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Columbus Tuning


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Some of you might have read the thread about their site, They said we were all jerks so I try to get some challenges going since they were downing us and now I"M a ASSHOLE for it. So standing-up for my fellow board members makes me a asshole. Was I wrong for this?
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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

I think everybody should shut the fuck up and just let them be. Why start shit?

I wasn't trying to start shit. I was only trying to get them to put up or shut up after we were called jerks.
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Originally posted by Nismo:

Some of you might have read the thread about their site, They said we were all jerks so I try to get some challenges going since they were downing us and now I"M a ASSHOLE for it. So standing-up for my fellow board members makes me a asshole. Was I wrong for this?

My .02 is there isnt anything wrong with what you did there isnt anything wrong with freindly comp. ;) I got your back
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Guest 01NFRs2k
I think it's a really nice community... people are free to talk about whatever they want without getting flamed... people don't argue about who's car is faster/better... no one really cares... it's just a bunch of car enthusiasts talking about what they love
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Racing > Tuning


That's the only thing I don't like, "tuning" and "tuners". It used to be adjusting a carb or tweaking your fuel injection, at least some bit of technical ability and performance improvement associated with the term. Now "tuning" means slapping on a muffler and bodykit, every kid does it.


Columbus Tuning looks like a nice board (of non-assholes unlike me and the rest of CR) just starting out, but the name is lame.

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They seem like nice, friendly people, and things can get a bit rowdy here, I've noticed. It's easy for a noob who doesn't know better to take it a bit more seriously then it should be taken, which prolly leads to the "jerks" comments.


BUT the Cavaliers I've encountered so far do kinda suck (Admittedly they were older ones)... I beat one in my Neon last year without even pushing it that hard... Even though he was REALLY trying, I was still pulling away from him steadily. Every time he got close, I'd just push the gas pedal down a little further and pull away more. Was something wrong with that car, did the driver just suck, or do they really go that slow all that time, to be beaten so easily by an automatic SOHC Neon?

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Guest 01NFRs2k
Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

The ratio of Cavaliers to cars that don't suck isn't too great over there.

Well obviously the kid who runs it drives a

Cavy. And he knows a lot of people on j-body.org so they were the first ones to sign up. So hopefully the ratio will get better over time. We make fun of the fact that there are so many j-body's all the time. We definitely realized this.

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i think cr is skeptical about other boards due to the fact we had to put up with doosh bags from csr like mekkafaggot, but the ct guys seem cool and they are definitely not trying to start a board in spite of CR so they seem cool, and let me just add mekkafaggot/imjdmyo is still the queer sauce
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Originally posted by 99BlownYellowGT:

What is CSR?



a guy who became an outcast on CR started this board. He was power hungry who edited and deleted people's posts however it suited him best.


as far as columbustuning is concerned... they all seem cool enough... instead of outcasting them... let's show them the way.... maybe get a dual car show or something put together... or invite them out to Geero's or something.

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