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Do the smart folks think splitting SEMI's is DUMB? (Video)


Do you ride recklessly in traffic?  

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Ok...www.assfaultjunkies.com has some real interesting people. Dude splits a SEMI at high speed and I pretty much said he's ignorant/stupid for doing it and I got flamed. :nono:

I don't like getting judged on the street when I'm out because someone like that gives me a bad rep by the law and the public.

I LOVE to rip the back roads, but to SPLIT between a car and a SEMI while weaving in and out is stupid if you ask me.

What's YOUR opinion. I'm curious. It's at the 50second point in the video.


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Those guys are friggin' idiots in general. Passing through traffic, in and out of blind spots and at speeds that motorists aren't expecting; they are lucky one of them didn't get killed or they didn't cause an accident.

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im bitting my tongue because i would'nt want someone else to judge me for my stupid decisions even though its impossible but coming from experience getting hit by another moving object is no fun and can 9 times out of 10 end ugly but you know what they say live and learn... as long as you live that is...

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im bitting my tongue because i would'nt want someone else to judge me for my stupid decisions even though its impossible but coming from experience getting hit by another moving object is no fun and can 9 times out of 10 end ugly but you know what they say live and learn... as long as you live that is...

Unfortunately not enough people are judged for their stupid decisions and people get hurt or killed because of it.

Parents of this younger generation are a big bag of fail, raising their precious little snowflakes with no sense of personal responsibility or accountability.

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That entire video is exactly why you guys get a bad rep. Bad thing is these guys will keep doing this shit until one of them gets killed in the process then (to late for one of them) they will realize how stupid they were.

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Even doing the crazy shit on the back roads is pretty dangerous, but 99% of the time, you're only endangering yourself so that's a personal choice you can make as an adult living in the good ol' US of A.

Doing that shit in traffic... not only is it dangerously stupid, it's completely disrespectful to the other sportbikers (who end up getting judged like Nick said) and even to the cagers. :nono::nono::nono:

In this litigious society we live in, I can imagine a scenario where that dude wrecks, the cagers don't stop in time - running his ass over in the process, and the guys' family sue the person driving the car for driving at an unsafe speed because if the car was going the speed limit, then the driver should've been able to come to a complete stop. Or, if he was going the speed limit and ran the dumbass over - it's vehicular manslaughter because you could spin it to show the driver willfully didn't stop in time intending to run over the guy. Whether the driver of the car wins or loses is irrelevant, it's the fact that stupid people often come from stupid families and the default response to defend stupidity is SUE! SUE! SUE! :rant:

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Yeah very tarded thats not even worthy of being called retarded just tarded.

+1... Don't want to insult the actual retards.

I look at it this way: There are a certain number of people each year that die in motorcycle accidents. Lets call that number "x". The more videos like this I see the better it makes me feel. The reason is because those 'tards add to x and as a result I feel a bit better that if I ride relatively safe then those idiots will be the ones to make up "x" and not safe riders.

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Keep hearing about that site, so finally went out to check it out. First thing I noticed is it seems to be a small forum/site........Only 214 registered users, with 4 online right now :eek: Most ever being 17

Is it a new site or something? Also.....Only have to be 13 to register for it?!? :rolleyes: AssFault implies road riding. How old do you have to be in OH for your license.......16 or 18? Either way.....It ain't 13.

Who knows Nick.....You may be gettin' flamed by a bunch of 13 year olds!!! :lol:

BTW.....Where is that vid/site based out of? Reason I ask....IIRC from the XX board....lane splitting is legal in CA. Trying to make out the plates on the cars or the interstate signs....

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Keep hearing about that site, so finally went out to check it out. First thing I noticed is it seems to be a small forum/site........Only 214 registered users, with 4 online right now :eek: Most ever being 17

Is it a new site or something? Also.....Only have to be 13 to register for it?!? :rolleyes: AssFault implies road riding. How old do you have to be in OH for your license.......16 or 18? Either way.....It ain't 13.

Who knows Nick.....You may be gettin' flamed by a bunch of 13 year olds!!! :lol:

BTW.....Where is that vid/site based out of? Reason I ask....IIRC from the XX board....lane splitting is legal in CA. Trying to make out the plates on the cars or the interstate signs....

I see you are currently their newest member. Congratulations. :lol:

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lane splitting is legal in CA. Trying to make out the plates on the cars or the interstate signs....

NKY and Cincy on Interstate 75.

Yeah, it's legal in CA, but only at like 15-20mph or something and the cars have to be stopped. Atleast I think. It's definately not legal in CALI to do what's in the video though.

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