shit anyone here in this thread put together talks you talk way more everytime your fingers get near a keyboard(I doubt you even talk in person.)


4) Obviously you can understand what everyone is saying just fine or else you wouldn't be making your gay remarks.


5) No matter how hard we search we can never find any humour in any of your post so just quit trying, I've yet to see you get any laughs.


6) Arn't you one of the guys who are battling for "*** mad tytest flamer in da kitchen?" can you be any lamer then to call our arguments online to talk shit and see who talks shit best? Whenever CR has a get together with the gloves you gonna come :-D?

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Originally posted by Republicant:

5) His friends are also more of the same, and generallly looked down upon by those that matter.

6) He has deemed it acceptable to talk shit that no one can understand, on a board where virtually nobody knows him, to people that both don't give a shit about him that will also forget he exists once he's banned.

How in the hell are you going to say this shit do you know this kid? I remember a time not to long ago when your post whore ass posted about a 1,000 post in one month and about 90 percent of them (just like now)dont amount to shit.Lets break your life down you probably spend about 12 hours on the computer,1 hour knocking on doors and making phone calls for the local Rep. canidate Dewey "Big Bubba" Brooks Jr. so he can get Re-elected for that all powerful office of mayor of a town w/ a population of 6 near Athens,1 hour running from upper classmen who if they catch you will haze your ass so bad if video taped and played on the news people will be talking about it for 2 weeks,5 hours for school and the other 5 hours you save for a combination of jacking off,Drinking non alcholic beer and sleeping(alone) so you have energy enough to fabricate a story about the "wild" night you had and post it on CR the next day.

JR. your a freshman in college you don't know shit yet. Stay humble,shut the fuck up,learn something and when your balls drop then try talking shit.

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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

[QB]How in the hell are you going to say this shit do you know this kid? I remember a time not to long ago when your post whore ass posted about a 1,000 post in one month and about 90 percent of them (just like now)dont amount to shit.Lets break your life down you probably spend about 12 hours on the computer,1 hour knocking on doors and making phone calls for the local Rep. canidate Dewey "Big Bubba" Brooks Jr. so he can get Re-elected for that all powerful office of mayor of a town w/ a population of 6 near Athens,1 hour running from upper classmen who if they catch you will haze your ass so bad if video taped and played on the news people will be talking about it for 2 weeks,5 hours for school and the other 5 hours you save for a combination of jacking off,Drinking non alcholic beer and sleeping(alone) so you have energy enough to fabricate a story about the "wild" night you had and post it on CR the next day. JR. your a freshman in college you don't know shit yet. Stay humble,shut the fuck up,learn something and when your balls drop then try talking shit.

This by far the lengthiest post I have seen Old Dirty Bastard post in my year of being on CR.
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Im not posting to this idiot i am not starting shit else maybe he can respect me from not coming back im done with the childish ass games. But ross and ODB thanks for pulling this guys card while i was gone ( Calling him out ) i appreciate it. One comment tho you really dont know me so stop with the remarks, you dont know what im capable of or who my friends are :-x
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

Im not posting to this idiot i am not starting shit else maybe he can respect me from not coming back im done with the childish ass games. But ross and ODB thanks for pulling this guys card while i was gone ( Calling him out ) i appreciate it. One comment tho you really dont know me so stop with the remarks, you dont know what im capable of or who my friends are :-x

Are you kidding me? "You dont know what im capable of or who my friends are"...how fucking gay.


You're right, I dont know you or your friends, and I really dont want to dumb myself down so I can get to know either of the two.


Internet threats are weak. Get a life, a liscense, and then come talk shit. Oh wait...


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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

you dont know what im capable of or who my friends are :-x

Because a person cannot be defined as an individual, a person can only be defined by their social group.


Apparently, you are not (legally) capable of driving. So, what are you capable of? Is anyone suppose to be worried over this comment? Is it some sort of threat?


Or are you just trying to make your meager existance worth something in your own fragile mind?

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

One comment tho you really dont know me so stop with the remarks, you dont know what im capable of or who my friends are :-x

On a serious note: You need to reword this due to the fact that it sounds like a threat, which you can be banned for.


Whoops a bit late....

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

you know actually for not knowing me at all... you're right. i wish i did have a role model when i was molding myself into the man i have become :-x

The man you have become? You dont even classify as an adolescent graemlins/slap.gif


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